I'll...I'll just leave this here.

Jul 16, 2010 13:04

Stolen from all over the web and Box, I'll just leave this here:

....Thoughts, flist? Here's the article over at EW.com.

There's an embiggened version here.

I'm flailing, because there are elements I love and elements that I dislike. The extreme texture on the costume is unnecessary, yet on the parts where the GL green energy is breaking through, it's effective because even if I didn't know what the fuck a Green Lantern was, I'd figure out pretty quickly that a massively powered-up individual was coming my way.

Actually, in looking at the mask in the hi-res version, it looks like they might have been going for a ring-generated super high-tech Oan cling-wrap construct thingy. Think of all the masks that the rings have to generate it (I wonder if Kyle or John ever wakes up one day and says "You what? Fuck it. I want a butterfly-shaped mask today." Ring, make me pretty."). I actually like the texture of the mask, although it should look less like body paint, of course. It's certainly a better option than the stiff, cardboard option that Nolan used in TDK films (which looked like it was made by a fifth grader with cardboard, scissors and some glue).

I don't hate the costume. I might hate the casting, but I don't the costume yet, although the sinewy parts of the lower areas mystify me. I like that the costume looks like it's full of energy (which it is, in a way) - it definitely denotes that this is an individual not to be fucked with coming your way and you'd best dot your i's and cross your t's.

Kilowog, on the other hand:

That is a Kilowog, no doubt. But he needs to be more pinkish-gray, right? I meant to post that set of concept art when it came out but it was right after my mother passed, if I recall.

Ryan Reynolds looks surprisingly good as a Lantern. I never thought I'd type those words.

covers, green lantern, costume mockery, hal jordan, so awesome awesome broke, film

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