You are my Voice - Reita x Ruki - 06/xx

Apr 08, 2008 00:45

Title: You are my voice
Chapters: 06/xx
Genre: AU, fluff, eventually angsty
Warnings: muteness, manxman love, bad english
Rating: PG-13 to be sure
Pairings/Characters: ReitaxRuki
Synopsis: “Ssh, everything’s okay, I’m here now, you’re save.”
Comments: This is completely AU. Many things are totally made up or only half true, but after all this is fiction :D
chapter 01 | chapter 02 | chapter 03 | chapter 04 | chapter 05
chapter 06 | chapter 07 | chapter 08

When Ruki was sitting in the train home the following day, he almost missed his station. He was staring holes in the air all the time, forgetting completely where he was. He still wondered if in reality he had stayed at his office after all, since staying at Reita’s place was more like one of these dreams of his would have looked like. But Reita’s cellphone number which he had saved to his Locutor proved him otherwise. Stupid Reita, Ruki had told him that he didn’t own a cellphone. What for ? He couldn’t speak anyway !

“I thought I could text you sometimes”, Reita had said with a pout on his face. Therefore Ruki was now seriously considering saving up money to buy a cellphone. He sighed for the hundredth time. It was unbelievable what the other man made him do.

When he arrived at home he immediately started his laptop and wrote everything down in his journal. He collected his thoughts and contemplated about how he could put everything into words.

“05.01. 2008 @ 11.19
Title: oh my ...

Well, I know I shouldn’t talk about it, but I’m just too full with happiness to keep all these things to myself. I’ve already hinted it a few times, and some of you thought I went crazy, but I really do have contact with Reita, okay ? It’s not like I feel better than anyone now, but I’m truly happy since I know him. That I met him a few weeks ago changed my life completely.

I’ve always adored him, you all know that very well, my blog is full of him, right ? (laugh) Well, since I’ve known him in person, my opinion of him has changed though. Not only my opinion, but also my feelings. Of course it all changed for the better. However ...

I’m still not sure what I should think ... or feel. You know, when I think about it he’s just a person like you and me. But he’s Reita, too. I can’t just fall in love with him, right ? Not only because he’s all famous and stuff, but also because I think that whatever affection I feel towards him might not be real. Probably my head is already so full of adoration for him that I can’t distinguish between my love towards my idol as a fan and between my love towards the normal person that he is as well.

It’s too dangerous anyhow ... how could anyone like him ever return my feelings ?”

Ruki reread his entry. He posted it like this, although he really wasn’t sure what people might think of him, and he was very much afraid of what people might think of him.

He didn’t know what he wanted. He had never been attracted to anyone before, let alone fallen in love with a man, he had never thought he was bi or gay. However, the only love he’d ever felt for someone was for Reita and until now he’d always thought he loved him because he was his fan and Reita was his idol. Even at this moment he thought that his love must have been unreal. And besides ... Reita and a boyfriend ?! That would have gone together like strawberries with wasabi.

The comments he got on this entry were divided. Ruki had many other Reita fans added as friends and he could feel the jealousy that came from some, saying that they wanted proves that Ruki really knew Reita in person. Ruki only told them that they should tell him what kind of proves they wanted him to provide. But he also stated clearly that he could not post pictures of him and Reita. Would they spread, Reita would have been really screwed. Besides, he didn’t have any pictures of them together. So the jealous part stayed jealous and Ruki didn’t care. Or he tried to not do so.

The other part however encouraged him and wished him good luck to sort out his feelings. They were usually the people that Ruki had known better and longer than the other half. They also considered that Ruki was taking part in interviews of famous people, so why shouldn’t he know Reita in person by now ?


Ruki worked at home for the following few days. There weren’t any interviews he had to be on the ground for. What made him happy was that Reita was online often as well. Ruki was very proud to know as one of the first people that Reita was going to release a new single soon. It was the single with the lyrics Reita had been working on lately. He told Ruki that the news would be announced in the following week, so he should keep his mouth shut about it until then. Ruki obeyed of course and laughed up his sleeve whenever he read in a forum complaints such as “Ah, when will he finally release a new CD again ?” Yes, Ruki was very proud for once.

Reita usually texted him from the studio. Ruki didn’t know how he managed to take his time to write him and produce three new songs at the same time. But he found it terribly cute how every half an hour Reita came back to his computer and whined about the things that didn’t want to work, or how Reita was so very hyper when he was finally content with his vocals in one specific part of a song.

Ruki almost died when one time Reita sent him a part of a new song and asked him how he liked it and what he could do better. He, Ruki, just received a part of an unpublished song by Reita and was asked by the man himself to criticise what he heard ! Ruki couldn’t take this. He told Reita he should leave it exactly as it was, without having listened to the part once. He deleted it again immediately.


