Promises Made, promises broken - part 4

Jan 18, 2007 15:01

Title: Promises Made, Promises Broken

Characters/Pairing : Jack/Ianto

Rating: R (This part contains smut & slash)

Spoilers: end of days.

Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood... believe me... if i did Jack and Ianto would walk around in nothing but tight pants (and a tie for Ianto) The BBC own it. so as much as i love it i don't own it :(

Summary: Jack is back, but why did he leave in the first place? Promises broken and promises made. Shock and horror.

Part 1 is HERE -->
Part 2 is HERE -->
Part 3 is HERE -->

Ianto pushed Jack against the wall of the lift and kissed his lips deeply; the five minute walk had been excruciating and at some point between the alleyway and the lift they had started to run to a place where they could be alone.

Ianto thanked god that he lived on the top floor; the ride up in the lift had given him the opportunity to rid Jack of his long coat, undo his braces, unbutton his shirt and shove it off his shoulders, letting it hang from his trousers.

The large mirror that covered the back wall was cold on Jack’s skin and he gasped at the sensation as Ianto pushed him against it. His large hands pulled Ianto closer and held him firmly against his aching erection, pressing it into him. Ianto groaned into his mouth and kissed him hungrily, tasting his mouth and running his hands through his hair, tugging at the strands. He kissed his neck, running his hands down Jack’s sides. He could see his reflection in the mirror; he watched his lips as they caressed Jack’s neck and his hands as he touched his skin.

Jack wrapped his arms around Ianto, holding his body against him; he couldn’t quite understand quite how he had come to be half-naked in a lift when Ianto, usually the submissive one, was fully dressed. Ianto was making the moves for once; Ianto was showing him which direction the evening was going to take. He could feel the hot lips against his neck move to his shoulder. He could feel the teeth behind the hot lips bite into him slightly, nipping his skin that covered his collarbone.

As Ianto heard the lift come to a stop on the fifth floor he pulled away from jack, withdrawing his hot kisses suddenly and picking up the coat that lay on the floor, draping it over his arm; he straightened his tie in the mirror and turned his back to Jack, waiting for the doors to open.

Jack couldn’t believe it; the doors opened and out walked Ianto towards his flat in a calm and composed manner. If it hadn’t been for the fact that he was half naked Jack might have started to doubt that what had just happened had happened. He wasn’t used to losing control.

Jack followed the other man out the lift and joined him at his front door, turning him quickly and pinning him against the hard wood of the door with his hands.

“You like doing that don’t you?”

“Doing what?”

Jack could tell that he was playing with him; his body language was composed but eyes were seducing; a slight smirk tugged at the corners of his lips and his hips tilted slightly towards him.

“You like getting me wound up.”

“Oh, did I wind you up Jack?” He asked, letting the hidden smirk show, “I didn’t realise.”

“You think you’re so clever Jones,“ Jack teased, pressing his body against his and lowering his lips to his neck. “But I’m onto you.”

“Is that right?” Ianto asked sceptically.


“You have me all figured out do you?”

“I do.”

“So you know exactly what move I would be planning on next then?” Ianto asked, lowering his hand down to Jacks trousers and unfastening them in the hallway, pulling them down until they reached his ankles. “did you figure I would do that?”

“no. but I do like your style,” Jack said moving closer to him, kissing his lips, pushing him into the door; pinning his body with his own.

They were kissing in the hallway, pressed up against his front door, for all the neighbours to see and he really didn’t care. Ianto’s mother had always drummed into him the importance of not pissing off your neighbours and keeping yourself to yourself, but he didn’t care about that. If a neighbour saw then what would he really do, say good evening and introduce them? Of course he wouldn’t, he wouldn’t even notice.

“Key,” Jack whispered into his ear between kissing his jaw and this throat, “we need the key before your neighbours get more than they would expect.”

“I’m pretty sure that this is already more than my neighbours would expect from a quiet Tuesday night Jack.”

“Key,” Jack whispered again, “Because if I have to strip you, turn you around and frick you in the hallway, believe me, I will.”

“Left pocket.”

Jack ran his hand slowly from Ianto’s thigh to his crotch, smiling devilishly against his lips as he stroked his erection from the outside slowly. Ianto groaned deeply and bit down on Jack’s lip when he gripped him firmly and pressed himself into him. The plan was going wrong; he was losing the upper hand. Ianto moaned as Jack moved his hand faster, kissing his lips eagerly as he pressed him against the door.

