Scam Alert Wednesday plus HOLY SHIT, IT'S DOCTOR FATE

Jan 27, 2010 14:23

I would like to preface this entry with a note that from the RP side of things, it's hilarious to me when things I've RPed become almost canon. More about that below ( Read more... )

hawkgirl, videos, music, milliways, rl, tv, hawkman, capslockers unite, artgasm, rp, smallville, grief, carter hall, so awesome awesome broke, you tube

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Comments 38

shadowlongknife January 28 2010, 02:13:22 UTC

Yay, I'm glad to see you!

I'd agree with your assesment of the painter in question being Rags Morales, the facial structures definitely look like his work. Also, HOOTY THE OWL. I love that they remembered Charles McNider's owl.


kali921 January 28 2010, 17:43:06 UTC
It turns out to be Rodolfo Migliari, apparently - see the comment just below yours. It really does look like Rags, though, doesn't it?


And I'm still taking you up on your offer to carry me when needed.


shadowlongknife January 28 2010, 23:05:17 UTC
It really does totally look like Rags.

HI! HI KALI HI! Kitty is grooming herself on the shelf above my monitor (which I almost totally spelled MINOTAUR) so she also says a lazy, kitty-style "hellooooo". There will be pictures of the little nipper soon as I get my hands on a camera.

I will carry you anywhere. You can ride on my back, for I am large like the war elephants in Lord of the Rings.


kali921 January 30 2010, 16:06:37 UTC
Please give us pictures of kitty. Even with one of those $3.99 disposable Walmart cameras! I want my kitty. NOW.

I love you, hon.


(The comment has been removed)

kali921 January 28 2010, 17:43:38 UTC
Oh, thank you - and I'm digging on the other covers he's doing for Blackest Night. WOW.


mr_cyn1cal January 28 2010, 16:27:19 UTC
I dunno, the nerdglee of Michael Shanks stuntcasting works for me on a meta level

... )


kali921 January 28 2010, 17:44:12 UTC
Michael Shanks stuntglee? Explain, por favor?


Well, maybe it's only funny to me.... mr_cyn1cal January 28 2010, 17:48:45 UTC
but Michael Shanks, who is best known for playing an Archaeologist who believes (correctly) that aliens built the Great Pyramids, and dies again and again only to return (as seen in every season of Stargate SG-1) is playing Carter Hall, an Archaeologist who actually was an ancient Egyptian king...and was an alien who helped build the Great Pyramids, and is comes back from death again and again...


Re: Well, maybe it's only funny to me.... kali921 January 28 2010, 18:33:01 UTC
Ah, see, I'm not in SG fandom and don't watch the show, so...but yes, that's some serious cosmic consonance in the casting.

One minor note: Carter was not and is not an alien. It's Katar Hol that was the alien Hawkman, and IIRC, he didn't do any pyramid building?


lyssie January 29 2010, 01:47:01 UTC
*snuggles* Grief is a weird thing, sometimes. Also, knowing what helps and not being difficult about it is not as easy as it would seem.

Pam Grier! She might make me watch SV. =D


kali921 January 30 2010, 16:08:28 UTC
I just saw two new promos for the two-hour movie - and man, it looks to be GOOD. I just got linked to one of Doctor Fate freaking out and babbling (always a good visual) and Carter being steely-eyed and purposeful. Eeeee!


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