One day it finally happened. Ruki was called for an interview with his idol and his band mates. If Ruki hadn’t known Reita before he would have been very nervous by now, but since he already knew Reita he was super nervous at the moment. His hands were cold and sweating at the same time, his legs felt like they’d give in at any moment and his stomach didn’t feel any better. It was so strange to face Reita like this. He didn’t really want this. Until now he had got to know Reita purely as his friend and business had never mingled with their friendship.

Ruki was brave though and stepped into the interview room. The interviewer was already there and greeted him. Ruki bowed politely and sat down on a chair. His hands were trembling as he took out his laptop from his bag. Some minutes later Reita and his band members arrived as well. Ruki’s head shot up when he heard Reita’s voice from behind the door and fidgeted with his hands. The interviewer went to greet the men at once and urged them to sit down. When Reita saw that his friend was present too he began to smile warmer than the sun ever could.

“Ruki ! I didn’t know you were here, too !” He walked towards him and sat down on the chair next to his. This was really a surprise for Reita. Secretly, he had always hoped he’d have the chance to be able to do an interview together with Ruki. He knew that Ruki sometimes sat in on interviews and took notes but until now he had never been as lucky as to meet him there. Even the interviewer who was there that day seemed to be nice. She was new, he had never seen her before, so she also seemed to be a little nervous.

Reita leaned back. This would be easy today.

“Hey, is this your friend you have told us about ?” This was Aoi, Reita’s bassist. Reita blushed and Ruki turned crimson. Unbelievingly, he shot a glance at Reita. Reita had told his band mates about him ? No way ! But obviously he had since they all greeted him warmly and they ensured him that they were pleased to finally meet him.

“Reita says so many good things about you all the time. We’ve already become curious who this Ruki was he’s always rambling about,” Kai said with a beautiful smile on his face. Abashedly, Reita hit Kai’s back of the head when it became too much for him. Uruha snickered at this.

“Shut up already,” he grumbled and frowned. He felt really embarrassed to let Ruki know that he had been telling his band mates about him. He just didn’t know exactly why he was so embarrassed. Probably because he didn’t want his friend to believe something wrong.

He was glad when they finally started with the interview. Ruki’s presence was almost unnoticed in the beginning. But he was carefully listening to every bit of information that Reita or his band members revealed during the interview. At one point though, Reita seemed to having been pulled out of his thoughts as a question qas directed at him. He answered in a weird manner. Ruki looked at him skeptically. Questioningly Reita looked back at Ruki.

“What ?” Reita was perplexed. Ruki typed in his laptop what Reita had just said and showed it to him. Reita had said something that made completely no sense and he hadn’t even realised it. His eyes widened and he began to stutter.

“Oh, eh, no, that’s not what I wanted to say ... really,” Ruki giggled at that. He mocked Reita a bit and Reita commented back. Suddenly, Ruki was an actual part of the interview. The tension he felt at the beginning was blown away and all of the six persons that were currently sitting in the room were talking eagerly with each other - except Ruki, of course, since he couldn’t talk, but he used his Locutor and was as well a part of the conversation. Everyone understood when it took a bit longer for Ruki to say something.

The result of this interview was magnificent. The following day, when Ruki got to read the Japanese original from the interviewer, he was stunned. There were things about Reita he had never read in any interview before. Very personal things, funny things, jokes about his band mates, jokes from his band mates about him, things about his past etc. etc.

He hadn’t even realised they had been talking about so many things the previous day. And he had never thought Reita would allow these things to be published. But obviously he did. He was happy he had been a part of yesterday’s conversation. He was looking forward to do this translation, it would be a real pleasure for him to do it.

He worked until late at night again. He put all efforts in this text, he wanted to do it perfectly. It was a delight to translate Reita’s words into English. He was aware of the fact that thousands of people were going to read his translation, therefore he wanted to convey what Reita thought and said so that everyone could understand him perfectly.

When he realised he should go home now so that he didn’t miss his train again he collected his things and rushed out of the building. He was very tired and wanted to do nothing more than to fall in his bed. He shuffled to the subway station and waited. While he was waiting he observed the people that were surrounding him. There were some couples, some school girls, women who were dressed like disco queens and a strange fellow who looked rather creepy. Ruki shuddered. He was relieved when he was finally sitting in the train.

When he looked through the carriage though, he saw that creepy man staring mischievously at him. There was a queasy feeling in his stomach suddenly. He averted his eyes quickly and was glad when he got out of the train again. He walked to the other platform to take the second train that would finally bring him to the station where he had to get off. While he was going down the stairs he realised that someone was following him. It was that same scary, ugly man whom the footsteps belonged to.

