gamie_lubbus made me an icon!
(EDITING because I forgot I hadn't fangirled on the lj about it yet)
CRIKEY, AUSTRALIA-TAN IS ADORABLE ♥if you guys hadn't figured it out, "shut up already" is my "stop talking about Hetalia" tag
So the store got audited on Wednesday. It wasn't quite the nightmare I expected, but still very very nerve-wracking since I opened that day and was quizzed on policies and such by my DM/auditor dude. Scary ; ;!!!
AND Speaking of crappy job, since I've started weaning myself off of Lexapro lately I have bouts of irritability and boy today was it bad. I blew up at my manager. My hands were actually shaking... I-I don't know what came over me, I don't usually get mad like that, but the moment he started telling me I wasn't doing my job right (bloody hypocrite), something uh... snapped I guess. Feeling a bit better now, though. Ah, work. Can't wait to sleep in tomorrow, I really think I need it!
BUT GUESS WHAT GUYS Kristin made me the best thing ever, non-Hetalia fans can skip this I guess
"Is this thing edible?"
man I look hot with dem eyebrows but not really please do not encourage me this is sad
Amongst other uninteresting things to happen to me, I got a haircut/rebleaching (there's kindof a photo in the above cut I guess). Fixing up my hair is one of those little things that cheers me up sometimes. I love the color job and the cut except I'm not sure how I feel about this:
There is a weird straight cut thing going on I don't even- Could easily fix it but in the back part of my mind... is it kindof interesting, I wonder? I can tuck it behind the ear too I suppose.
Oh and I've been drawing so much lately, but most of it is very shameful. Errh Jules is gonna make me scan some of it though so I'm apologizing in advance, k.