Scam Alert Wednesday plus HOLY SHIT, IT'S DOCTOR FATE

Jan 27, 2010 14:23

I would like to preface this entry with a note that from the RP side of things, it's hilarious to me when things I've RPed become almost canon. More about that below.

So, flist, I woke up today, checked my bank account, and found that a company called JEC Advertising -- a vendor who, for bank account statement purposes, list a Texan telephone number -- had stolen some money from my account.

I called my bank and reported it as a fraudulent charge after the bank customer service rep confirmed that my credit card number had been manually entered into a location in Texas to make the charge rather than sliding the card, and I've certainly not been to Texas in the past week.

I put on my Google hat and started to do some research, and found numerous reports that the telephone number listed for the vendor on my bank statement is for a company that has a habit of sneaking off with people's money from their credit and debit cards.

The amounts are pretty small - this company must make its money off of volume of theft rather than by taking large amounts from people.

Anyway, my local police department was very helpful, as was my bank, and as a PSA to all of you based in the States: check your bank statements. If the following vendor appears as someone the bank is paying money to on your behalf:

JEC Global Advertising
Tel: 210-858-9473

I urge you ALL to call JEC Global Advertising and let them know how wonderful they are.

Well, you might have just been ripped off. If so, call your bank right away and it doesn't hurt to make a police report.

It's fun to call their number, too - the endless loops of why they can't answer the phone are either infuriating or amusing, depending on how patient you are. I'm thinking of calling the police departments of all the cities in area code 210 (which would be...?) and reporting the theft to them to see if they have any more information..

So now I have to go through the hassle of my bank canceling everything, waiting for my claim to process, getting new cards, etc. I don't know why I'm not freaking out more - I'm on whiteout right now, in this weird glassy, detached state.

In other news, I found a Daughters Grieving Mothers grief support group that I'll be starting soon in addition to my current regimen of grief therapy. I could have started in the early January session but balked for reasons that I cannot fathom - this is exactly the kind of peer support that I need, and I don't know why I was reluctant to go. It's scary and new and I felt/feel raw, laid bare, and emotionally naked. I'm glad I made the decision to go to the next session cycle that starts in a few weeks.

Tuesdays are still rough. It's been just over four months since Mom passed. My life seems surreal to me still.

But that doesn't mean that there isn't room for fansquee. Mostly due to canadabear, who is one of the few people on LJ that always quietly let me know that she'd be there for me if I needed her, I'm getting more and more excited about Smallville's Absolute Justice movie that airs on February 5th.

Here's the Canadian promo, which I am told is much better than the American version:

Wow, LOOK at Dr. Fate's psychedelic power jam!

image Click to view

Look, I know that Smallville is the Show of Fail when it comes to de-spandexing everything, and I think it's Geoff Johns that's written this two-hour movie, and you can tell: OLD SCHOOL JSA! Courtney! Green Lantern! Carter Hall in costume flying! Fate's voice getting all remote and chilly when he's wearing the helmet with Nabu inside! Ted Grant! J'onn! And Carter talking to his v. sharp mace about justice, which sprained my ovaries! I'm not sure how I feel about Carter in a full beard - I'm more used to a Manly Bestubbled™ Carter with much broader shoulders.

Best of all? Dr. Fate's cosmic tripout powers at the end. Wooohooo!

Some sharp-eyed person got closeups of the big JSA painting that's unveiled in the two-hour movie, and for anyone who's ever read my stuff at Milliways?

You should know why this made me laugh hysterically:

Clark looking at Shiera's/Kendra's mask with a mystified expression.

I'd like to know who did the big JSA portrait for the movie - I suspect Rags Morales because of the way the eyes are rendered and something about their facial shape is reminiscent of his work. I also suspect Geoff Johns' involvement - because they both worked on the Hawkman book, they both seem to ship the Hawks, and they both worked together on certain JSA arcs where shippiness was evident:

Look. Holding hands in the official JSA portrait!

Other bits:

Look at Ted. LULZ!

Too bad no one got close ups of Alan Scott and Fate in the painting.

That plus Pam Grier being cast as Amanda Waller - I REPEAT, PAM GRIER BEING CAST AS THE WALL - and a whole episode devoted to Checkmate means that I'll have to seriously start watching SV again.

Stolen from oakenguy, an awesome vid from Sugimoto Kousuke - I had to watch this twenty times to finally get what was going on. Layers and layers of meta and visuals!


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When I checked his YouTube channel, I found another vid he did showing three monekys rocking out in gladitorial combat gear:

image Click to view

Yes. That is the POWAH OF ROCK AND ROLL shooting three monkeys into space on a giant electric guitar while they rock out.

I warned you it was awesome.

hawkgirl, videos, music, milliways, rl, tv, hawkman, capslockers unite, artgasm, rp, smallville, grief, carter hall, so awesome awesome broke, you tube

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