Ruki had to make a decision. He was scared to death by now and if the man was really following him he would have to endure him for another five stations before he was finally home. On the other hand ... he could take the train to Reita’s part of town. Only two stations. The decision was made easily. Instead of taking the Odakyuu line to Shimokitazawa he walked to the platform of the JR line and waited nervously.

Indeed, the man was still there. He was so glad that there were other people standing around. Ruki thought he was being paranoid, but he was really scared. There would be no way he could make himself known vocally if he’d been attacked. He didn’t like that thought.

He finally got into the train and stood near other people. The man wasn’t there. He sighed. He closed his eyes and felt how the train halted at the next station. As the train regained its speed he opened his eyes again. He almost had a heart attack when he realised that the creep was standing right in front of him all of a sudden. He turned pale and didn’t dare looking up from the floor. Helplessly, he gazed over to the other people who were there. But they were all oblivious to his misery.

The guy was way too close for his own liking. He could have held the distance of at least one meter, but he almost touched Ruki with his whole body, and Ruki was sure he could feel someone else’s hands on his leg, eventually groping his butt. Ruki was lost. Desperate, he waited for the train to come to a halt again. When it finally did he passed his stalker and rushed out of the train. Where was Reita’s apartment block again ? There was that huge billboard he had seen last time he was there. So it had to be somewhere around that corner.

He quickened his steps always looking back, noticing that he was still being followed. Ruki panicked, he was on the brink of tears when he finally found Reita’s apartment block. He hoped Reita would be at home. He came to the door and looked at the long list of occupants. He cursed Reita for not having him told his real name. Of course “Reita” was nowhere on the list. Desperately he looked through all the names. On which floor did he live again ? It was the third floor, wasn’t it ?

He heard footsteps again. His pursuer was still there, dangerously slowly walking, knowing he had his prey where he wanted it to be. Ruki began to tremble. He knew that he should find Reita’s name quickly or otherwise this would result in the worst night he had ever had to endure. Third floor, third floor ... Kanno, Shimizu, Takeuchi, Takano, Suzuki ... Suzuki. Ruki had heard that name before. Of course ! This was the name that Reita’s fans thought would be his real name. So this really was his real name ?

Ruki didn’t think about it any longer and rang the bell, no matter who would actually open him. Some very long seconds later a voice answered.

“Who’s there ?” Ruki almost jumped. It was Reita’s voice after all. Panicked, he tapped on the speaker, puffed in to it to make himself known.

“Ruki ? Is this you ?” Ruki nodded his head furiously although Reita couldn’t see him, tears in his eyes. He tapped on the speaker again and then he finally heard that buzzing sound that saved him. He flung the door open and closed it quickly again. He saw through the glass door how the man walked away frustrated and defeated.

He took the elevator to the third floor and when he stepped out of it Reita was already waiting at the door. Ruki had never been happier to see him. Sagging his shoulders, he walked towards him and finally burst into tears.

Reita stared at him, puzzled. He lead that lump of misery into his apartment at once, gently putting one arm around the smaller one’s shoulders. After Ruki took off his shoes they sat on the couch together and Reita tried to calm his friend down, speaking softly to him, trying to comfort him with kind words. Ruki was still shaking when he pulled out his Locutor and told Reita what had happened. He sobbed and sobbed, even when the tears had long ago stopped to flow.

Reita finally understood why Ruki was so upset. There were those scary fellows out there in that huge city, no one should believe they were ever really save there. Luckily, that strange fellow seemed to be rather a coward than anything else. Reita felt really sorry for Ruki. He had it bad enough already, he really didn’t deserve something like this happening to him in addition.

Carefully, he reached out for the blond, putting his arms around his small frame, pulling him into a hug, stroking his back soothingly. He closed his eyes, holding the shaking figure close to him.

“Ssh, everything’s okay, I’m here now, you’re save.”

Ruki hung limply in Reita’s arms and didn’t realise what was happening to him in that very moment. He stopped sobbing and held his breath. He stared at the wall opposite to him. Reita’s scent was rushing through his nose, dizzying his senses. His heart beat faster again, he had troubles controlling his breathing and he felt as if he had to throw up at any moment.

When he had finally adjusted to that overwhelming feeling, he lifted his arms and gripped tightly on Reita’s shirt. He closed his eyes and pressed his face to Reita’s shoulder, still inhaling that sweet scent. He began to sob soundlessly again.

Yes, he was save now.

A/N: No clue how wasabi and strawberries go together, but I don't want to try it >>"
I actually had troubles writing that creep-scene ... I didn't want Ruki to be touched too badly, but also bad enough for letting him be very frightened XD"

ガゼット, r'n'r, fanfic

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