Cryptic Coffee 1/4

Oct 24, 2007 16:39

TITLE: Cryptic Coffee
SYNOPSIS: Jack is one cheap date, and easily seduced; Ianto is a tease with things to get off his chest. Maybe a bar isn't the best place to meet, but then again maybe it's the best place of all.(Episode 3, missing scene fic)
All stories can be found here at my Index.
This is part of a missing scene series.
(story 1) Flirtation.
(story 2) Craving.
This story is now complete.
Part 1 here
Part 2 here
Part 3 here
Part 4 here

Jack walked through town on the way back to the hub. He walked past one of the trendy bars and then backed up to look through the window; Ianto sat hunched over on a barstool having a drink on his own. He went inside and approached him, putting his hand on the Welshman's shoulder.


Ianto turned around. “What are you doing here?”

Jack sat down beside him. “I was going home and I saw you sitting in here all alone, so I thought it looked like you could do with some company.”

“I might be waiting for someone.”

“And are you?”

Ianto turned to face him and smiled a little. “No. I just thought I would stop in for a drink on my way home. Tosh asked me if I wanted to meet up, but there's a lot to be said for alone time.”

“Then I'll leave you to your alone time and see you tomorrow.” Jack stood up.

“No.” The Welshman grabbed his hand to stop him from leaving. He looked down at their hands for a moment and then let go quickly. “Let me buy you a drink.”

“You want to buy me a drink?” Jack leaned on the bar to face him. “Why?”

“We need to catch up,” Ianto said, then dropped his gaze to focus on his empty glass. “We've not really stopped to talk to each other recently.”

“I thought that was the way you wanted it.”

“No, it was just the way it happened.” He let out a long sigh and let his head fall to the bar, landng with a thud “Ow!”

“What's wrong with you?”

“Everything has gone to shit in the last week or so. I just need my life to be normal and I fear that if I don't buy you a drink and get some things off my chest I'm just going to sit here and drink until they throw me out for causing a scene. Again.”

Jack closed the gap between them and raked his fingers through his hair, causing him to turn his head and look at him. “You're not even drunk and you're already acting pathetic.”

“I know,” Ianto moaned, “I've only had the two and it hasn't even started to take effect yet.”

The older man chuckled and pointed over to the quietest corner of the bar where hardly anyone was sitting. “I'll go and grab that table. You get them in.”

“What are you having?”

“Just a water.”

Jack disappeared over to the far corner whilst Ianto got the drinks and followed him over. He set the two glasses down on the table, one containing a double whiskey and the other water. They sat in silence for a little while, exchanging glances that neither could see and sipped at their drinks slowly.

“I should take you out for a drink more often,” Ianto crossed his arms and leaned across the table, “Water makes you a very cheap date.”

“I'm cheap and easily seduced, I think that makes me the perfect date.”

“I might agree with that if it wasn't for your tendency to be quite high maintenance, so I really don't know if you would be worth the effort.” Ianto smiled over at him, and for the first time in a week it reached his eyes.

“Ah yes, but whatever points I lose for ease I gain in durability.” Jack propped himself up on one elbow and gazed at the Welshman. “I don't wear out easily.” They looked at each other for a moment and Ianto quickly dropped his gaze, taking a sip of his drink as he looked out of the window. Jack stood up. “I should probably go.”

Ianto snapped his head up to look at him. “Why? You just sat down.”

“I shouldn't have said that.”

“Why not?” Ianto pulled Jack back down to the seat.

“I was flirting shamelessly again. ”

The Welshman smiled and took a drink, glancing over the top of his glass. “I know.”

“The last time I did that we ended up--”

“In the shower,” Ianto said, still peering over the rim. He locked his eyes onto Jack and put the glass down, leaning over the table a little; his look was verging on a leer. “I remember. I haven't been able to go into that shower since without thinking of it, remembering it, recreating it in my mind. So if I can't take a shower without thinking about your hands on me, I certainly don't think I could ever forget it.”

Jack caught himself mesmerised by Ianto's lips for a moment as he moistened them with his tongue. His mouth went dry and the room suddenly felt a few degrees hotter than it had been before.“I was starting to wonder if you remembered it at all.” He took a long drink of his water and exhaled deeply, meeting his leering eyes and almost forgetting to breathe. “You didn't mention it, not once.”

“I was a little embarrassed,” he explained, dropping his gaze for a moment, “and a little guilty that I left you hanging like that.”

Jack's eyes stared over the short distance with interest, finding the heat in the room a little too much he unfastened another button his shirt.

Ianto leaned in. "If I could have stayed I would have. If it had been under any other circumstances I would have been more than happy to oblige."

“So you felt bad, that's why you stopped talking to me?”

“I didn't.”

“No, you offered me coffee and you were nice and professional as always, but you stopped staying late and coming in early as much. I never seemed to see you alone.”

“You stopped flirting.” Ianto said. “No more sexual harassment either.”

“I thought that was what you wanted.”

“No.” Ianto drained his drink and lowered his gaze. “I miss it.”


“Of course I do. I miss the way you used to brush against me deliberately or lean up against me when you had no real reason to. It was human contact, and now I can almost go through a whole day without anyone touching me at all.” He shook his head, letting out a deep sigh. “The only time anyone comes near me is to ask for coffee, or clean out Myfanwy; sometimes if I'm really lucky I'll get to type up Owen's reports or change the ink in the photocopier. At least when you flirted with me and sexually harassed me on a daily basis I felt like I was more than a piece of office furniture.”

