ALTERNATES ARE INVADING. Hide your children!

Aug 24, 2006 14:30

(found here, directed to from here)

1) If there is an alternate pairing, such as RikuxKairi, CloudxYuffie, LeonxTifa,and RoxasxKairiI will get really pissed off! Stick to the basics! They're SoraxKairi, because of Namine and Roxas, don't screw it up! It's Cloud and Tifa! Any hardcore FFVII gamer knows that! And it's LeonxAerith! I know it doesn't follow to the FF7/8 pattern, but Leon looks a lot like Zack!



Come again? I didn't quite hear the part where "alternate pairings" are wrong. So what could your thoughts possibly be on Leon/Yuffie if it's Leon/Aerith for you, as Leon/Yuffie's been a mast on that rabid fanon 'ship for the last four years? Or Cloud/Aerith, another mast, 'cuz they (the rabid fans) all surmised she was his Light? ZOMG, HERETIC! BURN ME AT THE STAKE!

And Leon "looking like Zack" is no excuse to claim Leon/Aerith isn't "alternate". **clips out the could've-been ALL CAPS spiel on Leon being Zack's replacement, as this isn't the topic for it**

I'd like to see your explanation on Tidus and Yuna, 'cuz they're obviously in so much love in FFX! SURELY it carried over! Because the Final Fantasy games are soooo canon-like in the KH'verse, we have to stick to their guidelines! Tidus/Selphie must be "alternate"! 8D Wow!

And wasn't Riku/Kairi one-sided canon in KH1? =P How's that alternate and Riku/Naminé not? It wasn't Riku who was utterly devoted to Naminé's words after all (Repliku!). Riku? Rather obsessed with Kairi in the first game. Not very concerned for Naminé compared to Sora's welfare post-first game. Doesn't quite connect.

And if Roxas/Kairi is there, where's Sora/Naminé? He doesn't remember her anymore; those artificual feelings went bye-bye. Oh sure, he can recreate them with time (without the memory rearranging obviously). Spiffy. But that requires Naminé being her own "person" again, and if Naminé can do that, surely Roxas would follow, for they are friends! Or something! And obviously, it must be alternate anyway (under your definition), for Sora/Kairi is "basic", regardless!

I gots nothing against an opinion on couple perference (I got a few pairing dislikes after all), but when "alternate" becomes skewed in definition because of something a person calls "the basics"....? WTF? What basics?? I'm confused. Especially on Leon/Aerith.

(I'd love to know her opinion on Seifer/Yuffie, btw. Alternate! Must be!)

fanbrats, pairings

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