In which Tri writes a long freakin' letter

Feb 05, 2010 19:14

Dear People I Roleplay With on Gaia:

Now, see, I really shouldn't be roleplaying with you in the first place, because I'm already in five other roleplays playing a grand total of forty-eight characters (some, like Zexion, reused multiple times). Yes, I multiplay like a crazy bitch, thank you for the heads up. So why did I join? Because I thought it'd be fun! All those other RPs are with my friends, and while they're goddamn fun and amazing to be with, I need to stop being so dependent on them. Besides, they're terrible goddamn procrastinators and I can't keep distracting them.

In case you haven't yet figured out why this is appearing on KHFFR, then let me spell it out for you: this roleplay is goddamn painful.

OP, we're going to start with you, because you started this whole horrifyingly fascinating train wreck of a roleplay.

Starting off at the top, we'll go with your... portrayal of Xemnas, the leader of the Organization, mastermind behind plots, bringer of pain fear, possibly subtly crazy and blatantly badass motherfucker...

Who snaps at everything like a little bitch, apparently suffers from moodswings and ADD or something, falls asleep in his FUCKIN' CHAIR in Where Nothing Gathers in a retarded one liner of all things for no reason, and actually asked Naminé to 'please' pretend to be this random OC's friend just so Xemnas could find out her secret. Did we play different games or something? Or were you just not paying attention to his characterization at all when the cutscenes were rolling?

Xemnas doesn't snap. Xemnas sometimes doesn't even smile, unless he's about to fuck your shit up or he finds your struggling against his awesome master plan silly and pathetic. It's a pretty damn dark smile even then. If you're in his Organization, then Xemnas just tells you to do something, or so help you God Kingdom Hearts, he will turn you into a Dusk. Or have Xaldin spear you because he's too awesome and the Boss to do it himself.

So why is your OC allowed to run off in the middle of an important meeting when they've all just been resurrected and trying to figure out how to not fuck shit up? No consequences? No Duskification? Not even a stern telling off? And oh, more on that little brat later, let me tell you.

You play Xemnas like he's mentally handicapped, which is an impression I find hard to alternately characterize him as, since he's, you know, a fuckin' genius and has repeatedly showed it throughout the series. He's fuckin' incompetent! Now, I'm not asking you to do anything difficult, just play him in-character instead of this weird retard who can't send his subordinates on any meaningful mission that DOESN'T involve your super-special OC of specialness.

I mean, even if they aren't spot-on and are able to make me scream and hide under my desk in fear like a dear friend of mine can do with his Xemnas, most people generally can get him to be competent and have his shit together. You're playing your Xemnas so incompetent, with giving Vexen no information on your little mysterious "dark" keyblade wielding OC of Specialtown besides saying she's "so different from Xion and Roxas" and that he should just "bug it out of her" and then falling asleep in your chair and... Christ. It's pathetic. The point is, my Vexen is actually trying to start his own little secret coupe gig. Nothing serious, just doing things without you knowing in terms of finding out how he died (since there is no way in hell he or even half the Org. would team up again willingly if they had their memories intact).

So yeah. The hell. And when I inquire about giving you concrit about your Xemnas-so-bad-he's-probably-just-a-cosplayer, you even say you didn't want to play him. UM WHAT. THEN WHY PLAY HIM AT ALL, UGH.

And that's just the tip of the iceburg. Let's continue onto some of the other canon characters you play before we finish with your oh-so precious OC and continue on to the rest of the RPers.

You play Demyx as well, and I really can't complain about him. I mean, you don't do that stupid misconception of him being this sugar high squealing thing, but you also... don't really do much with him. Last I heard, he wandered off to some world that you don't describe AT ALL so it's practically a closet as far as I'm concerned, and that's when the interest completely wanes. I think you're trying to get others interested in him, but no one really gives a fuck as we aren't told where he is and everything is just so vague and in terrible two liners.. Yeah. So, while not necessarily grotesquely OOC, your Demyx is boring as fuck and doing nothing of interest to anyone.

And Sora... Oh, Sora. What did this poor boy do to you for you to mangle his characterization so grossly? I think you missed something big playing the games: Sora's psychotic loyalty to his friends and insane ability to MAKE them almost anywhere. Riku put him through so much shit, but in the end, Sora ends up crying when his trinity of friendship is all back together again, after looking for Riku for so long. It doesn't matter that he did some bad shit; that's in the past, and Sora knows how Riku's struggled with his own inner Darkness and Heartless!Xehanort fucking with him.

So why, in fuck's name, would Sora flip out when he learns Riku killed your little Sue!? Who was apparently helping him and DiZ for some retarded reason, although I can't at all see DiZ working with any Nobody that is not Naminé since she's the only useful thing around. He would DEFINITELY not go "I don't care, I'm so disappointed in you" when Riku reveals it wasn't him, it was Xehanort taking over his body. UH NO. Sora, being the goddamn Messiah, would forgive him and try to find out more about this weird OC trying to start some drama.

