Why is it that there are so many people who hate Sora because he "killed their favorite characters?"
I mean, honestly, why? It's not like the Organization, you know, totally didn't... I dunno... Use him, harass him, and, gee, TRY TO KILL HIM. It's also not like he wasn't defending himself and his friends.
It just bugs the crap out of my that people hate Sora for stuff like that. Yes, he's adorable. Yes, he's fluffy and not too bright. But at the same time, his childhood was taken from him and utterly destroyed. At the age of fourteen. He isn't a kid anymore, he had to grow up. All because of other people.
He never CHOSE to be the hero. In fact, he doesn't seem too happy with it at first. He just wants his friends back. He loses his childhood, loses his heart, and then almost loses his LIFE to a guy who doesn't give a damn and just wants to rule over everything (Xemnas, for those of you who don't get it).
So, yes, he kills your precious favorite characters. But they aren't so innocent, and they kinda bother and use him, first. All he does is defend himself because there is no other way Organization XIII is presenting. It's pretty much kill them or die trying, because they sure as hell aren't gonna leave him and his friends alone.
But no, fandumb, you point and go, "OMG COLD-BLOODED KILLER!!!!"
...That would be Xemnas, folks, and I don't see how the hell you can mix the two up. Sora's a lucky little thing in that he comes out of all this able to smile. In fact, I swear he does it half to time just to remain sane.
Now I'm going to go and hug my inner Sora muse because he doesn't get why people hate him.