Promises made, promises broken - part 6

Jan 21, 2007 17:38

Title: Promises Made, Promises Broken

Characters/Pairing : Jack/Ianto

Rating: R

Spoilers: end of days.

Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood... believe me... if i did Jack and Ianto would walk around in nothing but tight pants (and a tie for Ianto) The BBC own it. so as much as i love it i don't own it :(

Summary: Jack is back, but why did he leave in the first place? Promises broken and promises made. Shock and horror.

Part 1 is HERE -->
Part 2 is HERE -->
Part 3 is HERE -->
Part 4 is HERE -->
Part 5 is HERE -->

Toshiko and Gwen strode through the long grass of the field looking for the mystery object.

“Apparently it just appeared from nowhere,” Tosh said looking at her hand held device, “and now its nowhere to be seen.”

“Maybe the coordinates were wrong?”

“Not very likely.”

“Maybe you should call the hub and ask Ianto for clarification.” Gwen said, “No doubt he can double check the reported coordinates on the system.”

“That sounds like a good idea, but of course there is also the possibility that this was a hoax,” Toshiko groaned, “hand me your phone and I’ll call.”

“It’s in the car, you’ll have to use your own.”

“I don’t have it, I told you the battery was dead this morning.”

“I thought you charged it.

“No, I left it charging at my desk,” Tosh told her and Gwen groaned, “I hope you like wild goose chases.”

“I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention…”

“You need to keep your mind on the job Gwen,” Tosh snapped, not letting her finish the sentence, “there is no room for mistakes at Torchwood. ”

“I have a lot of things on my mind at the moment.”

“And I don’t?”

“I don’t know what you do in your own time because you never tell me.”

“I have no life Gwen, I work for Torchwood.”


“So, it’s almost company policy to have no life.”

Jack held the sword in his hand, firming his grip; the handle was cold and uncomfortable in his hands. He took a deep breath and slowly crept up behind the third Transmutor. The first had been easy to kill and the head came straight off, leaving the body in a pile of blue sand. The second, however, had proved a little more difficult, after two attempts it had still been standing; it wasn’t until the third attempt that he had finally managed to kill it. The third one was proving to be even harder than the second, he had attempted many times to kill it but it still managed to avoid the blade; this time he wouldn’t give it an option, this time he would kill it. Slowly, he exhaled the breath and swung the sword, slicing the head from its body and reducing it to an identical pile of sand.

“Three down, one to go,” he muttered.

“We just need to find it,” Owen said looking around, “it seems to have disappeared.”

“These things don’t disappear, Owen, “Jack said, looking around on guard, “they hide in the shadows and they camouflage, but they don’t simply disappear.”

“Where do you suppose they got in?” Ianto asked, closely stalking behind them, “none of the alarms went off.”

“There’s a few ways they can wrestle their way into places they shouldn’t be; the water supply, under doors, through locks, they probably came in through the water tower though, water is how they usually prefer to gain entry; they can be inconspicuous. I’ve even heard stories of times that they’re killed from the inside out when people accidentally drank them as tea.”

“Now you mention it sir we have been having a bit of a leak recently.”

“Then that’s how they got in; the only question now is why they’re here; these things have no free will, they follow orders from above to kill.”

“Like assassins?” Ianto asked, unsure.

“Exactly like assassins; someone sent them here to invade our space and I don’t like it one bit; it stinks of fowl play to me. Who exactly sent them is beyond me, but when I find out they will feel my wrath.”

“This is Torchwood,” Owen reminded him, “someone always wants to kill us Jack, the list of suspects are endless.”

Jack nodded and took a deep breath, stalking through the hub carefully, watching the space around him for any clues.

Toshiko wandered through the field with Gwen lagging behind and shook her head, flopping down on the fence and leaning against it. They had been searching for almost three hours and so far nothing, other than a tractor motor and an old rake, had been found.

“This is a hoax,” she sighed, “it’s just a big joke; there’s nothing here.”

“We should have gone back to the car to call the hub when we had the chance.”

“Well that wouldn’t have particularly been a problem if you had remembered to put it In your pocket; I mean how irresponsible do you have to be to forget a thing like that in a job like this?”