So try again.

And now, for that crowning little gem... Your OC. Haruka.

Sooo... "Mysterious" keyblade wielder in the Org. who is "so special" according to "Xemnas" without it ever being told or shown why and used to help DiZ&Riku out for some inane reason but then was oh so tragically killed before being resurrected with a HEART, somehow. Now, there are some things that, when summarized, sound like bad ideas but turn out to be wonderful in execution (like, in my humble opinion, Xion), and then there are things that can only be summarized badly... and be executed badly.

Your OC is one of them. This is one of those things where you (or rather, Xemnas-cosplayer) continuously praise how special and awesome and wonderful your OC is, but she just fails. She's stupid, such as giving up her "greatest secret" to a guy who doesn't even give a fuck and shows nothing but open hostility to her, and openly going to Riku and Sora when they are so not on her side because HELLO YOU'RE OBVIOUSLY AN ORGANIZATION MEMBER. Then there's her constant self-pitying that makes me feel as if I'm slogging through freakin' Twilight again, goddamn Bella Swan, shut up, no one cares because you're such a badly written character...

Which reminds me, you're one of two frakkin' OCs that doesn't have an 'x' in their name yet is in the Organization. The fuck. As my lovely wonderful friend Amber wrote, "What the hell, Xemnas Cosplayer? Name your damn newbies, jeez."

But enough about you. I've spent enough paragraphs on you, I think.
So, the rest of you. Time to face the music.

Ah, RDA. You're thirteen, or so you've told me, yes? Ah, I remembered that age. So innocent and stupid as a fuckin' brick. You also play Roxas, Riku, and some OC no one cares about except for the stupid OC trying to get into his pants. Now, there are a lot of issues with this.

Your Roxas-RPing is really kind of pathetic, as you play him... Well, when he's not being boring, he's just being kind of really stupid. I mean, when Xion is fighting an enemy Keyblader in a Castle Oblivion memory-world aka Vanitas (long story to that, audience), the last thing I would do is throw a mixed combo-spell of Aero-Fire to create a giant fire storm of doom at him. I mean, last thing I would do if I gave a fuck about my best friend, anyway. Thanks, 'tho! I needed a reason for her to run into another memory-person which would have been almost impossible with the way things had been going.

Other than that, I can't really chew you out for your Roxas. Oh, wait, yes I can.

So, I make post-formats for fun and for friends, right? I have a little Gaia thread in the Testing Forum and everything. You? Buddy, you're not my friend. You're a random guy I RP with who I kind of don't like just because of bad experiences and if you're thirteen, you really should be typing better, but I digress. So who the fuck told you that you could take my Roxas PF without fucking asking me first? You little shit, I almost want to tear off one of your legs and shove it down your throat. And if you're going to fuckin' steal a format I made, give me some goddamn credit, or at least use it at a completely different RP! Fuckin' moron.

But enough about me bitching over theft and time for me laughing at your pathetic Riku.

To be honest? I wasn't even paying attention to your Riku until he stopped staying in Destiny Islands and used a corridor of Darkness (although after the explosion in TCTNW, shouldn't he be unable to do that?) to go to Radiant Garden. That's when you and some other OC started talking about the Org.

Okay, for one thing, if you JUST NOW after having Haruka-OC run into you and start drama-shit, how do you know there are now "eighteen" members in the Org.? What? Also, Tron only has information given to him by other people, he can't give you complete information on all those Org. OCs that haven't even run into you yet.

But here's something so special, I just have to quote...
"I mean, Zexion, Lexaus, and Vexen should be easy, since I took them out in Castle Oblivion..."

You fought Vexen a couple of times, but by no means were you the one to take him out. Sora came close, but was totally willing to listen to Vexen spill the beans on everything, except Axel FLAMED HIM TO DEATH. I THINK YOU'RE FORGETTING THIS IMPORTANT PIECE OF INFORMATION.

Lexaeus batted you around like a fuckin' baseball and knocked your shit out on the CEILING. He technically won that fight against you, but unfortunately, you getting your ass handed to you apparently woke up Xehanort inside of you who unleashed a can of whoop-ass. You didn't do jack-shit besides weaken him up.

Bitch, Zexion was fucking with your brains like you were his prison bitch. You were fucked by your own guilt and Zexion's dead sexy manipulation skills. If it weren't for Naminé, your ass would probably have slit wrists right now and be bled to death on Oblivion's floors. DiZ would have no handy dandy helper. And in the end, it wasn't even you that took him out! Sure, you weakened him, but like a smart person, Zex ran off because he does not have a death wish. Repliku did the deed, and Axel was the one to lead him to poor Zexion and plant the idea in his head anyway.

Don't get so goddamn cocky, you little bitch.

