Something I don't get.

Feb 06, 2010 14:34

Why is it that there are so many people who hate Sora because he "killed their favorite characters?"

Possibly minor Days spoilers and much rantiness. )

wimpy sora, sora, organization

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Comments 180

omamus February 6 2010, 21:14:55 UTC
Oh boy, as i said in the last topic just wait until BBS is out in America.

You guys won't hear the end of the "SORA IS A CANON SUE!" fandumb.


higenshi February 6 2010, 21:17:00 UTC
We ALREADY don't hear the end of it. >>

Granted, I think it makes the kid even MORE sympathetic. D:


omamus February 6 2010, 21:22:13 UTC
Well it will get worse.

And I agree with that.


higenshi February 6 2010, 21:23:05 UTC
I believe it.

D: Poor Sora. There needs to be, like, some pocket dimension and a Sora snuggle party.


kitsuneasika February 6 2010, 21:19:32 UTC
I agree. Yes, Sora killed some of my favorite characters. That doesn't mean that I have to hate him for it. *snuggles Sora*


higenshi February 6 2010, 21:21:35 UTC
There should be a Sora snuggle party.


nabradia February 6 2010, 21:22:53 UTC
I love me some Organization XIII, but... I still love Sora. D= They're BAD GUYS. Y'kinda gotta expect 'em to die, y'know?


higenshi February 6 2010, 21:24:44 UTC
Especially when they're FAR from innocent themselves.


cygna_hime February 6 2010, 21:58:19 UTC
Okay, we need to work out exactly what has led me to the critical dissociation between "liking a character and wanting to give them cookies/hugs/the world on a plate" and "thinking a character is the purest good and flawless and can do no wrong". And then we need to forcibly inject it into fandumb.

Because really, of all the people to blame for what happened to Roxas and Xion, I'd say that the person who was unconscious the entire time and had no idea what was happening is pretty close to the bottom of the list. Blame the people who decided Sora was worth more (DiZ) or who loved Sora more (Riku), but Sora doesn't deserve to be blamed because DiZ was a jerk or because Riku cared that much.

And as for the Organization as a whole...I love my amoral tragic genius babies. I do. But I remember that key word, "amoral". No matter how tragic and painful the loss of their hearts was, mass murder is never okay. Really. It's not. Swears.


higenshi February 6 2010, 22:06:42 UTC

We should go out and make awesome fanbabies together.


pig_catapult February 8 2010, 02:58:58 UTC
What Higenshi said.


matthias_wave February 8 2010, 06:59:58 UTC
Thirding what Higenshi said.

Also, the amoral thing. Which didn't really hit me badly - especially about Demyx - until Days. We find out everybody who went to Oblivion is dead, Roxas is freaking out about his best friend... and Demyx and Xigbar just calmly have a discussion about how this will affect their workload. Right in front of him.

And Luxord and his "What'll I do with half the poker league gone D: "


burningxblue February 6 2010, 22:04:10 UTC
This. One thing the fanbrats need to remember is that Sora is HUMAN. That means he has faults and strengths just like any other person. From his perspective, this group of crazies is running around destroying the worlds and messing with Sora's friends. And you do not mess with Sora's friends. If you must dislike him, don't do it just because he was doing what he thought was right. /end rant mode


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