Jack leaned across the table and pushed the glass aside then put his hands over the Welshman's. “Nobody sees you as just a part of the furniture, Ianto.”

He stared down at his fingers for a moment before meeting Jack's eyes. “I feel like a human coffee machine.”

“I can start sexually harassing you again if you want me to, I can even step it up a gear if you like. If you want me to slap your ass from time-to-time I have no problem with that.” Jack watched Ianto as he laughed a little. “I just thought that you might want me to stay away for little a while.”

“What gave you that idea?”

“How about the fact that you spent about a week walking out of the room every time I walked into it. That does send the message that maybe you just don't want to be alone with me”

Ianto smiled faintly. “I wasn't exactly sure what to do, I mean you did see me naked and no matter how much I try to hide it that's a bit embarrassing to deal with on a daily basis.”

“I used to imagine you naked anyway,” Jack said, leaning across the table a little, “at least now I have something to base it on. I don't have to imagine you naked any more, now I can remember you naked. ”

“So you spend most of the day picturing me naked?” Ianto rose an questioning eyebrow.

“Now I do, why do you think I spend most of my time sitting behind my desk?”

Ianto chuckled without meeting his eyes. “Well that's just perverted.”

“Like you don't do it.” Jack leant back in his chair and crossed his arms. “I've seen the way you look at me over that boardroom table.”

“Well, you see your boss naked and then have to sit opposite him for a good twenty minutes with no excuse to look at anything else, then you tell me what else you would do but picture him naked. You just watch those fingers and think about where they've touched you, and where they never got the chance. It's maddening; enough to drive you insane.”

"Well, you never know what will happen in the future. Never say never, right?"

Ianto opened his mouth to say something and then closed it, he leaned as far over the table as he could and beckoned Jack closer with his finger. The older man moved as was instructed and Ianto pulled him in a little more by his jacket. “Are you coming on to me Captain?”

“No.” Ianto was so close he could taste him, he had nowhere to look but into the eyes that were fixed on his. “I'm just being honest.”

“Honest about what, open sexual invitations?”

“No, I'm just saying that-- well, you know-- there's a sexual attraction here,” Jack told him, “a strong one.”

“The attraction has been there quite a while, Jack. I'd be worried if you only just noticed it.”

“It's been a ticking time bomb ever since you stepped foot in my office that first day in that black pinstripe suit with matching waistcoat and ruby-coloured tie.” Jack smiled a little and took hold of Ianto's tie. “You stood there with your arms behind your back and your chin held high willing to take any command I gave you. How could you think for one moment that I wouldn't be instantly attracted to that. Then there was your coffee, I didn't think I'd need to have sex ever again after that first cup of coffee.”

“I do make good coffee.”

Jack let the Welshman's tie slip away from his fingers. “The best. Why do you think I miss you when you don't stay late and come in early?”

“So that's what you want me for?”

“It's one of the many things I want you for.”

The barman walked up to the table and picked up Ianto's empty glass. “You going to drink up lads, I want to close up.”

“Oh, sorry.” Jack moved away from Ianto and drank the remains of his drink, then stood up.

The barman collected the glasses and walked over to a group of drunken women, slouched over a large table in the other corner of the bar. “I didn't realise it was so late.” he picked his coat up and put it on, making his way out with Ianto.

“Where had you been?” He asked.

“I took Gwen home in her car and walked home.”

Ianto stopped as they left the bar and turned to face him. “How is she?”

“Shaken, but fine. I gave her a few days off.”

“Good. She needs it.”

“I think you need some time off,” Jack said, “you look worn out.”

“I have a lot on my mind, that's all.” he looked over at Jack for a moment then continued to walk. “I'm fine Jack.”

“Do you want to talk about it?” Jack stopped and Ianto walked past him a little before doubling back.

“Not right now. I would rather just forget about everything.”

Jack continued to walk beside him as they turned the corner. “So, what are doing with the rest of your night?”

Ianto smiled, thankful for the change. “Not much. I'll go home, have a cup of coffee, watch some rubbish telly and then go to bed.”

“It's shame that we got thrown out of that bar,” Jack said, “it was nice in there. I was just starting to have a good time.”

“Yeah, it wasn't bad.” Ianto stopped walking and turned towards Jack. “Although, if you don't have any other plans for the rest of the night, my flat is just a short walk from here; I could make you some of my famous coffee.”

“What exactly are you offering me here?” Jack asked. He rose an eyebrow and waited patiently whilst Ianto moved s little closer and contemplated his words carefully.

“How do you feel about something sweet and smooth with a hard body?”

“If you're going to make me an offer like that you better make that coffee an espresso, I might need the energy.”

Ianto arched his eyebrow, pursed his lips and leaned to whisper into Jack's ear. “I think I may have been referring to the coffee, Captain.”

The Welshman turned away with a slow desirous glance, shoved his hands in his pockets and started to walk away. Jack contemplated for a moment and jogged to catch up, disappearing around the corner in the direction of Ianto's flat.

NOTE: this fic was supposed to be 1\1, then it grew to 2 parts and now it's three. they just see to be rather... ahem... active n my mind lol

was a bit longer than i wanted it so i split it :D. also i have changed the writing in hope that it's less scrathy

cryptic coffee

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