You also have a retarded OC, the other offender in the "no x in the name" bit, but I really don't care about him because you're pursuing the most shallow relationship I've seen in a while with another OC that took all of five seconds to manifest but thousands of pages of painful one-liners to get through. Crystal Dragon Jesus.

Alright, moving on from RDA. Izzy, we have got to talk to you about your Naminé skills.

Now, I'm not sure which game you're freakin' basing your Naminé characterization off of because you're practically MPD about it. On one hand, she's easily bossed around by the Org. without them having to do anything. On the other, she actually backtalks Xemnas when that would normally be the stupidest thing to do (but with this Xemnas Cosplayer, is kind of understandable) and despises working for the Org. So.... Why is she working for them again? I mean, this is AFTER Kingdom Hearts 2, isn't it? She has no reason to work with them! In fact, Fuu was RIGHT THERE with her in the old mansion when Demyx was retrieved to pick her up or something, and this is kind-of Grown-Up-Badass!Fuu, not little kid!Fuu.

Sweetie, if Naminé was willing to partner up with a weaponless Kairi against Saix because she was sick of the Org.'s shit, then I'm pretty sure she'd partner up with badass Fuu to chase Demyx out of there and escape on a Gummi ship.

Speaking of which, your Naminé is freakin' useless. Seriously. The only things I've seen her do are a) draw for no reason, b) stand around being useless, c) wander around TCTNW. Uh, Naminé can do more than that and is pretty smart, to boot. I mean, she hacked into DiZ's computers at some point, right? She inserted herself into Sora's memories flawlessly. I'm pretty sure she can do more to help everyone out.

And now you're playing Kairi. For some reason, I just have a bad feeling about this. Le sigh.

But moving on. Mei! You know, you remind me a bit of myself, Mei, when I was still young and in the internet RPing scene. Apparently into the Asian naming, has some neat ideas that unfortunately come out kind of Suish but always eager to learn...

That's the problem with your OC Miharu. By this point, with how almost EVERY OC has a Keyblade c'mon, guys, get original, fuckin' hell, so I don't mind that, being now immune, but the whole "unknown eighth Princess of Heart" bit has got to go. I know you were just trying to spice up the RP with a mystery, but, just, nooo. Besides being a commonly used Sue-and-badly-written-character trait, it's totally against canon.

On the bright side, you seem pretty smart and happily accept con-crit. I would definitely like to RP with you some more, if only because you seem like you could really blossom as an RPer and that'd be great. I do agree that the idea of Ansem, having been a king, would probably have had children at some point, so it's not too insane for you to play his daughter, especially following the same twisting spiral of revenge her father went down, even if a lot slower. That's the kind of idea I can drink to in the throes of my terrible-RP-depression get behind. I guess it helps that your OC seems to understand that Tron cannot magic files on five brand new Org. members who have just come into existence, showing that you yourself have common sense in you.

Hey, other RPer, Aza. You say in your OC's profile that he's "psychotic" but so far I haven't really seen any crazy, just some wonderful douchebaggery and one hell of a temper towards poor Lessers. Not that you're a bad character, especially as you continuously point out Haruka's ridiculousness....

But that's all, really.

Last and final RPer, Corbin I could go on about how ridiculous your tiny and "dainty" OC is, so concerned in how the Org. must be a popularity contest for all how your OC goes on bitching about how he's the cutest in the Org. and not Roxas, along with how apparently the higher ups give him "anything he wants if he bats his eyelashes", but, uh, honey? Even if the Org. was a popularity contest, I'm pretty sure that a ton of other characters would win, not you. Also, the big eyed puppy dog look doesn't work on people who don't have hearts, and the original-founding six are too badass for that shit anyway.

Besides, what the hell are you thinking, making a "dainty" little thing like that a "master of hand to hand"? I mean, by no means can little people not use martial arts and the like, but that's usually defensive, not offensive like you kept doing in that fight against Roxas. Also, I might just be a bit biased because I despise characters who act like completely feminine girly girls and are gay. I mean, just so much bad fanfiction and fanart, and I'm sick of it. :/ Not that it can't be good, but my view is soured.

Of course, your OC just being ridiculous in general doesn't help for your image....

That's my two cents, People I Roleplay With in That One RP.
Or, really...
5.50, practically, goddamn I talk about.
That should tell you how annoyed I am with almost all of you.
Aza and Mei are excused for having brains in their heads.


Trilies aka James Phobos over on Gaia

I'm sorry I talk so damn much, KHFFR. XD; My bad, my bad.
No worries on the names; I either abbreviated or shortened them from their real username.
Also, for anyone interested, captain2010 did a wonderfully hilarious summary of this RP. Take a gander, and I promise you'll be amused.

demyx, mary sue, original characters, namine, formatting, riku, roxas, organization, rp, common sense, angst, xemnas, recs, ooc, keyblade, whatthefuckery

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