(EDITING because I forgot I hadn't fangirled on the lj about it yet) CRIKEY, AUSTRALIA-TAN IS ADORABLE ♥ if you guys hadn't figured it out, "shut up already" is my "stop talking about Hetalia" tagSo the store got audited on Wednesday. It wasn't quite the nightmare I expected, but still very very nerve-wracking since I
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SOOOO yesterday was a good day. I woke up to an adorable new Hetalia Nation-tan ( Thailand), and news of a ATLUS being awesome, then headed up to have photoshoot of my Finland taken by idolatrystudios along with livingdeadjules and I can't wait to see the results! We would've done a lot more, cept our fingers were freezing off!! I couldn't find my (accurate) belt though, hmm
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Ahem, here is Hetalia ep. 1 for those who don't wanna download it. You can't deny it, you have the urge. (it is only 5 minutes, anyway) oh Amerikkamina you talk so fast @A@; still can't get over Su-San's brunette-ness eitherSo if my hat comes
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Man, it's been forever since I've uploaded a drawing to the internet. It's because I hate everything I draw lately. But I did this for Finland's birthday, so it wouldn't make sense not to post it: ( yay, Tino! )
So, ep. 1 of Tales of the LolbyssAbyss anime is out. since I'm super lazy, the first part (as well as ending song for download) are in pkgaming's journal HERE