Promises made, promises broken - part 5

Jan 20, 2007 00:32

Title: Promises Made, Promises Broken

Characters/Pairing : Jack/Ianto

Rating: R

Spoilers: end of days.

Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood... believe me... if i did Jack and Ianto would walk around in nothing but tight pants (and a tie for Ianto) The BBC own it. so as much as i love it i don't own it :(

Summary: Jack is back, but why did he leave in the first place? Promises broken and promises made. Shock and horror.

Part 1 is HERE -->
Part 2 is HERE -->
Part 3 is HERE -->
Part 4 is HERE -->

Ianto walked into Jack’s office carrying a folder and supporting a black eye, he sat on the corner of his desk and looked back at him.

“Sir, there’s been a report of a Weevil on the loose in Splot; the injuries sound rather bad and the weevil is nowhere to be seen,” he explained.

“Send Tosh and Owen to deal with it,” Jack said walking up behind him and removing his jacket, “then we can play the captain and the tea boy.”
Ianto shuffled away from Jack’s touch and slipped the jacket back onto his shoulders, straightening his tie.

“As fun as that sounds Tosh went with Gwen to retrieve that suspected alien artefact, so there’s only you and Owen available.”

“Which means that our kinky office sex games have to wait until later, right?” Jack moaned.

“Precisely sir,” he replied, handing him his coat, “Owen is just getting the Weevil kit together and he’ll be right with you; hopefully this time the spray will actually work.”

“How’s the eye?” Jack asked, putting his arms into his coat and fastening it up.

“It’s fine sir, thank you for asking.”

“Your brother is a pig.”

“I know; I suspect that it was the frequency in which he was dropped on his head as a child.”

“It’s a shame he interrupted us last night; it was the best night i’ve had in a while,” Jack sighed.

“It certainly was.”

“It almost felt… real.”

“It was real,” Ianto chuckled, raising his eyebrows at him

“No. Like it was real… like it was real… the whole thing.”

“You make less sense as you continue,” Ianto told him, raising his eyebrows and shaking his head.

“Let me explain it a little more clearly,” Jack said, trying to think about his words clearly this time; it did come across a little weird. “I came back to the hub last night and I started to think about some things and the more I thought about it the more one question came to mind; one absolutely absurd and insane question.”

“Which would be what?”

“Forgive me for what I’m about to say Ianto but… I’m confused here… are you my boyfriend?”

“What?” Ianto chuckled, “am I your what?”

“I’m sorry, but that’s just how it felt; the shower, the talking, the strange confrontation between me and a member of your family.”

“I thought that you hated categories?”

“I do; but this is really bugging me. I need to know,” Jack explained.

“I’ve never really thought about it.”

“Then start thinking about it.”

“Shouldn’t you be chasing weevils, sir?” Ianto asked suddenly.

“I’m sorry but I just needed to ask.”

“Why don’t you come over to my flat after work; I’ll cook something.”

“It’s a date.”

“If you want to categorise it,” he teased, opening the file and looking into it, flipping the pages absently.

“Jack, are you coming?” Owen shouted, “there’s a Weevil on the loose.”

“I’ll see you later,” Jack told Ianto as he headed for the door.

“See you later honey,” Ianto joked dryly.

“I said boyfriend, not mother.”

“Well that’s the job done,” Owen said as he strapped himself into the SUV beside Jack, “ Weevil captured, victim convinced of hallucination, fake witness placed to confirm it was a wild dog…”

“Who has now been destroyed.”

“Of course.”

“Not bad for an hour’s work.”

“Lunch?” Owen asked. “I’m starving.”

“We’ll call for pizza on our way back, just don’t forget that right afterwards you have to have a look at the weevil spray, it’s not working.”

“Yeah, they must be becoming immune or something, maybe if we replace one of the ingredients with a different drug it’ll work better.”

“Ianto thinks they’re evolving,” Jack told him. Starting up the engine he made his way along the road, ignoring the roars of the Weevil in the back. “I’m starting to think that he could have a point; they‘re getting harder to fight.”

“Where did Ianto get that shiner?” Owen asked, “hey you didn’t beat him did you, because domestic violence shouldn’t be tolerated,” he joked.

“That doesn’t have anything to do with Weevils,“ Jack reminded him.

“I know it doesn’t, I just wanted to know where he managed to pick it up between last night and this morning. I thought you might know considering the fact that you left together.“

“We did not leave together, he left and I followed.”

