Scam Alert Wednesday plus HOLY SHIT, IT'S DOCTOR FATE

Jan 27, 2010 14:23

I would like to preface this entry with a note that from the RP side of things, it's hilarious to me when things I've RPed become almost canon. More about that below ( Read more... )

hawkgirl, videos, music, milliways, rl, tv, hawkman, capslockers unite, artgasm, rp, smallville, grief, carter hall, so awesome awesome broke, you tube

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Comments 38

spectralbovine January 27 2010, 23:08:10 UTC
I'm sorry about your fraud mishaps. My credit card number got stolen on Black Friday, and it was annoying to have to go change my credit card number everywhere. And then I forgot some places, which resulted in mayhem. Blarg.

I hope the support groups help.


kali921 January 28 2010, 01:45:20 UTC
Black Friday? Oh, dear. Were you out shopping when it happened? And yes, remembering to update every vendor ever where you have repeating charges coming through monthly when you've got a new credit card - very time consuming, very annoying.


spectralbovine January 28 2010, 05:46:00 UTC
I went to like nine different places on Black Friday. It could have happened anywhere. Saturday morning, I get a call from Chase Fraud Alert saying someone's tried to charge a thousand dollars to some software company. At least the guy was a complete moron.


canadabear January 27 2010, 23:59:51 UTC
Because I need more reason to promote Smallville. I'm glad you liked the stills/trailer.


kali921 January 28 2010, 00:33:21 UTC
For some reason, no image shows up under that link. What's it supposed to be?


canadabear January 28 2010, 00:34:30 UTC
Try this. DC actually promoting Smallville.


kali921 January 28 2010, 00:47:34 UTC
LULZ at Carter's wingspan getting bigger - which it needed to. Bigger LULZ at Clarks "costume"!!!


(The comment has been removed)

kali921 January 28 2010, 01:47:51 UTC
I'm too much of a JSA fangirl so I want to see if this is decent or if it will be a trainwreck. Hell, I'll watch for Kent Nelson alone.


box_in_the_box January 28 2010, 00:59:43 UTC
I have mixed emotions about that Amanda Waller casting.

On the one hand, Pam Grier. That's always a plus.

On the other hand, the PERFECT person to play Waller in live-action is the one who's ALREADY been playing her in cartoon form for years - CCH Pounder.

On the gripping hand, I'm not sure that Pam Grier should be playing Amanda Waller simply because I shouldn't be having sexual fantasies about Amanda Waller.


oakenguy January 28 2010, 01:30:26 UTC
Damnit, now you're making me want to do the "AMANDA WALLER IS WATCHING YOU MASTURBATE" demotivational poster.


box_in_the_box January 28 2010, 01:36:50 UTC
Especially with Grier playing Waller, it would lend itself well to a "You call THAT a penis?" macro as well.


kali921 January 28 2010, 01:50:50 UTC
Please do.



ceitfianna January 28 2010, 01:55:04 UTC
A few months ago, I got phished through paypal and my university account, it was a long day. Luckily my bank was really nice about, but not fun. I'm glad you've got it sorted and thanks for the warning.

Also I love that shot of Clark and the Hawkgirl mask. The support group sounds good, I hope it works out for you.


kali921 January 28 2010, 03:09:30 UTC
How did you get phished through PayPal of all places? What happened? Because maybe that's how they got my digits.


ceitfianna January 28 2010, 03:13:40 UTC
It was really odd, because I only recently started using PayPal again after an absence of a few years.

Basically I got an email at my school account saying we need you to reenter your card information so we can double check it. Since I hadn't used paypal in a while and was worrying about the most recent transaction going through I filled it out.

It wasn't until after I had to replace my card that I realized wait, I didn't give paypal that email so the scammers were probably sending out emails around the university since a lot of students use paypal. The scammers had mocked up a site that looked just like paypal so I was completely fooled and not on my guard as much since I trust paypal.

Also quick edit to say I tagged back Kendra, I know lj's been bad about notifs so its there for whenever you get to it.


kali921 January 28 2010, 17:37:28 UTC
Wow, hon, I'm so sorry that that happened to you - that's abominable. Preying on a demographic that's likely to have no money - like students - that makes me furious.

I hope karma comes back to chomp on their heinies like rabid wolverines.


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