Promises, Part 14

Apr 03, 2007 19:35


Part 14
Rating: R

Genre: Angst, fluff in places, violence some places also.

Pairings: Jack/Ianto, some Tosh/Owen later

Summary: Jack is back, but why did he leave in the first place? Promises broken and promises made. Shock, horror and surprises make Jack wonder about his own immortality and power.

Warnings: as I mentioned… some smut … and also some violence… angst and some fluffy bits.

part 1 is HERE
Part 2 is HERE
Part 3 is HERE
Part 4 is HERE
Part 5 is HERE
Part 6 is HERE
Part 7 is HERE
Part 8 is HERE
Part 9 is HERE
part 10is HERE
Part 11is HERE
Part 12is HERE
Part 13is HERE


“One minute I was eating chips and the next...”

“You're here in the TARDIS,” the Doctor said absently, walking up to her and scanning her with his screwdriver. A small sound escaped his mouth, half a laugh and half a gasp, “and it's you, its really you.”

“Well who else would it be?”

“How did you get here?” he asked, putting the sonic device back into his Jacket, “it makes no sense.”

“Well I don't know, you're the Doctor!”

“Yes I am,” he smiled touching her cheek, “and you are Rose Tyler.”

“I thought I would never be able to see you again,” she said, still holding her chips in her hands, unable to move, “thats what you said.”

"I say a lot of things," the Doctor said before wrapping his arms around her tightly, pulling her against him. Rose dropped her chips and hugged him back, pressing her head into his chest and gripping onto his back.

"I dropped my chips," she said, muffled.

"Screw chips, you're with the Doctor!"

“I can make more chips,” Rose said, closing her eyes to enjoy the sensation of his hands. “Wait a minute,” she said, looking up at him and pushing away just a little, “did I see Jack?”

“Right behind you,” Jack said and smiled when she moved over to him, hugging him tightly. He pulled back, “ I have to go, but I'll be back.”

“Where are you going?” the Doctor asked, “out there it's one in the morning.”

“I have to see him,” Jack said.

“Just make sure you're back here before everyone shows up for work, I don't want to try and explain who I am without you; last time they had guns.”


Jack opened Ianto's front door and got his bearings in the darkness; it was late and he knew he was sleeping so he made his way to the bedroom. The door was open just a crack and Jack could see him inside, lying only half under his sheets, illuminated by the low light from the street lamp that broke through the half-closed blinds, with one hand on his bare stomach and the other behind his head.

Jack stood still in the doorway for a moment to watch him, hypnotized by the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest. It seemed so long since he had seen him breathing. After a moment he made his way over into the large bed in the middle of the room and perched on the edge. Jack couldn't even begin to count the number of times that he had watched Ianto sleep, but this time was different, this time it wasn't a quick glimpse before he put on his clothes and slipped out the door in the dead of the night. This time he had come back for him.

Apprehensively, he reached out and touched Ianto's hand, sighing a sigh if relief when he felt the hot skin underneath his fingertips. Jack released a deep breath and smiled as he ran his hand up to the other mans chest, feeling the heart beat, he lay down beside him and watched him moan softly under him, muttering something in his deep sleep. He slid his hands up Ianto's neck and ran his fingers over his tight jaw, trailing his fingers over his lips.

Ianto shifted in his sleep, moving his hand from his stomach and putting it on top of Jack's. For a moment Jack thought that he would wake up, even briefly, but he didn't. Ianto slipped back into a deep sleep, letting his hand slide away from Jack slowly.

Jack watched him, running his hand across the warmth of his cheek, before leaning in and pressing his lips against Ianto's, kissing them softly.

Ianto moaned in his sleep again and groaned, shifting a little before opening his eyes slowly. He blinked and focused on the image in front of him, staring for a moment.

“I know what you're thinking,” Jack said, pushing Ianto back down when he sat up.

“Jack?” he whispered, sitting up a little and reaching into the darkness, touching his face, “you're back?”

“Yeah,” Jack smiled.

