Cryptic Coffee 3/4

Oct 31, 2007 01:18

TITLE: Cryptic Coffee. 3/4
SYNOPSIS: Jack is one cheap date, and easily seduced; Ianto is a tease with things to get off his chest. Maybe a bar isn't the best place to meet, but then again maybe it's the best place of all.(Episode 3, missing scene fic)

You can see a list of all my fic here at my index
This is part of a missing scene series.
(story 1) Flirtation
(story 2) Craving.
This story is now comlplete
Part 1 here
Part 2 here
Part 3 here
Part 4 here

Jack looked around; the room was tidy with everything in it's place, barring a magazine that lay open on the sofa and a half-eaten tube of polo's standing up on one end on the side table. The walls were a pale green, with dark skirting boards and doors leading off from it. The coffee table was dark wood too, and the couch and two chairs were cream leather with wooden legs; on the floor was a cream shag carpet with a green rug just in front of the fire, The top of the fireplace was wooden with various pictures in frames lined up; in the fireplace itself there wasn't a fire at all, but a LCD TV. He looked at it closely for a moment, then jumped back when the image of a roaring fire appeared.

“It's remote control,” Ianto said walking up to him, “it was installed when bought it. I hate it, but everyone is quite amused with it so I keep it. It's the only original thing left I think, I've changed everything else. The guy before me had some crazy gadgets installed, and black wallpaper with white stripes. It was Godawful.”

Jack turned around. “This is nice, but not at all what I expected.”

“And what did you expect?” Ianto led the way into the kitchen. “A flat above the bat cave for Alfred?”

“No,” Jack laughed, “something different. White walls, wood, strangely-shaped furniture.”

Ianto chuckled and turned to lean on one of the kitchen units as Jack lingered in the doorway. “So you expected me to live in an Ikea catalogue?”

“You just seemed like a minimalist kind of guy.”

“I'm not home much, so when I am I like to be comfortable. Would you like a drink? I can put on some coffee, or maybe you trust me enough to give you alcohol without feasting on your toes.”

Jack smiled and moved inside the kitchen. “I trust you. What you got?”

“Whiskey, Vodka, Lager, I think I have some Gin somewhere and there's a bottle of wine that my aunt Margy bought me for Christmas, but it's corked and I can't drink it all by myself. Wine goes right to my head; one glass too many and I'm anybodies.”

“Wine it is. Red or white?”

Ianto opened his cupboard and took out the bottle and read the label. “Red. A cheeky Chilean with a fruity flavour and perfumed oak apparently.”

Jack walked towards him and pushed him against the counter a little. “I like a cheeky Chilean,” he moved a little closer, positioning his mouth a breath away from Ianto's lips “Although, what I'm really in the mood for tonight is a cheeky Welshman.” He closed the gap and kissed him softly, their lips barely brushing before Ianto pulled back a little.

“Have you ever tasted Welsh wine? It tastes like alcoholic Ribena.”

“I'm not talking about wine.” Jack closed in on him again, pushing him back gently and resting his hands on his hips. “Wine is the furthest thing from my mind.”

“I bet I could guess what's the closest.”

Jack lowered his mouth again and brushed Ianto's lips gently before deepening it and pushing him towards the counter until he could go no further. He took the bottle of wine from the Welshman's hand and put it behind them, allowing him to wrap his arms around him. Ianto pulled him in and slid his hands down his back until they settled on his arse, then pressed his hips into him. Groaning, Jack gripped Ianto's hair with his fingers, pulling his mouth closer; he moved away and sucked Ianto's bottom lip before letting go. He turned around and opened the glass cupboard and took out two glasses.

“I like these cupboards,” Jack said casually, “you can find things so easily.”

“What did you do that for?” Ianto touched his fingers to his lips.

Jack turned around and smirked a little. “I wanted to see what you would do. Where's your corkscrew?”

Ianto shook his head. “In the drawer. You sort the drinks, I'm going to get undressed.”

Jack rose an eyebrow. “More striptease?”

“No.” Ianto blushed a little and looked away from Jack for a moment. “I just need to get out this suit and put on something I haven't been in all day.”

“So, you're going to slip into something a little more comfortable for me?”

“Yes. Although all my red lace is in the wash I'm afraid. Make yourself comfortable, put on some music if you want to, I shouldn't be long.”

By the time Ianto returned to the living room Jack was lying on the couch stretched out with glass of wine in his hand; his top three buttons were unfastened and his socks seem to have disappeared. The room was in a dimmer light than it was when he had left it and music played faintly in the background. Ianto rose an eyebrow and lingered in the doorway of his bedroom, leaning on the frame.

