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Comments 14

lovinthelads January 30 2010, 12:43:22 UTC
i know exactly how you feel, and I don't even disagree with you ( ... )


karneol_vision January 30 2010, 13:14:42 UTC
I can't change my mind about the matter in itself, but I do understand you perfectly. It's how I'm forced to feel very often.

To me it is still more than a personal thing though; this is not only about him and his family. He could have gone and looked somewhere that was not in any way connected to his place in the football world. He has disappointed me as the Captain of the English NT, as captain of a team, any team. I don't understand how you can do certain things behind the back of your colleagues, your mates. This is my problem.

I know very well that all people are fallible. But if you represent so much to so many, if you're such an ideal... you can't do certain things, and I don't mean just things that are wrong, but things that are even more wrong in the circumstances because you are what you are, hope and grandness ( ... )


lovinthelads January 30 2010, 16:20:29 UTC
I do think HE needs to step up and hand over the armband. I think it would be the right gesture and reunite the England fans and team. But I know him well enough to know I don't think he will do that. He is an arrogant dick. (yes, and I still love him ( ... )


karneol_vision January 30 2010, 13:27:00 UTC
And also, I am grateful you posted your opinion and feelings here. I understand that there are things more important than the first weary notion of a wrong-right distinction.
Thank you.


sophiamoon January 30 2010, 13:23:54 UTC
This is so far from my own small, humble reality, I'm not even sure if I have any real opinion on this.

Being faithful to my partner has always been the easy thing. Trying that get what "belongs" to another is simply not how I'm made. (and I always lived what I preached) But I can't look in the heart and minds of others. It's simply not my world. And I'm not going to pretend I even understand it.

(but I can understand the deep disappointment of many fans)


karneol_vision January 30 2010, 13:32:17 UTC
I'm aware of being able to form my opinion and judge this matter to a certain extent only. But at the same time I cannot abstain from critizising it that far.

On the other hand there are a couple of simple rules to life, no matter how huge or small your reality or the world in which you move is. And those rules apply to everyone. Nobody's better or worse.


sophiamoon January 30 2010, 14:12:28 UTC
You might be right about that.
But then, as I said, for me it's always been a matter of that's how I'm made, so it's easy for me to judge people with a totally different disposition (who also have been told from a far too young age the sun shines out of their pretty behinds)


nandinio January 31 2010, 07:24:33 UTC
Thuth is a very difficult thing. It depends on many variables and the truth is someone's eyes isn't the truth for someone else.. I don't know how explain this, but when I saw the word "truth".. it's something that we deal with it every day, watching my friends telling different stories and trying to understand wether it's true or not... I think, that we can speak only about as - if I tell the truth, or I lie.. and about somebody else.. only that person could know..

sorry for intervention )


karneol_vision February 3 2010, 20:42:15 UTC
I couldn't argue with that :)

In general and in the way we use the expression 'truth' that is right. Although... that also depends on whether you truly consider truth to be something subjective. Or if truth is a concept that doesn't change no matter from which side you look at it.
Is TRUTH universal or is it in the eye of the beholder as beauty is?

Take the example above: a man cheates on his wife (they have children) with the girlfriend, or ex-girlfriend, of his team mate. If this really happened then those are facts, and consequently the matter is true.

There are degrees to how we judge the man though. How much compassion and understanding we can muster for him, or if we can at all.

Feel free to intervene whenever you like :)


nandinio February 4 2010, 06:04:47 UTC
For my opinion, the truth is always subjective. I've never seen a person who tell all the truth without changing a one detail. Maybe even without paying attention, but in fuct... we cannot invade into somebody's soul and look what really happens inside him, and what was the real motivations for lieing or telling the truth that he/she wants us to know..
And something about your example.. yes, there is a fact that the man cheated, but if he prefers to tell that it was only one time and he's very sorry... How we actually can know if he tells the truth?


howlin_wolf_66 February 3 2010, 09:43:39 UTC
I just want to say that although I don't think it should affect his captaincy, I definitely do NOT support his behaviour! :-/


karneol_vision February 3 2010, 20:16:19 UTC
Heh, I hope nobody in their right mind does that ( ... )


howlin_wolf_66 February 3 2010, 20:28:38 UTC
Good points! I could see the logic and agree to him renouncing his captaincy, but I think that dropping him from the squad altogether - as I have seen mentioned in some quarters - would be going too far...


karneol_vision February 3 2010, 21:23:17 UTC
I wouldn't want him to be dropped from the squad neither


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