Jack finally moved his hand and reached into Ianto’s pocket, finding his key and unlocking the door, pushing Ianto in and against the wall, shutting it with his foot. He slid his fingers down Ianto’s tie and unfastened it, dropping it on the floor; next he removed the shirt and unfastened the leather belt, making Ianto’s trousers drop to the floor.

“Bed?” Ianto breathed, managing to kick off his shoes and step out of his trousers; for once he didn’t care about the messy clothes strewn all over the floor.

“The wall is closer,” Jack breathed.

“How about the shower?” Ianto suggested with a raised eyebrow and a dark smile.

Jack stepped inside the shower and let the hot water pass over his body. Ianto had been in for a few moments longer and he admired his wet body as he wet his hair and ran his fingers through it.

“You have the cutest ass,” he mumbled into Ianto‘s neck as he wrapped his arms around him and kissed his shoulders.

“Thank you,” he chuckled, “I grew it myself.”

“I could just bite it,” Jack said in a low growl, turning Ianto to face him.

“You’ve already bitten it Jack, if you remember I had a bite mark on it for weeks.”

“I like to leave my mark.”

Jack smiled in a way only he could and kissed Ianto’s lips, pushing him up against the cold black tiles on the wall.

Ianto moaned as Jack moved his kisses from his mouth and concentrated on his neck and shoulders. He covered him in slow kisses, savouring the taste of him, stroking his hands over his skin, touching every inch he could.

The kisses travelled south, moving over the soft contours of his chest and then his stomach. Jack dropped to his knees and kissed Ianto’s hips, sucking on the skin with his lips as his hand wrapped around Ianto’s cock, stroking it with his hand.

Ianto’s deep breaths became haggard as Jack licked and sucked on his hipbone, refusing to move his hot mouth from one particular spot. Jack smiled as he ran his tongue over one spot and Ianto jumped every time; he moaned, at first softly, but after a while the breaths became harsher; his neighbours would be able to hear but he didn’t seem to care.

He looked up at him and admired Ianto; his body was wet and stretched out above him. He smiled and moved his mouth towards the pulsating erection and listened for the deep groan. Ianto buried his hands into his hair, and tugged on it gently as he licked him and took his length into his mouth. Ianto felt his breath quicken and his hips move in time with Jack’s mouth.

Ianto was in the height of ecstasy, so close to the edge, when Jack stopped suddenly, withdrawing his hot mouth, making him groan with disappointment and glare down at him.

Jack smiled and kissed his way back up Ianto’s body, running his hands up his sides and trailing his tongue up his chest, finally ending on his lips. He kissed him deeply, pushing him further against the wall before turning his quickly and kissing his back.

Ianto moved his body, leaning into Jack as he ran his hands down his body, covering his back with silky soap.

Without any warning he placed his hands on Ianto’s hips and trusted into him, causing him to groan harshly and dig his nails into Jack’s thigh, pulling him closer to him. Jack groaned and then smiled against his neck at the sharp sensation. He moved his hands, sliding them across Ianto’s stomach and down towards his cock, taking it in his hand and stroking it in time with his thrusts.

Ianto called out, moaning with every thrust and his breath got quicker.

Jack groaned heavily and with one final thrust he came inside of him and rested his head on his shoulder, stroking Ianto until he came hard with a roar over the dark cold tiles.

Jack exhaled deeply and held Ianto to him tightly, kissing his shoulders and wrapping his arms around his body, holding him close, unable to let go.

Jack stood at the window, peeking out through the blinds, dressed only in a towel, watching the people of Cardiff as they rolled out of the nightclubs. Ianto came over from behind him, dressed in his dressing gown, and handed him a cup of coffee, wrapping his arms around him.

“Hot sex and hot coffee; life don’t get no better than this,” Jack said as he sipped his coffee and placed it on the windowsill, holding Ianto’s hands against him, leaning into his body.



“Where did you go?” he asked, kissing his shoulder. “Where did the doctor take you?”


“And where is home?”

“Another time, far away from here,” Jack said, “I finally felt like I belonged somewhere.”

“Then why did you come back?” Ianto asked, “if you felt so at home there, then why did you come back?”

“For this,” he admitted, raising the other mans hand to his lips and kissing his fingers, “for you, for us, for this.”

