Ninja entry #4571...wait, you're not supposed to see me!

Dec 29, 2010 13:24

I thought I'd put up some of my favorite videos from 2010 over the next few days.

Because people getting hit in the face with a steampunk cupcake cannon is never not funny:

image Click to view

SPRINKLE 'SPLOSION! The dude with the sprinkles, oh dear Deity of your choice.
Labradors skiing - yes, skiing - with their entire bodies prone. They really gain speed ( Read more... )

animals are awesome, comics, steamtech, animals, fuck your semiotics, you tube

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Comments 59

mikale December 29 2010, 21:54:00 UTC
awesome vid posts and interesting tirade to boot. :-)


kali921 December 29 2010, 23:12:55 UTC
Were there enough typos in there for you? Jesus, I had to edit a few times. Moral of the story: don't type sans caffeine. And don't type when you're pissed off.

Glad you enjoyed the vids. I lost it when I saw those yellow labs snowboarding on their sides.


outlawpoet December 29 2010, 22:21:15 UTC
Hooray, year review in videos!

I've been watching box and neo_prodigy talk about Slott, but I have been interested in perspectives from you and some other people who haven't been engaging as much this year.

(Also, total selfishness, did you see the This Too Shall Pass video I worked on, and does it make the list?)


kali921 December 29 2010, 22:36:20 UTC
Can you link me again to your video? I'd love to watch it!


outlawpoet December 29 2010, 22:43:10 UTC
I was one of many people who helped out with setup on it. The organizing genius was some of my friends at SynnLabs. It was a lot of fun to work on, though, and the results speak for themselves, I think:


kali921 December 29 2010, 22:59:50 UTC

WOW. Awesome. OMG, the piano has me in HYSTERICS


box_in_the_box December 29 2010, 22:44:22 UTC
I'm glad you're still with us.

And I'd like to link to this post as an example of an excellent argument against Slott's position that I was too privileged to see myself, unless you'd prefer that I not, which is perfectly understandable.

Regardless, please imagine me giving you a big hug.


kali921 December 29 2010, 23:10:27 UTC
Go ahead and quote and link away. I just expect you to show up when the male trolls start rolling in. :-)

Well, for a recent example where you did hopefully see it, PAD has been arguing for years (it seems like it, at least) about anons being cowards. He ladled out that argument generously during the entire nasty Scans Daily affair. The rules at Scans_Daily were amended in light of that - the short version being "people using internet handles are real people and we won't demand a disclosure of full identity of anyone."

During the first Racefail, a whole bunch of the white writers and bloggers and editors in SF&F had their asses out demanding that the people arguing against Elizabeth Bear and her defenders out themselves and disclose their real identities (for some, it was demanding a real first name; for others (HI WILL SHETTERLY AND YOUR FRIENDS) it meant full names and locations. Some people arguing against Bear's position and her helper gnomes were outed and their full names posted on blogs ( ... )


box_in_the_box December 29 2010, 23:16:00 UTC
I am aware of all Internet traditions these situations, yes. :)

Did he write the rice and beans scene, btw?

In Slott's defense, no, he did not. That was Joe Kelly.


kali921 December 29 2010, 23:20:38 UTC
OOooh, right, Kelly.

Kelly, Kelly, Kelly. What happened to you, my man? Lo, you were once a shining bastion of writerly goodness. You made me laugh much when you wrote Deadpool, which is why I own your entire run. But...but then something changed. I'm not sure what, but the magic was gone.


shadowlongknife December 29 2010, 23:46:22 UTC

I miss you.


kali921 December 30 2010, 02:08:55 UTC


shadowlongknife December 31 2010, 08:13:27 UTC
I'M GOOD! I'm up to my eyebrows in holiday stuff, my roomie and his live in girlfriend and their kids are constantly prohibiting good solid computer time where I can concentrate, but otherwise, I'm pretty okay.



the_croupier December 30 2010, 00:00:42 UTC
Oh, now see? Completely missed that Slott thing. Glad to have you around, for that and many more important reasons!

Hope the new year is better than the old one.


Have you seen.... kali921 December 30 2010, 02:30:45 UTC
Here's hoping the virtual caning I took in 2009 and 2010 ends with the advent of 2011. Hi! I'm catching up on your journal. Are you still playing Hal?

The Slott thing - it's ugly, messy, and you can find a good starting point here, and go see him sockpuppet over on Scans Daily on Dreamwidth, and I could give you a million other links. He's EVERYWHERE spamming people who don't love the NuSpidey with what I can only describe as verbal diarrhea and he wont. Shut. Up. He's spamming a woman of color's blog, she keeps deleting and telling him that he's not welcome there, he keeps spamming.

Landssakes, lassie, I feel the need for smelling salts.

Have you seen the Green Lantern trailer?! Thoughts?


Re: Have you seen.... the_croupier December 31 2010, 00:38:04 UTC
Still playing Hal! In fact, Innerbrat and I are moving through JLA: Year One over at that Bar-shaped place.

The Slott thing just makes me depressed.

I have seen the trailer many times and.... I'm insisting on being positive until something happens that forces me to be otherwise. For now, I'm just glad that we're actually getting the Corps, great shots of Oa, Kilowog, etc. What I'm not happy about are the apparently-meant-to-be-funny bits. Not only are they totally non-Hal, they remind me way too much of scenes from SNL/Schneider/Sandler/Stiller movies. I'm hoping there's less of that than the trailer makes it seem.

But still... trying to be positive, being positive, yup, that's me.


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