The Toybox Legacy (Generation 2.1)

Sep 16, 2011 16:20

Featuring sims by brightgoldsoul and smustleparty!
Guest-starring sims by upendoaushi, austereacademy and simchenelin!


The gen. 2 kids went to University, where Applejack was revealed as heir, much to his disappointment.
Applejack turned emo and dormie discrimination ensued.
Applejack found two possible ladies; Piper Winkles (needlecream) and Santana Febwar-Siriocra (smustleparty). Piper seemed to have too much baggage so he went for Santana.
Who bought him a friggin' oven on their second date.
Then Santana's friends kept pestering him every day to go on outings with them. Despite the fact they never met in their lives.
Pervy cow invades the campus!
Morning Glory starved to death after an intense session on an exercise bike. May he rest in peace.
Posey got put on Acedemic Probation which temporarily turned her into Chester A. Bum.
Applejack set the cafeteria on fire while trying to make eggs benedict. The girls were too passed out to notice.
Posey and Lickety-Split got expelled, while Applejack and Cherries Jubilee successfully graducated.

Applejack returns to the main Toybox "house" and what happens?

Probably planning to set the place on fire again to distract his parents from doing the deed in front of him.

The wedding of Applejack and Santana was schedueled for the next day. And Lego thought "screw you" to dressing up for her son's big day and began to swig champagne in her pyjamas. Classy.

And yes, I felt bad about Morning Glory dying so tragically young, so I brought him back as a zombie.

Morning Zombie: Really now? You couldn't have, y'know, made me fully human!?

Well, it's clear from the last update that you fail as a full human. Besides, this way's more fun.

Hi, Upendo Aushi (upendoaushi). Love how your dress looks more like a wedding gown than the bride's does. But that's not hard.

Oh Santana. I hope your future children pull as many goofy faces as you do.

Wall-E  (austereacademy) decided to invite himself to the reception.

Wall-E: I heard the college student who became a zombie was coming.

Santana only brought in 2k but thankfully Applejack automatically bringing in 20k meant that the place could have an update that it actually sort of resembles a house.

And while everyone is still in a somewhat jolly mood, time to take advantage while it lasts and get started on Lego's legacy portrait.

Thermald, NO. You're a married man. That's your daughter-in-law. Why the hell do the husbands always lust after their daughter-in-laws in my legacies?
Just look at how squicked-out your wife is!

Walkby time! Hi Ned Hooper (simchenelin)!

Santana: So, what are we watching here?
Ned: Ah nothing in particular. Aren't black screens awesome? It's like a blank canvas.

Santana: Um, cool. Excuse me while I massage my gerbil.

Thermald: No, no, I don't find Santana attractive at all. That's why I'm listening to her on the toilet. Yeah, ew, right?

Nina Caliente invited herself in and immediately began to irritate Santana.

Thermald: Girl-on-girl action, you say?

She seemed to ram her finger up his nose.

Thermald: I can do it myself!

Yes it happened. Dear dear, I had enough trouble with preggo-Lego when I was controlling her, I wonder if I can actually get through a preggo-non-controllable without killing her?

Worth being safe I guess.


Legacy portrait 1 complete!

Thermald, you creeper. D:

It was Lego's turn to age up, so as usual she..

Ahem... well, this wasn't expected. Especially since usually when my sims age to elder they look exactly the same. After taking a closer look in the makeover window, I assumed that it was probably a glitch (seriously, her ears were upside-down!) and gave her some reconstructive surgery.

Or maybe I'm just so dreadful at making sims that they just happen to bork out when reaching old age.
Which, judging by how Thermald aged up the next day, I'm assuming is the case.

Thermald: So hey, congratulations on being sexy, yeah?

I'm pretty sure judging from her bump that baby is going to come out deformed.

THERMALD. There are lines you do not cross when it comes to you daughter in-law. You've crossed it. You crossed it so long ago that it's no longer visible to the naked eye. Please stop.

That's it, just focus on your work, Thermald. The world will be a better place.


Applejack: Holy shit...

Applejack: ...You've been sleeping with my dad all this time!

It's a girl!

And this generation's naming theme is... Popples!

Baby girl no.1 is named after Party Popple.

And Thermald is excellent with babies as usual.

Party: 'Why couldn't I have been born to one of the other Pixel_Trade families?'


Mortimer Goth: YOU FILTHY OLD MAN!

It's not like the green gas dissolves within the rest of the green decor.

Butt Bear: Lickety-Split... we meet again.
You thought all those times you tortured me, slammed me against the floor... you didn't think there were alarm bells in my head?

Lickety-Split: Uh...

Butt Bear: Just you wait, Lickety-Split... not even a doctor will know what happened...

Lickety-Split: Well, I'm off. Uh... bye.

It was Party's birthday (but not a Party) and...

Oh, Thermald.

Oh, pop!

And it's nice to see the one gene I was really hoping would appear in the Pony generation but never did seems to have been inherited by Party. Yay, redheaded child!

Not to mention she's totally adorable.

And also has supernatural abilities. No, really. Whenever she plays with blocks dolls begin floating in mid-air.

Thermald and Santana were traumatised.

Santana also has the ability to teleport her urine to up to a metre away from her when her bladder proves too much.

Holy shit her torso's split in half! Get that woman to a doctor!
Maximum logic skill achieved! All while Lego's portrait is slowly deteriorating. >:I

Santana developed a genius idea to keep Party entertained. Either that or she's just plain loopy.

Santana: Now whip it! Into shape! Shape it up! Get straight!

So, who wants more Party cute spam?


What did I tell you Thermald!? D:

You know what I really hate about these legacies?

See? Even Lego's shocked at Santana's laziness.

Santana: Can't touch this dooo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo doo-doo

Santana went into labour and who was the only person around to deliver it?
Her creeper of course!

Thermald: Well, that certainly isn't sexy.

And it's a boy!

And he is to be named after PC Popple.

Lego, what are you doing!? You've (sort of) successfully looked after babies before!

Lego: My memory's not what it used to be!

Party's birthday! Still not a party though.

Said lack of party sent everyone in despair. Especially that one child who as of yet has not lived up to her name.


Party: You and I are going to be sworn enemies, Mister.

Nothing much else happened other than Party having a grudge against her bed for a while so jumping to PC's birthday again...

Oh Thermald, you and your support for the "all old people have weak bladders" stereotype.

I call child abuse for that one. D:

So, on glitched-up aging sequence later and, another adorable child!

Another to scar for life.

Thermald: Don't mind us, teaching grandson the facts of life.


1.0| 1.1| 1.2| 1.3

sims 2, toybox legacy, pixel_trade

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