“You could have anyone, Jack. I’m not the only person in Cardiff,” Ianto blushed.

“No, but you’re the only one that I want,” he said, and paused to raise an eyebrow, “that is until I find a tea boy with a cuter ass… although I really don’t think that’s possible.”

“Are you trying to be cute Jack?” he asked and Jack turned around to face him.

“I was under the impression that I didn’t have to try.”

Without warning Ianto pressed his lips to Jack’s and kissed him softly, running his hands down his sides and tugging the towel off his waist, letting it fall onto the floor; it was wet but he didn’t care. Jack smiled through his kisses and tried to unfasten the dressing gown, but Ianto moved away, refusing him access.

“Put on the coat,” Ianto requested, marching him naked towards the heap of clothes.

“No,” Jack refused, leaning in for a kiss; aces denied. “Oh come on!”

“Wear the coat Jack.”

“No; what is it with you and the coat?”

“It’s a fetish,” he explained, “now put it on.”

“You wear the coat for a change; this time you play the captain and [bI[/b] play the tea boy.”

“But the tea boy has all the fun; he gets sexually harassed and I like that.”

“You’re a kinky bastard.”

“And you like that.”

“Very true,” Jack admitted, moving towards him and trying to untie his gown.

“Not until you wear the coat,” Ianto ordered.

“Does your obsession with the coat mean that you get turned on at work all day?”

“Not really, it only works when you’re naked,” he smirked. Moving towards Jack he kissed his lips, pulling him into an embrace. “However, if you want to get naked at work and wear the coat then I have no problems with that, sir.“

Jack responded, kissing his lips and wrapping his arms around him. Sneakily, he reached for the tie on his robe and unfastened it, pulling Ianto’s body closer to his.

“What the hell!” A voice came from the doorway as they froze to the spot and the door slammed shut. Ianto looked over Jack’s shoulder and moved away from him, wrapping his gown around him tightly and tying it, trying to hide his erection.

“Kai,” Ianto gasped, moving in front of Jack to hide him from the man standing in the doorway.

“Ianto, what the frick is going on?” he asked, gaping his mouth in shock.

“Why didn’t you call to say you were coming over?”

“I did,” he replied, taking off his jacket and throwing it onto the couch, “there’s three messages on your mobile, and I guess now I know why you didn’t answer it!”

Jack got confused quickly and picked up his coat from the floor, putting it on and wrapping it around himself.

“Who’s this?” Kai asked, “aren’t you going to introduce me to your little frick buddy?”

“This is Jack,” Ianto said, “he’s my boss. Jack this is Kai; my brother.”

“Your boss?” Kai asked, shaking his head, “That’s funny, my boss never shows up at my flat naked.”

“okay,so he’s obviously more than just my boss.”

“So this is why you’re so bloody secretive,” the man exploded, “you’re a fricking poof!”

“I’m not gay Kai,” he told him and then took a deep breath, “well, evidently
I’m not one hundred percent straight either, but I’m not really gay.”

Jack moved away from him and grabbed his clothes, hastily putting them on whilst Kai and Ianto looked around the room, avoiding each others gaze.

“I think I should go,” he said moving towards the door; Ianto followed.

“I thought you were staying tonight?” he whispered to him as he prepared to leave.

“I wanted to, but I think you two have things to talk about,” Jack said, leaning in to kiss him hesitantly, unsure, but Ianto kissed him fearlessly and pressed his forehead to his; he was not ashamed.

“You will be there tomorrow won’t you Jack,” he asked, “you’re not going to leave?”

“What?” Jack chuckled, “leave? When I have good coffee , great sex and a great ass to watch all day at work, I don’t think so.”

“Good coffee?” Ianto teased.

“Great coffee,” Jack corrected, kissing Ianto softly before turning to leave. “Oh, and wear a waistcoat tomorrow, I feel like a day of ogling and sexually harassing the tea boy.”

Finally Jack left and Ianto closed the door behind him; he turned to glare at his angry-looking brother.

“Cosy,” Kai said with a stern face.

“Don’t start Kai, it has nothing to do with you.”

“Is he a good shag then, Ianto, is he nice and tight?”

“Kai!” Ianto warned him.

“Trying to sleep your way to the top?”

“Its more than that?” he told him, “I love him.”

torchwood, fic, jack/ianto

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