Title: Snow on the Roof...
Author: Kortirion
Character: Boromir/Theodred
Rating: 13 - implied Slash
Source: AU
Disclaimer: Tolkien wouldn’t want this bit back.
Notes: For
edoraslass, inspired by her ‘Five things that didn’t happen…’ and as an antidote to the angst I’ve been guilty of.
Snow on the Roof... )
Theodred, warned by Haldir on the instructions of Galadriel, saves Boromir at Amon Hen. He takes badly wounded Boromir towards Rohan when they can no longer keep up with the Three. They are intercepted by a small party of elves led by Haldir and later rescued from an encounter with renegade Men by a larger group led by Celeborn. After fighting off an orc raid where Theodred is injured, they're both taken to an elven encampment in Fangorn. After recovering, Theodred returns with an escort of four elves down river by boat to join the Riders of the Mark on their way to Gondor [they haven't got there/met them as yet!]
Meanwhile, Boromir, still not fully healed, is taken to Lorien by Celeborn and Haldir - here he takes part in the first and second sieges of Lorien.
- still to be written: Third siege, storming of Dol Guldor, and Boromir's return to Gondor - along with Theodred catching up with the Riders and the Battle of the Pelennor... and their eventually reunion... which I think will be about the time of the Coronation... did I mention epic? *G*
Your plot sounds awesome. And epic!
'Prince of Horses, Lord of Stone' running into many chapters and numerous ocs is posted at HASA. Third Siege and Storming of Dol Guldor written, along with Theodred's race to the Battle of the Pelennor. Apart from which... Still a WIP after all these years... but I posted an Epilogue which ties up some of the characters, just as this scene is an epilogue in its own right.
I will get to complete it some day, but now I'm not putting a date on it!
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