the rest of my day yesterday

Nov 02, 2011 11:36

so, after EMDR yesterday, I tried to nap and failed quit horribly (too tense and also out of muscle relaxants -- i somehow forgot to refill that one along with my other meds -- a morning like yesterday morning and a lack of the meds designed to alleviate the discomfort of spasming muscles is a bad combo).

Took a long, hot shower in the dark instead and went to work in the garden. Saw a wooly bear. He said that it's going to be a mild winter but I don't believe him:

I still need to dig up and bring inside my elephant ear bulbs. once the hosta are better-established, I may stop bothering with the elephant ear plans. they're pretty but a pain when you live in a cold climate. the problem is that half the bed is full sun and hosta do better in the shade, so I'd have to find a hardy, leafy plant that works in full sun AND cold climates to replace the elephant ears *rolls eyes*

after that, I came in and vidded. It was Magnus/Will to the song "Don't Dream It's Over" (not the original but a gorgeous cover talkofcake found for me) but I could not for the life of me make it not seem shippy (on a related note, my sister thinks I ship Will and Magnus based solely on my vids. i honestly don't much, though. i'd rather ship either -- or both at once -- with James Watson). I'm going to give it a bit, see if I can't modify it into something that's more "I will always be loyal to you" and less "i wanna jump into bed with you" (since, you know, they clearly don't want to) ... i love the mutual loyalty they have which is why I picked the song i did to try to vid them to

once I was done vidding, my sister and I went hiking (we're participating in the Summit County Hiking Spree where people pledge to hike 8 or more local trails between 1 September and 30 November but, RL being RL, we've kind of fallen behind). it was an interesting experience. We picked an out of the way trail since we figured, this weekend, we can hit two or three of the trails that are closer together and do them back to back. the drive was pretty between the foliage and the small towns we passed through. we drove through Hudson, a little town so high-end that I feel like I don't make enough money to shortcut through it on my way to places. seriously, their MCDONALDS is a brick building in the Western Reserve architectural style (drive-thrus aren't even allowed which strikes me as inconvenient as all heck, especially in a town mainly known for its boarding school and therefore housing more teenagers than average -- strip malls are also illegal in Husdon; i think two stores a building is the max, lol)

I didn't get pictures. I wanted to, but Spider has absconded with my camera. That cat seriously thinks she was a ferret in a previous life...

if you want, here's a blurry cellphone pic of the steampunk-inspired necklace. i'll upload actual pics when I find my camera:

After Hudson, we passed through a town called Twinsburg
Heather: "They have Twins Day festivals every year."
Kat: "What's Twins Day?"
Heather: "You know, like the Strawberry Festival or something. They sell stuff, have a parade, wear costumes, cook 'em up different ways."
Kat: *chokes*

In case you wondered, my sense of humor is inherited.

We were about half a mile from the park we were headed to when the "Road Closed Ahead" and "Bridge Out" signs started appearing. We were literally a tenth of a mile from the park when the road literally just ended (i want to know what bridge. all we saw was a gaping chasm, lol). We had to drive 30 minutes to detour around (and by then we were losing light) and the GPS spent the first 20 trying to convince us to turn around and go back the way we came (even after we reprogrammed it, lol). The fact that the bridge had washed out should have been our first clue.

So we made it to the park at 6:00pm which, in Ohio this time of year, is almost dusk. We're like "It's only 1.6 miles. We can totally do this before they close the parking lot for the night" (which they do at sunset). So we take off at a brisk pace, joking about childhood forced marches. Then we realize that the path is getting... soggier and soggier. I'm in my work shoes, of course, since they're nurse-shoes designed for being on your feet moving around 14 hours a day (AND they have my $60 insoles in them). After about half a mile we realize that we're hiking past swamps on this trail. Then we're hiking THROUGH them. Half the trail from that point forward was a quagmire that had us tiptoeing our way around puddles and walking on branches/leaves/brambles instead of the path so we'd have some elevation going for us. The other half was a two-foot raised boardwalk (yeah, the path is that soggy that they needed to spend the money to put in a boardwalk).

How we finished that walk in half an hour while being careful to keep our feet dry (we were expecting a hike over prairie, not through a bog) is beyond me, but we did. I tried to explain the premise of Sanctuary to my sister but I don't think I did a very good job. "She's HOW old?"/"In which season?" and "So the vampires are extinct but there's still vampire blood floating around out there?" and my favorite "If she has those guys, what's she want with a muggle protege?"

then I came home, played a few minutes of Puzzle Quest, and fell into bed until nine this morning, lol

on the work front:

I've been crossed-trained now for Customer Service/Courtesy Desk and Money Center. I like to think I'm decent at both (i can't be dreadful seeing as how they keep sending me over) and I did my first solo stint at the Money Center a few days before Halloween. I was terrified, lol, but my till came out even and all the Wire Transfers I did went through properly, so yay me ... I'm going to try to get trained for Lawaway, too

I got my schedule for Black Friday already. they need fast cashiers in the morning that day *head!desks until the pain stops* so, as one of the three fastest in the store, I naturally start work at 0445. (Not a typo. despite my availability STARTING at 8:00am, my Black Friday schedule is 4:45 am to 1:45pm. It's gonna suck.)

Construction continues. The customers hate it. So do I. The sudden noises wear on my nerves and I can never stop myself from jumping when something particularly loud and unexpected happens. Also, they knocked out a wall in the break room and the only thing between us and the outside (in Northern Ohio with winter coming on) is a plywood dust wall. The room randomly starts shaking. Jon nicknamed it "the earthquake simulation center". Construction is scheduled to be complete in SEPTEMBER. I hate my life and can't wait to go back to school. Or find a different job. Even if the stock options at Wally World are damned nice

on the fic homefront, i have a couple fics in the works:

-- another sequel to the Fair!fic (i saddled Will with all that baggage, so now i really should unpack some of it for him. and, yes, I continue to contend that I don't seriously ship Will and Magnus. if anything DOES happen between them, it won't be for years. neither's ready yet and that's clearly not how they see each other)
-- a "get well soon" smut!fic for a friend who was pretty badly banged up
-- a fic in which a Praxian memory probe is used to upload James Watson's collected memories and experiences into Will's head (the results are fairly dramatic and, as much as I could have fun and play it for humor, it's actually a pretty angsty fic since poor Magnus...)
-- I was working on a Henry/Kate fic but that'll probably never see the light of day thanks to recent developments. i hate when canon marches on like that
-- a series of vignettes where James visits Magnus while she's hiding out for a century and change. very bitter-sweet stuff
-- I'd still really love to shoot Will full of Source Blood (or perhaps just Magnus' blood). After Awakening aired last season, I'm comfortable saying that Magnus might give him her blood on the spur of the moment to save his life. It would be fascinating to explore his reaction (and everyone else's).
-- I'd also still love for Will and Magnus both to get thrown back in time but that's just not going to happen. It'd feel too forced and hackneyed and derivative at this point. I love that time travel is canon so we could potentially somehow get Watson (and Nigel) back to interact with the current cast (and wouldn't it be interesting for Nigel to meet Will?), but I'll leave such things to the actual writers

will zimmerman, helen magnus, beading, family, rabid fangirl, music, pets, fanfiction, james watson, work, update

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