In short, a monkey has bested seven men. This should give you a dim view of human endeavor.

Feb 10, 2010 09:49

ceitfianna tagged me for an icon meme, and I succumbed, for icon memes are a dangerous weakness.

The meme is writ thusly:

Comment here and I will pick six of your icons, you then copy and paste this in your LJ along with your explanations/comments/squeeage about each one.

If you comment here and want me to, I'll pick six of your icons for overly technical analysis (aaah, R.I.P. best_thing_ever).

Here are the icons Ms. ceitfianna picked from my motley crew of 40 KB x 40 KB representations of my personal moral and social philosophy:


This is Alison Blair, aka Dazzler, looking uncommonly vengeful - look at her, with fists clenched and raised while offering a snarling threat with either Donna Summer or "Get Off" by Foxy playing in the background. Thus, DEATH BY DISCO. (Keep in mind that she's making these not-so-idle threats whilst on rollerskates.) I didn't make it - ponyboy did - but this icon did bring dj_spider into my life when I used it in a comment over on baaaaabyanimals and suddenly someone was typing "DAZZLER! DAZZLER!" at me and squeeing. The source of squeeage turned out to be dj_spider, and for that reason alone I think I'll keep this icon forever.


This is from an issue of Cable & Deadpool. The text boxes are yellow, so we should all know by now who's talking (Deadpool, natch). The issue concerns Deadpool, Siryn, Cannonball, and Cable visiting an alternate Earth where Mr. Sinister has decided to turn the thrust of his genetic manipulation experiments towards the creation of the perfect corn and chicken for barbecuing. Deadpool approves mightily. (This is also the story arc with the infamous handwashing scene and also Siryn looks adorable holding baby!messiah!Cable as they travel from AU to AU, so it's a win/win reading experience.)


This is Green Lantern Hal Jordan. This image is taken from simply the best cover that I've ever seen Hal rendered on. In fact, behold the entirety of it below. The text is a quote from Hal shortly after he is returned to life and is fighting Parallax along with a bevy of his fellow Green Lanterns - he comments that there's a tangible glory to what they do by serving in the Corps.

The cover in question:

It captures the essence of Hal perfectly. Free to soar, joy in what he does, but always purposeful.


Matthew Fox's sexy back from Season three of Lost where there was a lot of sweaty Jack Shephard raging against the dying of the light and baring of biceps, chest, and other parts that people like to see Matthew offer up for viewing. The lyrics "sexy back" fit that image so perfectly. water_of_fire and I used to have so much fun laughing over this icon. (Sadly, I can't remember who made this icon, but twasn't moi.)


Hal Jordan kissing a very fortunate lady. This scene, plus the scene of Hal kissing a Star Sapphire in the heat of a furious battle, prompted someone on Scans Daily to comment that they FINALLY understood why Hal has such a rabid and vocal fanbase - because he's ten thousand times pimper than any of the other human Green Lanterns, and because none of the other human Green Lanterns would have thought to use kissing as a tactical coup d'etat during a melee on which Earth's survival depends.

One of Hal's finest moments, truly.


From Season 5 of Lost, IIRC, when John Locke pulls one of his fits of cryptic batshittery and the group of people following him all pause to give him that look that says "Oh shit, son, we chose the wrong guy." Never fails to make me crack up.

Next up, file this under Axioms of Fundamental Truth:

Harry riding a zombie!T-Rex through downtown Chicago will NEVER not be awesomely funny. And yes, it's pretty much like this all the time in the later Dresden books.

I also have have to post these two clips. Blame the_croupier - and these are MANDATORY VIEWING, people:

Werner Herzog reads Curious George, no, I am not kidding:

image Click to view

Werner Herzog reads Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel:

image Click to view

Putting his own spin on both stories, of course. "Together zey helped wash away ze beauty of the American Frontier."


cable & deadpool, cable: not for beginners!, lost, hilarity, did we just retcon clinton?, film, dinosaurs, memeage, deadpool, dazzler, marvel, motivators, green lantern, video clips, meme, you tube

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