“Where the Fuck have you been!” Ianto asked angrily, sitting up and pushing Jack back, pinning him to the bed with his hands.

“I know you're pissed, but--”

“You left without a single word, vanished literally off the face of the earth for three months and then reappear in my bedroom at half one in the morning like nothing has changed, and you think that I'm pissed. I'm way beyond pissed!”

“Let me explain something,” Jack pleaded.

“I don't see why I should.”


Ianto looked at him for a moment, gazing into his pleading eyes, and let go. He sat back against the headrest and stared at Jack, “make it good, you get one chance.”

“Okay,” Jack said turning to face Ianto and looking into his eyes, “Theres so much I should say, could say, need to say but there's some things that I just cant say right now. I have tales to tell and apologies to make, I know. There's some things that can wait, but this just can't--”

“Slow down,” Ianto said softly, “you're rambling.”

“I cant help it,” Jack told him, leaning into him and touching his shoulders, “I can't think straight until I get what I need, and what I need is,” Jack stuttered and found himself unable to speak, “I need--”

“What do you need?”

“I-I,” Jack opened his mouth but no words came out.

Ianto shifted forward a little and put his hand on the back of Jack's neck, pulling him into his lips and kissed him softly. Jack closed he eyes and let himself be pulled in, sliding his hands around Ianto's neck and burying his fingers into his hair, pulling him closer. The younger man wrapped his free arm around Jack and held him close to him, jumping a little when the cold brass buttons on his coat shocked the warmth of his bare skin.

“What do you need?” the younger man repeated in a whisper.

Jack could feel Ianto's lips close to his and when he spoke he could feel the hot breath heat his own lips. He licked his lips and felt his tongue flick over Ianto's for a brief moment.

“Tell me what you need, Jack,” Ianto repeated for the third time.

“I need to know that you forgive me, that you're on my side and that you still want me,” Jack said, finally opening his eyes and staring into the deep blue pools that greeted him, “I need you to kiss me to let me know it's all okay.”

Ianto closed the gap and pressed hips against Jack's, gently pushing him down onto the empty space beside him, resting his body on top of him. He pinned him to the bed with his body, running his hands through his hair, whilst his lips kissed him. He could feel Jacks arms around him, holding his body closer against him, touching his bare skin with his fingers.

“Jack?” Ianto asked, breaking the kiss


He took Jack's face in his hands and stared directly into his eyes, “I do forgive you, I will always be on your side, I'll never stop wanting you and everything is going to be okay.”

“You always give me what I need.”

“And I always will.”

Ianto moved towards him to kiss him, but Jack moved away a little, “I missed you.”

“I missed you too,” Ianto smiled.

“I only came back for you, to be with you; I only came back to feel this.”


“I need you; I need you more than you need me.”

“You should stop talking,” Ianto said, “talking is for later. Right now you need to take your clothes off and get into my bed.”

“I'm already in your bed.”

“You're not nearly as naked as I need you.”

“So, can I stay here tonight?” Jack asked.

“Of course, I don't often ask people to get into my bed unless I want them to stay.”


“What happened!” Martha asked the Doctor as he paced around the TARDIS, tapping his chin with his sonic screwdriver.

“I don't know,” he said slowly.

“How did she get here?”

“She has the power of the TARDIS running through her,” he said, “but she couldn't come back, it's physically impossible. For Rose to come back would make two universes collapse and nothing has collapsed; everything is fine.” The Doctor walked over to the controls and looked at some one the displays. “Common sense would tell us that she was just an energy structure made up to look like something that the TARDIS recognised, but that theory is dead because it's got all her DNA. I don't get it; it's impossible!”

“Maybe you were wrong,” she said.

“Oh the Doctor is never wrong,” Rose said, walking between them, “he miscalculates or misinterprets but he's never, never wrong. Funny that.”

“Oi you, do you want to get home or not?” he said.

“I just got here and you're trying to get rid of me already?” Rose said with a shake in her voice as she turned away, “nice.”

“No, no I don't want you to, but you don't belong here. You're officially dead.”

“And officially you don't even exist.”

