I thought I'd put up some of my favorite videos from 2010 over the next few days.
Because people getting hit in the face with a steampunk cupcake cannon is never not funny:
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SPRINKLE 'SPLOSION! The dude with the sprinkles, oh dear Deity of your choice.
Labradors skiing - yes, skiing - with their entire bodies prone. They really gain speed towards the end of the video. The bluebeat/skiffle soundtrack doesn't hurt:
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You haven't gotten away with getting rid of me yet, LJ!
And now, my long overdue opinion about the Dan Slott imbroglio from a few weeks ago. Yes, because my opinion is just that important, dammit. I only bring this up because I didn't see it addressed, but if it was, pass over the below with glazed eyes and use that scroll button.
All the idiocy at Marvel is making me tired.
Yes, I'm talking partially about Dan Slott. There was an important issue that wasn't addressed in the recent Dan Slott imbroglio, an imbroglio that sprawled messily all over the internet through blogs, CBR boards, LJ, and The Beat. It even made Lying in the Gutters, although I disagree obviously with Rich calling us a bunch of meanies.
Hi Dan. I'm looking at you. You leave me alternately tired and oh so discouraged. The prognosis of you getting a clue and stop dismissing people who won't give you our full names, zip codes, and social security numbers is, in a word, distressing. During the recent brouhaha with you, you pulled the rookie PAD move of calling all of us who post using internet handles rather than our real names as anonymous troublemakers.
Uh, Dan? There are very legitimate reasons that people use internet handles. It could be because I'm a woman and I've might be stalked in real life and wish to keep my internet life separate from my real life as much as possible to avoid my stalker trying to conjoin him/herself to my hip. This is a real issue of safety and I think less of you that you cannot comprehend why women choose internet handles over their real identities in fannish spaces and fandom as a whole. Or it could be any other reason why people engaged in fannish activities under no circumstances linked to their real names online (fan fic writers, etc.). See, people posting under pseudonyms build social capital, build reputations, and become known just like people who use their real names. Some of us have been using our online handles for over ten years and no, we're not anonymous. You want a lesson in anonymity of the trollish kind? There are more obvious sites on internet where anonymity rules.
Safety first on the internet can often be how you present yourself, and a handle gives you the ability to filter out undesirables if you're female (or male).
Another reason that women in particular often choose gender neutral names is that there aren't many safe spaces online for women to discuss comics. To discuss comics with men to be precise. That's changing, but changing slowly. The difference I see in how I'm treated by male mouth breathers in comics fandom when I use an overtly female internet handle, which I still do, and when I experimented with a handle where gender wasn't obvious, was remarkable. So don't give us the "you're all cowards for not giving me your real names" (I paraphrase) argument and then brag about how many new Twitter followers you have (has it occurred to you that some of those new followers follow you to watch for more train wrecks and/or because they actively dislike you?
I'll be honest. I stopped buying all the Spidey titles as soon as OMD was hinted at. When I saw you were one of the writers on the post-OMD Spidey titles, I ran screaming into the night. Oh, I'll admit to Byrne stealing the occasional issue to see how bad it's gotten, but not one single thing you've done with the character has changed my mind. C'est la vie, Mssr. Slott. C'est la vie.
You are dripping with white male privilege when you start in on accusing people of being anons and therefore they/we possess no privilege to talk to you about your work. Please stop it - it only makes you look worse. Worse even than your "fuck fuck FUCK" fest.
Well, I know I feel better now.