“Are you comfortable then?” he asked.

Jack jumped up and walked over to him, handing him a glass. “Oh yes. I found your dimmer switch.”

“So I see.”

“Handy little gadgets those things, I thought this felt atmospheric.” He met Ianto in the doorway and looked him up and down approvingly as he handed him a glass of wine. He worse loose cotton trousers, grey with a drawstring, and a white t-shirt. “You look nice and relaxed now.”

“Let's move away from the bedroom door shall we?” Ianto pulled the door closed and dragged Jack away by this hand, then sat down on the couch. “I don't trust you over there.”

“Why not?” Jack grinned and sat down beside him, turning to face him and dropping one arm over the back of the couch.

The Welshman took a slow drink of his wine and tucked one leg underneath him before replying. “Well, not ten minutes ago you pinned me against my kitchen unit and kissed me, and now my living room is looking suspiciously like you're trying to set the mood for something.”

“You're a very suspicious person.”

“Well you're acting very suspiciously.”

Jack smiled slowly. “You seem to think I'm trying to seduce you.”

“Aren't you?”

He moved a little closer. “Well, maybe a little bit.”

“You said you wouldn't,” Ianto reminded him.

“When did I say that?”

Jack moved towards him and put his hand on the back of the Welshman's neck, drawing him closer; he leaned into him, meeting his waiting lips and kissed him softly. Ianto found himself being pushed back towards the arm of the couch and pulled the other man towards him further, reaching out and placing his half-empty glass on the coffee table. He pushed forward, putting both his hands on Jack's shoulders and pressed him back against the couch into a sitting position, then positioned himself on top of him, straddling his lap. The Welshman slipped Jack's braces down over his shoulders and gripped his hair with both hands, deepening the kiss. Jack cupped Ianto's arse and pulled him closer; he moaned and started to move his hips a little, biting on the older man's lips as he kissed him hungrily.

Jack took control and pushed Ianto back against the arm of the couch, pressing his body into him; his hands stayed underneath the Welshman and he used them to push their hips together. Ianto's hands strayed from Jack's hair and fumbled with the buttons on his shirt, unfastening them before slipping it over his arms and onto the couch. The older man moved his lips to his neck and sucked on the skin, whilst his hands slipped under the material of his t-shirt, touching the warm skin underneath.

“Wine,” Ianto groaned, pushing him back breathlessly, “I need more wine. “ He pushed Jack off and stood up, straightening his clothing.

Jack reached for his hand and pulled him back onto the couch, moving close to him and hovering his lips above the Welshman's. “You have plenty wine.”

“No.” Ianto pushed Jack away gently and picked up the glass, downing the contents. “I definitely need more wine.”

Ianto disappeared into the kitchen and leaned both hands on the counter for a moment, dropping his head onto the cool black marble. “Ow.”

“Are you al right?” Jack's voice shouted from the living room.

“I'm fine!” Ianto called and stood up, stretching his hand out and grabbing the bottle from the bench. He removed the cork with his teeth and spat it out across the room then took a long drink from the bottle. “I'm just getting some wine.” He took a long breath and filled the glass and drank it before pouring another and taking it into the living room.

“Got your wine?” Jack asked.

“Yes thank you.” He sat down on the couch again and drank from his glass, gulping down the contents.

“Are you okay?”

“I'm fine.”

Jack moved a little closer to Ianto. “ Would you like me to leave, you seem to be having a little trouble being alone with me.”

“Don't go.” Ianto pulled Jack towards him and kissed his lips softly. “I think you need to stay.”

“Then would you just relax a little?” Jack took the glass from Ianto's hand and put it on the table next to his own, then returned to him. “You're behaving like you're scared of me or something.”

“I'm not.” Ianto sighed and rested his head back on the back of the couch. “I just think that we've discovered how dangerous sitting down can be.”

“Its the attraction,” Jack said, “we don't seem to be able to get away from it, do we?”

“No.” Ianto stood up and offered Jack his hand. “Why don't I give you the tour? I seem to have forgotten my manners.”

Jack took the Welshman's hand and allowed him to pull him up and lead him into a room next to his bedroom.

“You've seen the kitchen and I think it's best that we stay out of my bedroom judging by the trouble the sofa caused us, so this is my office.” He pointed around at the rows of cardboard boxes that surrounded a desk and a couch. “As you can see I need more rooms for all my junk.”

“You can organise the archives but you can't unpack?”

“It's an organised chaos. I know exactly what is in every box so if I need to find something I know exactly where it is.”

