The National Weather Service just issued tornado warnings for Santa Clara and Santa Cruz counties. (For the geographically impaired, that's a little too close to SF to be comfortable.) It's been hailing and raining here like the end of days, but TORNADOES? That's supposed to happen in Tornado Alley, not in our temblor-stricken Earthquakes-Only-Bad-Karma-Sweet-Spot-by-the-Bay. Apparently people spotted a funnel cloud forming, called some other people, and it spun out into the news immediately. Technically the warning "expires" later this afternoon, but to hear the emergenzy BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZT BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZT on the local radio news stations and then the calm voice of slightly panicked authority telling us all to stay away from windows and to retreat to the basement and cover ourselves with pillows...surreal does not begin to cover it, okay?
I was going to go do laundry, but perhaps I'll just relax at home instead.
Occasionally I like to peruse the comic communities and see, say, what images people have chosen to upload of my favorite characters. Like, say, Comic Vine, who have all of three pictures of Misty Knight but over five hundred thousand pronzy fanservice pics of Vampirella.
I checked the Hawkgirl gallery today, and found the usual Shayera Hol/Wonder Woman femmeslash (and I think I found a Shiera Saunders Hall/Isis femmeslash pic, if mine eyes do not deceive....uh, wow) and cheesecake, but thank all that is divine in the universe that someone saved me the trouble of uploading this.
This is mildly NSFW. This is VERY fanservicey. This is also VERY canon, and I say this because it comes from canon: Carter Hall en deshabille, Kendra Saunders even more en deshabille, obviously about to eat that breakfast and make with more schmoitus non-interruptus:
...I like that you can discern that Carter's pants are actually partially unzipped. But then again, why bother to zip up if you know you're only going downstairs to rummage in an alien kitchen on war-torn Rann and then use the food purely to replenish your arsenal of erotic intentions with Kendra?
That panel is from the last issue of the Hawkman vol. 4 book, by the way. And then DC killed off my OTP and turned them into Black Lantern psychic vampire zombies.
While we're on the subject of Hawkgirl, I feel the need to spam you all with a smidge of Hawkgirl meting out asskickings.
In her short-lived solo book that was scribed by Walt Simonson (I was expecting glory, instead I got...well, there were only two issues that approached anything of Simonson's greatness of old), we got this:
...Which I appreciated, because Kendra (whose costume there is a liquified Gizmoid from Apokolips - don't ask, it was pure crack) then promptly turns around and starts kicking ass without actually being aware of it.
Like when she smacks down Bloody Mary:
I'll be posting some sequences from these issues because they contain Kendra fighting a giant robot version of herself, and Giant Robot Kendra is wearing a Giant Robot Kendra pointy bra.
Then, over in the JLA book, we had know what, I'm not even going to set it up, it just cracks me up every single time:
Someone uploaded a panel of Kendra's epic fight with Santana, which was fanservicey in the extreme. What mystifies me is that they only uploaded the end, not the extended wrestling match straight out of Penthouse:
It was indeed an epic fight - it had Kendra breaking minion necks left and right and even trashing Santana's record collection.
You can't go wrong with Rags Morales penciling Kendra bitchsmackin' a reincarnated Hath-Set:
LOOK! Snow gear!
Then there's space opera. Kendra hates space opera, particularly when she has to sing a part in it:
The hilarious thing that endears me to the Hawks even more? They're in the middle of a huge space war between Rann, the Tamaraneans, Thanagar, not to mention the looming Crisis, and they still bring their bladed and spiked weapons along to accessorize their space!rifles.
Then, dear goddess, the commissions and fan art.
There's some artist out there that likes to draw Kendra/Shiera/Shayera as a bodybuilder. So there you are. At least she's got realistically non-existent breasts, okay?
This one grew on me - it's her stance of preparedness:
This looks to be Shiera rather than Kendra (because of the long hair):
I don't think it's Shayera Hol* because of the Nth metal-wrapped arms. I also don't think it's Shayera Thal** for the same reason and also because she lacks her BFG and grey Thanagarian space!cop suit.
Just typing out that last sentence made me tired.
In conclusion, TORNADOES.
* If you're not familiar with Hawk continuity, don't ask.
** No, really. Oh, okay, you really want me to write all this out?