EMDR, session 1

Nov 01, 2011 10:25

Had my first EMDR session today (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eye_Movement_Desensitization_and_Reprocessing in case you were wondering). It was quite possibly the suckiest two hours in human history. Those damned flashing lights strip away your ( Read more... )

psychology, ptsd, tmi, update

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Comments 9

talkofcake November 1 2011, 14:47:29 UTC
God, I'm so, so sorry, hon. But if it's for the better, I'll just virtually hold your hand through it.


kat_rowe November 1 2011, 14:48:21 UTC
*snuggles* makes a difference. thank you *hugs*


michelle1963 November 1 2011, 23:22:09 UTC
I'm sorry EMDR is so awful, kat, but way to go! You're really brave to face this down. Hang in there! We're all rooting for you.


kat_rowe November 2 2011, 14:08:54 UTC
i keep telling myself it's awful with a purpose. i just wasn't expecting it to be so INTENSE. that's not an adjective one typically associates with a cognitive therapy technique, lol. normally that kind of catharsis is more likely to happen during actual psychotherapy than during what's essentially an extension of treating a phobia. basically it was two hours of ( ... )


leoraine November 2 2011, 14:26:58 UTC
OMG I just finished reading the article you linked, and it sounds like a really harsh treatment. Btw, by what you described, I would've tried to punch the doc too:-)
I hope that EMDR will help you and that the following session won't be so hard. *hugs*


kat_rowe November 2 2011, 14:40:43 UTC
it's intense but necessary, unfortunately. I was to the point where the flashbacks and jumpiness were starting to make work difficult (and, to be entirely honest, you know you're in bad psychological shape when you're having difficulty doing a good job working at WALMART, lol)

once I'm on a more even keel, I really want to go back to school but first I've got to get a grip. this can only get easier ("alea iacta est", as pretentious idiots say, and "the die is cast" as the rest of us say. the paralyzingly unsettling part is over. the rest should be manageable once I get used to it)

lol, she's too sweet to punch. she's actually a survivor of childhood PTSD which is why she went on to specialize in it. I could be in better hands MAYBE but not by far, so I can't complain. she took months easing me into talking about it before she started EMDR and I'm starting to see why, lol


nomorewords November 2 2011, 20:22:58 UTC
I was sending good thoughts and trying to channel the power of the train for you. Because those things go fast. And it does sound so crazy intense but you did it *hugs all kinds of tight* and, yeah, um, what everybody else said. Rooting for you, and proud of you. You go, girl. *hug*


kat_rowe November 3 2011, 10:34:55 UTC
thanks, hon *hugs* :) i think all the positive thoughts and such friends were sending must have done me good because I bounced back fast :D ( ... )


nomorewords November 3 2011, 21:29:44 UTC
We await your owl


Nope, you're you. Thank goodness. *snuggles* Hope you had a decent day, and glad you're bouncing back.


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