Scam Alert Wednesday plus HOLY SHIT, IT'S DOCTOR FATE

Jan 27, 2010 14:23

I would like to preface this entry with a note that from the RP side of things, it's hilarious to me when things I've RPed become almost canon. More about that below ( Read more... )

hawkgirl, videos, music, milliways, rl, tv, hawkman, capslockers unite, artgasm, rp, smallville, grief, carter hall, so awesome awesome broke, you tube

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box_in_the_box January 28 2010, 00:59:43 UTC
I have mixed emotions about that Amanda Waller casting.

On the one hand, Pam Grier. That's always a plus.

On the other hand, the PERFECT person to play Waller in live-action is the one who's ALREADY been playing her in cartoon form for years - CCH Pounder.

On the gripping hand, I'm not sure that Pam Grier should be playing Amanda Waller simply because I shouldn't be having sexual fantasies about Amanda Waller.


oakenguy January 28 2010, 01:30:26 UTC
Damnit, now you're making me want to do the "AMANDA WALLER IS WATCHING YOU MASTURBATE" demotivational poster.


box_in_the_box January 28 2010, 01:36:50 UTC
Especially with Grier playing Waller, it would lend itself well to a "You call THAT a penis?" macro as well.


kali921 January 28 2010, 01:50:50 UTC
Please do.



kali921 January 28 2010, 01:50:26 UTC
I agree about CCH Pounder.

But Pam's not been getting enough work - and I want to see her take on Waller. Can't we have both? Although clearly this is a case where a heavy character is going to be slimmed down by the casting, because Pam, last time I checked, was tall and not shaped like a football. (Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Amanda Waller - and it'd be awesome if they'd cast her with a weight-appropriate actress.)

So I'm conflicted.


lyssie January 29 2010, 01:45:10 UTC
I don't think CCH Pounder is all that robust, either. (The Wall is built like, well, like a wall. Or a brick house. Cammryn Mannheim/Queen Latifah size, really)


kali921 January 30 2010, 16:05:41 UTC
Yes to all of this! *stamps*


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