Such is the Gordian knot of post-modern thought: Monday grab bag because I forgot to do Sunday's

Feb 21, 2011 12:41

Hello, LJ! It's been a long time! I've decided to do the return of the return of the return of the Sunday grab bag entry, except today I'm doing it on a holiday Monday. Oh, shut up. It's been ages since I've updated. I've been battling zombies, depression, ennui, and enervation that produces a state of mind wherein I decide that my life is naught but a lifeless agglomeration of random experiences thrown together into a washing machine that will be stuck on the wash cycle for infinity, forever agitated in the suds of nihilism.

I've been battling said ennui by watching lots of comedy on YouTube. Dylan Moran and Bill Bailey have saved my life these past two months.

So, I'd like to share some of my favorite clips with you. Ignore the Czech subtitles (!!) on the Like, Totally Dylan Moran clip - the subtitled one was the clearest and best upload I could find of Dylan Moran on YouTube.

Irish comedian Dylan Moran in What It Is, part 2:

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Dylan Moran in Like, Totally part 1:

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Next up: Bill Bailey. Aaaah Bill, how I adore thee. These are from Tinselworm, the show he did at Wembley:

Bill Bailey in Tinselworm, Part 2 of 10:

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Tinselworm Part 3

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I'm way behind on commenting on so very, very many things, but I want to note this:

Idris Elba was cast as the unceasingly fucking vigilant sentry of Asgard himself, that being Heimdall in the upcoming Thor film.

Kirbytastic! Elba as Heimdall:

What you may not have known that racists are rallying in protest of Elba's casting, arguing that since the film deals with European mythology, all the Asgardians should be white.

Bullexcrement. By the way, the coments to that article may make your head go asplodey, so don't read them if you want to retain your sanity. The Asgardians have one foot firmly rooted in the cosmic side of Marvel's various pantheons. Think of them as space gods. So they can be any color, shape, or size that they want in Branagh's film. (Or rather, he can cast them thusly.)

I'm posting this next because I like it when Power Girl one-punches people and I also like it when people punch Magog -- he's like the post-Civil War equivalent of Iron Man. (Speaking of people lining up to punch someone who deserves it, if anyone has they have of Norman Osborn getting clocked, please show them off here.)


Almost but not quite as good as this:

Peej vs. Wonder Woman

And this last: dearest Photobucket - please stop redesigning your site every five minutes. It took me half an hour today just to find my goddamn photo albums. ARGH to the people in charge of Photobucket's navigation design team - I wish ill upon you. I hope you get eaten by mutant Stygian killer wasps. (Bees. My god, bees. Never gets old.)

So, LJ, how are you?

videos, thor, wonder woman, thor does not get lost, film, comedy gold, dc comics, film news, you tube

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