“You know I think I might go for a walk,” Martha said, “have a snoop around the base again, see if I can find out what Jack hides in his office drawers.”

“You don't have to go,” Rose said, “you belong here, apparently I don't.”

“I think I should give you two some space,” Martha said slipping out the door and closing it.

“Do you see what you've done?” Rose asked, “Now she thinks I hate her.”

“Don't you?”

“Thats not the point.”

“Then what is?”

“You want to send me home.”

“Don't you want to go and see your family again?” the Doctor asked, “and Mickey. He'll be worried.”

“I'd rather stay, actually,” Rose said, “unless you don't want me to.”

“Why wouldn't I want you to?”

“Martha.” she said simply, “are you two together?”

“No!” he replied, staring at Rose as if she had gone insane, “what makes you think that?”

“She seems the type.”


Jack crawled back into the bed once he had removed his clothes and hovered over Ianto for a moment, stroking his hair with his fingertips.

“What the hell are you doing?” Ianto laughed, pulling Jack down onto him and then roiling him over, pinning him to the mattress.

“I was looking at you,” he said, “it seems so long since I've looked at you.”

“Thats sweet,” Ianto said, “really. But less of the chit-chat and more of the fucking.”

“You're horny tonight.”

“I haven't had sex in three months Jack, and if I don't have you right now I think my cock may just explode.”

“Well I was kind of hoping it would,” he smirked.

“Then I think you had better stop all this chit-chat. Talking is for after,” Ianto said, moving his hand between them and wrapping it around Jack's cock, “sex now, talk later.”

Jack moaned and closed his eyes, pressing the back of his head into the pillow and biting his lip. He pulled Ianto down to him and kissed his lips, running his hands over his back, feeling is skin under his fingertips. Ianto moved his lips down Jack's body, sucking the skin on his shoulders into his mouth.

“I thought that I'd never feel this again,” Jack mumbled and Ianto moved his free hand to his lips, covering his mouth.

“Talk later,” he reminded him in a husky welsh voice that made Jack's cock twitch, “ don't make me gag you.”

“I get it,” Jack groaned, removing Ianto's hands from his mouth, “sex now.”

“Yes,” Ianto agreed, pinning his hand to the bed above his head, “we can talk all you want later, right now I just really need to feel you.”

Ianto moved his lips back over Jack's before he could speak again, and kissed him deeply, sucking his tongue into his mouth.

Jack moaned into Ianto's mouth and tangled his fingers in his hair, pulling his closer roughly, tasting his mouth. It seemed so long since he had tasted his kiss.

The phone rang out into the air and Ianto groaned, pulling his lips away from Jack slowly. “why?” he groaned, looking up to the ceiling, “Okay I'll be one minute.” He rolled over onto his back and picked the phone up from the sidetable, “what?” he asked as he answered the phone.

Jack rolled over onto his side and moved over to Ianto, tucking himself under his arm and kissing his neck as he spoke.

“No, I don't answer the phone like that at work, but It's almost two in the morning Kai, what do you want?” Ianto stretched out his neck and closed his eyes as he enjoyed the light kisses on his skin, “If you come within a mile of my flat tonight I will kill you. I'm busy. Usually I would care if she threw you out but I don't. I'm about to get laid for the first time in three months and if you disturb it I will hunt you down and kill you.

Jack moved is lips from Ianto's neck and moved down to his chest, resting his head and closing his eyes, listening to the sound of Ianto's voice.

“Go to a hotel and I'll pay, I don't care if you stay at the fucking Ritz penthouse, just don't come near me. I swear. If you love your little brother you will not ruin his night when he is so close to getting laid,” Ianto pleaded, “I have such a beautiful creature in my bed and if you make me turn them away I swear they will have to drag the bay to find you.”

Jack nuzzled into him and pulled the sheets over them.

“I don't care if you tell mam,” Ianto laughed, “I'm twenty six Kai, I think she's guessed that maybe I'm not a virgin by now-- look -- just fuck off Kai,” Ianto said finally. Hanging up the phone and turning to Jack who lay on his chest, breathing rhythmically. “Jack?” he asked, nudging him.

