Kirbytastic unmutes me

Jul 14, 2010 14:00

Yes, I'm alive. Thank you for the messages asking if blood still courses through my veins.

I've had more bad days than good, and I've got a lot to say about both. My mother's death isn't going anyway anytime soon. I've got good things to say to some of you and some not-so-good things to say to others amongst the hoard.

Hey, flist, I have a question first, and I beg your assistance! Ever since I upgraded to Firefox 3.6.4, I can't see embedded videos anywhere, no matter the site. I'm using NoScript set to Moderately Aggressive Rotweiller mode (although I don't think it's the problem, as I've disabled it and problem still exists). The other plug-ins I'm using are TACO and Request Policy - could either of those be the problem? How do I tweak them to let me see my vids, dammit?

What finally prompts me to post was this:

Someone FINALLY almost gets a Jack Kirby costume right:

Also, ODIN! Thor! SQUEEE.

Yes, that is Sir Anthony Hopkins as Odin, with Thor and Loki behind him. Yes, this is a new still, as far as I can gather from Kenneth Branagh's Thor. This is the first squee that I've uttered in seven months.

But there is a terrible void lacking in this pictographic representation of the gods of Asgard:
Loki's precious helmet. (why, Marvel and Branagh? Why?) What the hell are the incredibly advanced gods of the Norse, who live in a spacely realm, running around without protective headgear? I dunno, it seems a bit foolhardy to me and a perfect waste of a costume design team's time to not let them go CRAZY with the Kirby headgear.

However, Odin's armour is a nice meeting point between Kirby and the Simsonson's Asgardians-as-a-cosmic-pantheon. I do miss those Kirby headdresses.

I'm pleasantly surprised by this pic, but withholding more judgment until I see more. Still, damn close enough to Kirby to please me.

Also, no Sif, given the casting of Natalie Portman. Or the Warriors Three. :-(

(Interesting that they took Cap's wings off his helmet for the new Cap film, too. Ugh, so sad.)

For those that don't give a damn about that:

So I finally roused myself to comment on the below - five months after I first watched and then spent fifteen minutes torn between hysterical laughter and lusting after all the mirrored silver clothing.

Now, all discussion of plagiarism aside in this video, behold! This video is fraught with apple symbolism, apple products in general, a dude wearing a broken slinky as a necklace but obviously meant as Art™, a checkered codpiece worn over jeans as an accessory that has the opposite intended Op Art effect, and much as it pains me to admit, the coolest silver vest ever to exist. I watched this video for the fashion - I'm just that shallow.

image Click to view

At first - no mendacity, here - I thought that this might be G-Dragon doing an extensively art-directed-to-all-of-P-Diddy's back catalog as an advert for Korea's apple product industry.

I'm sorry. It's a big hot mess, and I just can't take Korean pop hip hop seriously. Yet here I am, and I can't get the song out of my brain.

Stop the presses, I can hear box_in_the_box's mansquee all the way here in SF:

I saw the preview. Believe me, they had me at Helen Mirren with a machine gun.

you ain't no picasso, video clips, thor, captain america, film, you tube, marvel

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