Jack walked up behind him, wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him back. “Why can't you just admit that you don't exercise the same rules of organisation at home as you do at work?”

“Because I do. This is organised.”

“Okay.” Jack sighed on the Welshman's shoulder and pointed at a box. “What's in there?”

“DVD's and books.”

“And that one?” he pointed to another.

“Family pictures and general nostalgic shit from my childhood.”

“Fair enough.” Jack lowered his lips to the Welshman's neck. “I was wrong.”

“Will you stop misbehaving?”

Jack thought about for a moment before nuzzling into the Welshman's ear. He pressed a kiss onto his neck and let his fingers wander underneath his t-shirt. “No.”

Ianto escaped from his arms and led him back out of the office and into the living room again. “This is my living room. This where I spend most of my time when I'm not at work or sleeping. There's only one thing to remember about this room.“

“Which is?”

Ianto looked around the room; under chairs, behind curtains and under the coffee table. “Miss Jones.” he said.

“Miss Jones?”

Ianto continued walking around the room and opened a cabinet underneath a bookshelf, he reached inside and pulled out a slender black cat. “This is Miss Jones. I knew she would be hiding somewhere.”

Jack laughed. “You called your cat Miss Jones and you tease me for my ego?”

“No. My girlfriend called her cat Miss Jones, she thought it was hilarious.” The cat jumped out of his arms and darted across the room; she jumped up on one of the comfortable chairs. “She despises me.”

“Then she has very bad taste.”

“She's fine unless you sit on her seat,” Ianto warned him, “if you sit on her seat and she catches you she will scratch you and never forgive you.”

Jack walked up to he fireplace and looked at the pictures; he picked one up of Ianto and a blonde girl. “Is this your girlfriend? She's hot.”

Ianto took the picture away. “No. That's my sister.” he pointed to a picture of himself and Lisa in the park. “That's my girlfriend.”

“I didn't know you had a sister.”

Ianto sighed and looked way. “You never asked.” He walked towards the window and opened the blinds, looking out. “This is the reason I bought the place; the view, right over the city. You can even see the Plass from here.”

Jack picked up a picture and walked behind him. “Your girlfriend?” He held the picture in front of them. “She's cute.”

“She was gorgeous.” Ianto blinked and took the picture to look at it. “That day she was gorgeous, she looks a little different now.” he put the picture face down on the wide bay window.

“You looked so happy in that picture. I don't think I've ever seen you smile that way.”

Ianto said nothing for a moment, then turned around. “Things change, Jack.”

“Where is she?” Jack asked. “She's always there, she's always the reason for everything, but it's obvious she's not here.”

“No she's not.” Ianto sighed.


“She's far away, it seems like she's gone forever sometimes.”

“Why did she leave?” Jack asked, “why the hell would anyone leave you?”

“It felt more like she was taken. She wasn't given an option, it's not like she chose to leave, she just had to.” Ianto sighed and turned around, looking out the window. "Can we stop talking about her now, I really don't want to discuss her with you.”


He looked back at Jack, then turned to face him and dropped his gaze. “I betray her every moment I'm with you, and you don't know how hard that is for me. Even when I'm not with you, when I'm just thinking about you I'm betraying her in my mind; replacing images of her with you. I think of you too much and I betray her more than I ever intended.”

Jack stepped closer and put his arm around him, pulling him into a hug. “You don't have to, I'm not going to make you betray her.”The Welshman wrapped his arms around him. “I'm not in this to make you miserable.”

“It's not exactly that easy. You're not the easiest person to ignore, especially when you spend most of the day staring at me, willing me with your eyes to walk into your office, lock the door, close the blinds and shag you senseless .”

Jack smiled against the Welshman's shoulder. “sorry. I don't mean to be so irresistible.”

“You're not irresistible, you're difficult,” Ianto said, gripping onto Jack as he whispered in his ear. “You make me want to forget about her long enough to take you to bed.”

“If you want to take me to bed I won't object, but I won't offer; that decision is up to you. But, you should do what you want to do, whether that's throwing me out on my ear or taking me to bed.”

Ianto brushed his lip's against Jack's and kissed him so softly it was barely a kiss at all. “I should finish my tour.”

Jack returned to the Welshman's lips, running his hands through his hair as he pulled his lips close; Ianto responded for a moment, but pulled back before he was tempted to deepen it.

“Bedroom?” Jack asked.

“No.” Ianto distanced himself and licked his lips. “Bathroom.”

“Bedroom is closer.”

“Bathroom is safer.” Jack kissed him. "Not much safer, but at least safer than a room where the main attraction is a bed."

cryptic coffee

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