Had my first EMDR session today (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eye_Movement_Desensitization_and_Reprocessing in case you were wondering). It was quite possibly the suckiest two hours in human history. Those damned flashing lights strip away your inhibitions and defenses faster than a double-shot of Everclear taken ten minutes after donating blood. The results are not pretty.
There was a great deal of sobbing and some vomiting. Half an hour after it's ended, I still feel like I got kicked in the chest and I can't get my muscles to untense. According to the therapist, I made good progress. I'm starting to think all shrinks are secretly sadists...
But, hey, I survived (and had the sense to schedule these sessions on my days off). More "fun" next week.
Now, update accomplished, I'm going to go try to sleep that off.