The Toybox Legacy (Generation 3.2)

Jul 27, 2012 12:30

2nd Generation spouse by smustleparty
3rd Generation spouse by novusars

Featuring sims by upendoaushi, simsarecool, backerbse, slyndsey, tehhilz, dorkasaur and apayo_x!


Party married Mr. Noe Whiskers (novusars) and gave birth to the Pound Puppies-themed children, Cooler and Nose Marie.
She also set the kitchen on fire and took pointlessly long routes to the kitchen.
Lego died, causing Applejack to lose it.

Once again, the Toybox family moved house, as once again my computer failed to handle beach lots for longer than 5 minutes. (Hang in there, sims, soon enough you'll be on a nice new computer that might actually be able to handle gaming, unlike this one that I soon discovered actually came from the time period where a few megabytes meant unlimited storage)

Maybe I'll move them back to a beach lot once this new computer arrives.

Santana immediately began to look at the neighbours houses through binoculars like a creepy woman.

While Cooler proceeded to be cute.

While so far the atmosphere is pretty calm, that still doesn't mean another walkby can be dragged off the street to babysit!

Especially when said walkby is Upendo Aushi (upendoaushi) who was pretty damn unfazed by the fact that she was just greeted by a wannabe demon wearing nothing but a sexy corset and thong.

But then again, she never bothered to babysit anyway. She was far more interested in the swing.

Which was a bad time for Applejack to turn psycho.

Applejack: 'It was supposed to be my turn on the swing... bitch needs to die.'

Upendo: Whee! I feel totally safe with you pushing me!
Applejack: Yeah... safe. Totally not trying to send you flying to your death so I can get my turn...

(Don't worry, she survived)

Party was invited out by PC and Puffball, prompting a generation 3 reunion. Mr. Noe Whiskers tagged along too.

Not that Noe Whiskers really wanted to.

Mr. Noe Whiskers: You can't make me go bowling!

Party: Sod this, we're leaving.

Mr. Now Whiskers: You can't make me leave!

Santana fell asleep in what was obviously Cooler's bed. No-one seems to know whose bed belongs to whom in this family.

That's what you get for eating old fish, Noe Whiskers. (How typically cat-like of him)

Less then six feet away...

Nose Marie: I hate his family!

With Party also pregnant, that toilet is nothing but a vomit-bucket at this time.



She turned out to be a cutie. But also very similar-looking to Cooler. That can't be good. D:

Even worse, the one sim you wouldn't expect to pass out did.

Damn pregnancy.

Nose Marie takes after her mother.

Santana didn't do anything to help, she just stood laughing at her.

She didn't even shrug when Party did it.

She did give Cooler dancing lessons though.

He later did said dancing in the dirty puddles of the bathroom.

Hi, Sakura (simsarecool)! Unfortunately she wasn't dragged in to babysit, since Party was sleeping and everyone else was at work.

Likewise, Lol Lol Fanks (backerbse) walked past later and actually was dragged in to babysit, only to be distracted by the grilled cheese sandwiches to do anything useful.

Then Mr. Noe Whiskers brought home a friend from work. It was Newman (slyndsey).

Then the friend Cooler brought home was Emblem (tehhilz). However, as Cooler had missed enough home work to be threatened with the social worker, he was sadly ignored in favour of whats more important.


A girl!

Cooler: Now I'll never do well in school! That baby's already smarter...

Continuing with the Pound Puppies theme, she is named Bright Eyes.

Yeah, I looked on Google for the toy of her, turns out she's cartoon-only (is anyone really surprised? This is a dog wearing a wig for crying out loud). Yes I cheated a little, but Bright Eyes is a cute name. Instead, here's an image of another Pound Puppy toy that appeared in the same Google search.

Awww. Anyway, on with the sims.

Mr. Noe Whiskers: Oh look, a baby.
Newman: Sort of looks like my mum.

Bright Eyes: Mummy? Daddy?
Nose Marie: Welcome to a lifetime of neglect, kid.

Santana: Okay, you didn't notice anything, did you?

Cooler: Disgusting.

Probably traumatised by the sight of his grandma wetting herself once again, Cooler refused to go to school, causing Party to wake up and drive him there.

It doesn't matter how jolly that ice cream van is, she still looks miserable.

She cheered up once she got back because I found out that the lemonade stand is not child-exclusive.

Townie: You're a very big little girl, aren't you?
Party:Why yes, yes I am!

Proof that Applejack is finally starting to get it back together:

An old friend walked by too.

Samuel September: (dorkasaur) Just as sexy as her grandma.

Mr. Noe Whiskers: I win! :D
Santana: How dare you beat me! *Bawl*

Time to age up Nose Marie. Like a repeat of previous birthdays, it only seems to be the sibling who really gives a crap.

Nose Marie: Oh hey, I'm a mutant! :D
Party: Ffffllrrrrggghh

While she looks like her father, her personality is all Party. Or maybe she just aged badly.

While we're here, let's also age up Bright Eyes.

Applejack: Who cares about the baby? I got promoted!

Damn it, it's another Cooler face-clone. ):

Party: The cake's nice, but I wouldn't say it's enough to plonk my entire face in.

Did I mention Party was pregnant again? With a waist that tiny it's no wonder Applejack and Noe Whiskers were shocked.

A boy! He shall be called Howler.

Also, I think there's something wrong with Bright Eye's neck.

Someone take that child to a doctor!

That said, she seems perfectly fine once she's out of the crib, while Nose Marie cooks for her.

Nose Marie: Be patient, lightbulbs are terrible for cooking bacon.

And when playing with the doll house, she's like your typical toddler. Minus the cat ears.

Another chance to grab a walkby off the street and make them babysit! This time round we've got Lee Eun Mi (apayo_x). Will she be an exception to these past drag-in babysitters and actually pay attention to the children?


Cooler receives more dance lessons.

Granted, Applejack later gave Nose Marie the same treatment.

She probably needed that really. This lack of attention was causing her to pull demon faces. Or maybe she just takes after her mother like that.

I didn't even notice Cooler aged until I got the popup asking for his aspiration.

Well, time to open up the old SimPE and get his profile-thingy sorted.

I really wish I'd put "Is probably a good dancer" in place of the creepy smile now.

And now another birthday!

I swear Cooler is the only one who gets excited for birthdays in this family.

And the record for the fastest time per lifestage for an a sim to pass out is Bright Eyes, who fell immediately after she aged!

Let's get a proper look at her, shall we?

And another birt- okay, not a Sim birthday, but real life interrupts again. Happy birthday to me. *lonely cupcake blow*

There's going to be a hell of a lot of birthdays in this next update.


1.0| 1.1| 1.2| 1.3
2.0| 2.1| 2.2| 2.3
3.0| 3.1

sims 2, toybox legacy

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