“I forgot Tosh; I made a mistake. I presume that at some point in your perfect little existence you have actually made a mistake,” Gwen bit, pushing past her and heading towards the Car.

Tosh bit the inside of her cheek and followed after her quickly. She was staying quiet, there was one thing she didn’t want to happen and that was a case of terminal verbal diarrhoea. If one thing came out of her mouth then everything would follow, and an hour long drive with that kind of tension did not sound appealing in the slightest.

As they neared the car they stepped inside and shut the door, Gwen looked around for the mobile in the glove compartment and handed it to Tosh, glaring at her as she did so.

“I don’t quite understand why you hate me Tosh, I haven’t done anything to you.”

“I don’t hate you Gwen, I just think that sometimes you should keep your mind on the job. We all have problems, god knows I’ve had my share, but we cant just forget just why we are here in the first place.”

“And why are we here?” Gwen asked, “why do we do it?”

“Excuse me?”

“Why are we here, why am I with Torchwood instead of being in my nice little safe job that I used to have? I know that things between me and Rhys would be alot easier.”

“Because we want to protect people, we want to know what’s out there and we’re just too determined to give up. Most importantly, Gwen, we do this because we care and we want to protect people.”

“Who protects us Tosh? Who stops us from getting killed?”

“Ianto asked me that once,” she told her, “I couldn’t answer him; he was so scared, so confused about everything.”

“Have many people died Tosh?” she asked. She placed her hand on Tosh’s arm as she started to dial a number, “have many employees of Torchwood died for the job?”

“A few, but that’s just a disadvantage that goes with the Job.”

Tosh shook off her arm and dialled the number, raising the mobile to her ear as she heard it ring out many times. There was no answer, after fifteen rings there was no answer. Toshiko put the phone down and quickly strapped herself into the car, putting the keys in the ignition and starting the car.

“What is it?” Gwen asked.

“Something’s wrong.”

“I don’t understand,” Owen said as he looked through the CCTV footage on Toshiko’s computer screen, “He… she… it was just there and then poof, it’s gone!”

“That’s their nature,” Jack explained, “they’re amazing creatures really if they weren’t so damned vicious.”

“Any idea who sent them yet?”

“Not yet; I have my suspicions but nothing concrete,” Jack said, “I’m going to go and check the vault, maybe they’re hiding there until someone is crazy enough to go down there alone.”

“Namely you?”


Owen sat at the computer, searching through some more footage. hopefully if I go back far enough I can at least see how they got in he thought to himself as he scrolled through the images. So far he had found nothing, there was no inkling that a Transmutor had ever been in the hub before the moment they appeared to Ianto. He felt the air around him grow cold and a hand on his shoulder made him jump, he turned around expecting to see Ianto with the cup of coffee he had promised him, but instead he saw something different. The vision f a blue glowing Transmutor glared down at him; their empty red eyes glowered through him and he pulled back, getting up off the chair and running towards the only direction he could; the autopsy room.

The glowing figure followed and stalked him down the steps, backing him up against the cold lockers. He felt around for a weapon; any weapon, but somehow he didn’t
think any of the surgical implements would quite decapitate one of these creatures. He wasn’t exactly sure how they killed their victims, after all he had been so lucky to escape their wrath so far.

The cold glowing fingers were long, not so long to look like an extra terrestrial, but still long enough to cause concern. They drew towards him, circling around his neck; at first it was the cold sensation that shocked him, but soon after it was the heat as they burnt through his skin; he felt no pressure, these things were not trying to strangle him, they were burning. Their fingers glowed from blue, to purple, to red as they heated and he felt his head getting light and his neck burn like the intense heat of a flame.

Suddenly, the sensation stopped and the pressure released quickly, looking up he saw Ianto with a calm and controlled look in his eyes; his hands clutching the sword. The creature turned into dust and pilled onto the floor.

They both looked at the dust for a moment and exhaled deep breaths they had both been holding. Owen looked up and threw Ianto a grateful look and a smile.


“I told you I wasn’t just the tea boy.”