“Just answer the question Jack,“

“His brother hit him, he wasn’t too happy that he made a remark about his failed marriage.”

“I didn’t even know he had a brother; I can‘t imagine more than one in that family somehow.”

“Yeah, neither did I until I ran into him last night; he‘s kind of cute, only he’s an asshole.”

“Sometimes I think we know less about him than we do about you, and that’s saying something.”

“Ianto Jones is quite the enigma, even to me,” Jack replied, “I didn’t really know much about him until we started to…”

“Okay,” Owen said putting his hand to stop him, “I don’t need a visual Jack.”

“I was going to say since we started to spend time together.”

“Oh, come on Jack, we all know you two aren’t just friends, or even just fuck buddies for that matter.”

“And how exactly would you know that?”

“It's called having eyes, Jack.” Owen smiled and jack rolled his eyes, “and CCTV in your office.”

“That’s disgusting, you’re all nothing more but a bunch of peeping toms!“

Jack’s mobile rang out and Owen looked at the caller ID, “it’s your boyfriend.”

“Ianto,” Jack answered in a cheerful voice, “put the coffee on, we’re on our way back.”

“I’m afraid that wont be possible sir,” Ianto whispered into his headset, “we have a bit of a situation here.”

“The coffee machine isn’t on the blink is it?” Owen asked, “because I need a serious caffeine fix quick if I’m going to make it through the day.”

“If only that was the problem.”

“What’s wrong?” Jack questioned, “and why the hell are you whispering?”

“We have visitors. Four of them. And they’re not being particularly friendly; somehow I don’t think they dropped in for a cup of coffee and a cosy chat.”

“We’re on our way; sit tight and for gods sake be careful!”

“Just when I thought we were going to have a nice quiet lunch,” Owen remarked, taking out his phone and dialling a number.

“Company always drops in when you’re least expecting it. Call Tosh and Gwen and tell them to get back to the hub ASAP.”

“One step ahead.”

Jack walked into the hub and looked around the building, he drew his gun from his holster and held it in front of him, loading a bullet into the cylinder. There was no sign of Ianto or the visitors anywhere; it was eerily quiet, only the dripping of the water from the tower could be heard along with his own footsteps on the ground.

“Where are they?” Owen asked, following behind Jack as they walked through the hub.

“I don’t know, maybe they’re hiding.“

“Or maybe they’ve gone,“ Owen suggested and Jack gave him a specific look out of the corner of his eye, “I can dream cant I?”

“Ianto?” Jack called, making his way through the hub until he reached his office.

“You took your time didn’t you?” Ianto asked, running in the office and shutting the door behind it, standing against it and breathing deeply. “Those things, whatever they are, scare the shit out of me. They just seemed to come from nowhere.”

“What are they?” Owen asked.

“No idea,” Ianto breathed, “but whatever they are they wont die no matter how many times you shoot them in the head.”

Jack ran over to the window and looked out, gasping when he saw the creatures.

“They look human; they walk like humans, breathe like humans but they wont die like humans,” Ianto explained, “only they glow blue and they’re fucking scary!”

“What the fuck are they?“ Owen asked again.

“Apart from a massive pain in the ass?“ Jack mumbled

“Jack!“ Owen warned.

“They’re a horrible species; they’re called Transmutors and by the looks of it they’re the worst kind of all.”

“And what kind is that?”

“The regenerating kind.” he explained, “they have a strange molecular structure; they can change in an instant, from a human-like structure, to water, to gas, to every form between. They’re a pain in the ass, you can’t shoot them because they just absorb the bullets.”

“Hence why six rounds did nothing?” Ianto asked.


“So just how do we kill them?” Owen questioned.

“This might sound stupid but have you ever seen highlander?” Jack said as he walked over to the safe and opened it, searching within quickly.

Owen looked at jack as if he had two heads and paused before he spoke, “You don’t mean…”

“We have to separate their heads from their bodies,” Jack confirmed pulling out a long sword from a compartment in the safe. “But we need to take them by surprise, if they see us coming then they’ll just transmute into a different form and we can only kill them in this structure.”

“And that’s the only way?” Ianto asked and Jack nodded.

“Yeah; weird isn’t it? Horror movie rules apply here; no going off on your own, no heroics and absolutely no backing into a corner, you will just die. So stay together.”

“So we just go out there and start chopping off heads?” Ianto asked.

“That’s the general idea.”

torchwood, fic, ianto, jack, jack/ianto, ianto/jack

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