“Hmm!” Jack gasped, waking with a shock, “I'm up!”

“Did you just fall asleep?”

“I'm sorry, I just felt a little tired for a bit there, but I'm fine,” Jack said crawling up Ianto's body to face him, “we can have sex now.”

“You fell asleep.”


“I'm not mad,” Ianto said, sitting up, “I'm puzzled. You fell asleep, you never fall asleep; you don't sleep.”

“That's a good point,” Jack yawned, “hey, maybe it's like space lag.”

“Space lag?” Ianto asked, raising an eyebrow unconvinced.

“I've done a lot of traveling recently,” Jack said, climbing over Ianto and kissing his neck, “I've come a long way to get you back and I'll be damned if I'm going to stop to sleep.”

“Are you sure you've got enough energy?” Ianto asked, talking back the power and pushing Jack off him, pinning him to the mattress, “because you'll need it.”

“I'm sure I can handle it, do your worst,” Jack said pulling Ianto down to him, kissing his lips and wrapping his arms around him, trailing his fingers over the skin on his back. He closed his eyes when Ianto moved his kisses to his neck and ran his fingers down his sides. Ianto pulled back and looked up at Jack with concern.

“Are you okay?”

“Fine,” Jack said lightly.

“You look like shit,” Ianto old him, putting his hands on his face, “you look shattered.”

“What happened to sex now, talk later?” Jack asked, looking up at him, “I miss that Ianto, bring back sex mad Ianto.”

“Yeah well say goodbye to sex mad Ianto and hello to sleep mad Ianto,” he ordered, rolling over again.

“But what about all our sex?” Jack asked, leaning on his chest and yawning, looking up at him.

“We can have sex tomorrow, I'm not going anywhere.”

“But still,” he pouted, “you were going to fuck my brains out; I distinctively remember you saying that when I got undressed.”

“I'm not having you fall asleep on me,” he said, fluffing up his pillows and leaning back

“If you insist.”

Jack gave in and lay back in the bed beside him, staring up into the darkness “Ianto?”

“Yes, Jack?”

“When I was away I missed you.”

“I missed you too.”

“I spent so much time without you; unable to touch you or talk to you, and it scared the shit out of me,” he confessed, feeling a hand reach out n the darkness and touch his hair, “I never thought that I would see you again.”

“I thought you weren't coming back.”

“I'll always come back for you, no matter how far I have to travel. I wont let anyone else leave you.”

“Can hold you Jack?” Ianto asked, “it seems like so long since I've done that for anyone.”

Jack said nothing, but closed the gap between them, laying his head on the other mans chest. He felt Ianto move underneath him, bringing his arms around him.


Jack awoke with a start when he felt Ianto moving underneath him, squirming in the sheets and sweating; he groaned in his sleep, muttering words that he couldn't make out. He sat up in bed and gently shook him until he woke up, sitting up suddenly and almost knocking him out.

“Ianto?” Jack asked soothingly, watching him as he fumbled under the sheets and touched his stomach, breathing erratically. “Ianto!” he repeated, putting his hands on his face until he calmed down.

Ianto looked him, his chest still rising quicker than it should, and pressed his lips against Jack's before resting his head against his forehead.

“What is it?” Jack asked, searching his face for any emotion other than fear.

“Nightmare,” Ianto breathed, “such a bad nightmare.”

“It's okay,” Jack whispered, pulling Ianto back down to the bed. This time it was he who was doing the comforting; he held Ianto against his chest and ran his fingers through his hair, soothing him until his breathing regained its normal pattern.”Shh,”

“It was so real Jack.”

“They always are,” Jack whispered, pulling the sheets back around them, “Cannibals?”



“No,” he shook his head again, “I don't know what it was, but it felt so real.”

“It wasn't,” he reassured him, planting kiss on his head.

“There was so much blood,” he whimpered, clinging to Jack in the dark.

“It's okay.”

“You're not going to leave me, are you?” he asked.

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