“Where exactly did you learn to handle a sword like that?” Jack asked, leading Ianto into his office and sitting him down in a chair. He had seen the whole scene from the railings above the autopsy room and hadn’t quite been able to believe his eyes; Ianto’s grip was confident, his swing was smooth; his face, composed.

“I guess I must have just picked it up somewhere,” Ianto explained, “I have been places you wouldn’t believe Jack; I know things you wouldn’t suspect I know.”

“What exactly don’t I know about you?”

“Many things, sir.”

“You really are quite the enigma, Jones,” Jack replied with a simultaneous smirk and pout.

“And that’s the way you like it.”

“I do like a bit of mysteriousness,” he growled lightly, leaning towards him and pulling at his tie, drawing him into him a little at a time, “how about I send the others home early tonight?”

“Why what on earth for, sir?” Ianto said trying his best to sound un-phased; he succeeded.

“You know what for.”

“It’s only half past two, sir.”

“Well, obviously I didn’t mean now. so how about it?”

“As appealing as staying late and getting sexually harassed by my boss sounds, I’m afraid I will have to decline the offer.”

“Why?” Jack asked, pulling him closer to his lips by his tie and looking him in the eyes, his lips no more than an inch from his.

“Because I have to go to Tesco,” he replied.

“That is the worst excuse ever!”

“I invited someone around for dinner tonight and I forgot that I have no food in the house; none at all.”

“I’m sure that your guest wouldn’t mind a takeaway.”

“He’s fussy,” Ianto smirked.

“I’m sure he’s not that fussy,” Jack said, edging his lips closer to his and kissing them softly.

Ianto responded, kissing Jack back tenderly, holding him close and entangling his fingers in his hair. He pulled back suddenly, withdrawing his kisses wickedly with a smile and a lick to his delicious lips.

“I should get on with that coffee, sir.” he said slipping out from Jack’s grip and straightening himself out.

“Tease!” Jack accused, slumping down in his chair as Ianto quietly left with a satisfied look on his face.

Jack stared down at Ianto from the boardroom. He watched him as he stood by the machine. He watched his long fingers and the concentration on his face as he ground the beans down; it was almost erotic. Ianto broke his concentration for a moment and looked over his shoulder, smirking to himself when he saw his eyes on him; watching him from his observation tower, arms folded and a knowing smile on his face.

Jack couldn’t help thinking impure thoughts when Ianto was making coffee. Memories of the places those beautiful hands had been, and when he licked his lips in concentration Jack remembered just where he had seen the look before. He smiled to himself, remembering the last time that the tongue, that was currently running over his lips, had been last. The memory of the night before made his cock twitch and his breath quicken.

The thud of a file on the desk behind him made jack jump and turn around, walking back to the table where Owen stood, his arms folded.

“Where the hell are Tosh and Gwen?” he asked, “here we are doing all the work and they’re still probably out on their own discussing the colours of their shoes and handbags!”

“I just called them,” Jack explained, “I explained everything and they’re on their way back now; the whole thing was a hoax.”

“And why exactly didn’t they call us when they got our frantic message about coming back to the hub?”

“Gwen forgot her mobile and Tosh’s was out of power,” Jack said and then paused a moment, looking up at Owen from his seat. “Somehow I think there’s a connection.”

“Between what?”

“The attack and the artefact.”

“But the artefact was a hoax.”

“Exactly; whoever sent those things here to assassinate us, they didn’t want the full team to be here. They wanted us split up.”

“Interesting conclusion Captain, tell me have you had problems with paranoia before?” Owen joked, shaking his head. “Sometimes I swear you are nuts.”

“You know the score Owen, nothing in this world is a coincidence.”

“According to you,” he argued, “I would say that coincidences do happen, and that this was probably one of those times.”

A loud and deep groan from the hub sent Owen and Jack into a confused and frightened silence.

“What was that?” Owen asked, moving only slightly to look at Jack.

Jack turned around and looked out the window and dashed for the stairs immediately, running down quickly, almost falling from the rush and panic.

Owen looked out the window to see what had shocked him and gasped at the vision.

please try and leave some feedback after yu've read it. thanks :D

torchwood, fic, ianto, jack, jack/ianto

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