For the RPers on ye olde flist

Feb 11, 2010 09:54

RP love meme! Spread the love, people!

"OMG I LOVE YOUR _____": A RP Meme D'Amour : My Thread

Here's a confessional iteration of my endeavors with fictitious characters online:

I'm putting both active and long dormant journals up in here.

@ milliways_bar & mixed_muses:

Hawkgirl (DC comicsverse) - accipiterpuella
She-Hulk (Marvel) - gammagammahey
Lockjaw (Marvel) - lockjawed
Jack of Hearts (Marvel) - sonotlahire
Siryn (Marvel) - waxwontbeenough

Other places, like Sages and in private RP:

Frank Castle (Marvel) - subtle_guns
Jago (CJ Cherryh's Foreigner universe) - jago_ateva
Huck (David Brin's Uplift universe) - huck_a_gkek
Zealot (Wildstorm) - zealous_kheran
The Peruvian heating coil (if you remember this, you have known me a LONG time) - peruvian_coil

Now, if I could only get it together to play the moravecs (that's "robot" to you and me) Mahnmut the Europan and Orphu of Io from Dan Simmons Ilium/Olympos cycle. Or maybe one of the other moravecs, like Asteague/Che.

I'd love to play Huck again, but the squidlet really needs an Alvin to play against.

I did once make a journal for Warren DeMontague from Greg the Bunny. No, I'm not lying.

rp, milliways, meme

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