Cryptic Coffee 2/4

Oct 26, 2007 11:33

TITLE: Cryptic Coffee. 2/3
SYNOPSIS: Jack is one cheap date, and easily seduced; Ianto is a tease with things to get off his chest. Maybe a bar isn't the best place to meet, but then again maybe it's the best place of all.(Episode 3, missing scene fic)
You can find all my fics here at my index
This is part of a missing scene series.
(story 1) Flirtation
(story 2) Craving.
This fic is now completed
Part 1 here
Part 2 here
Part 3 here
Part 4 here

Jack followed Ianto through the streets of Cardiff staying no more than a footstep behind; the back streets were unfamiliar, he had passed them many time but he had never walked through them on foot, not so late at night and certainly not the route that Ianto was taking. Through darkened alleys, bypassing the usual landmarks.

"Where exactly are you taking me?” Jack asked.

“The short cut,” Ianto said, “it's quicker.”

They continued back onto a main street and walked past small shops and old terraced houses that had been turned into flats. Ianto slowed his pace a little, shoving his hands in his pockets and walking more leisurely than he had been before. He looked at Jack and then back at the pavement. “Can I ask you a question Jack?”


“Why don't you drink? I mean i know you drink, but I mean why couldn't I buy you a proper drink?”

“It's a long story.”

“Tell me the short version.”

“Okay. Have you ever drank too much?” Jack asked, gazing across at him as he walked, “and ended up with someone you don't remember going home with?”

“Once or twice.”

“Well imagine this. Not only do you wake up with someone you don't know, but it just happens to be a species you weren't aware existed; you have no idea where you are but there's orange mucus all over your body and seven things feeding off your toes.”

Ianto scrunched up his face and gave Jack a disgusted look. “Feeding?”

“Feeding. Feeding off my toes. They were like orange leeches that just kept growing and growing until eventually they burst and cover the room in this purple--” Jack used his hands to try and form his words-- “This purple gunge stuff.”

“That's possibly the most disgusting image I think I have ever pictured.”

“Yes, it is, and that is why I don't drink.”

Ianto chucked. “Jack i highly doubt that you would wake up with seven orange leeches sucking on your toes twice in a lifetime.”

“I don't mind things sucking on my toes.” He turned to face him as he walked. “I actually quite like a bit of toe sucking if it's done right. What I do have a problem with is things feasting on my toes, eating my toes and generally exploding.”

Ianto stopped him in the street and put his hands on his shoulders. “So you won't accept a drink from me because you think that I would get you drunk, drag you back to my flat, tie you up and end up feasting on your toes?” Ianto asked.

“Well no--”

“I don't feast on toes,” he told him,continuing to walk.

“But you do drag people back to your flat and tie them up?”

“Only if they're very good.” He turned to Jack. “Unfortunately I'm all out of rope so you're out of luck.”

Jack stopped and put his hand in his pocket, retrieving a pair of handcuffs and swinging them off his finger. “I come prepared.”

Ianto took them from Jack's finger and tucked them into his pocket. “'I'm confiscating these for my own piece of mind.”

Jack chuckled and continued to walk, looking at the pavement.

“Sometimes you worry me.”

“I carry them everywhere. You never know when you're going to need them; I don't just carry them about just in case I happen to meet someone in a bar that I want to take home and tie up.”

Ianto rose an eyebrow. “Oh no, of course not.”

“I don't usually go into a bar and end up going back to someone's place for coffee you know. Only on very special occasions. ”

“And tonight is a special occasion, is it?”

“Of course it is. I get invited back for coffee all the time and I make it a rule to refuse-- mainly because coffee is cryptic for sex, and sex is cryptic for unknown complications - but it's not every day that it's you asking the question.” Ianto stopped walking and turned to face Jack, pulling him to an abrupt stop. Panic slowly crossed Jack's face and he tried to back peddle a little. “Not that I'm saying that your offer for coffee was cryptic.”


“Because I'm pretty sure that your offer for coffee meant that you were going to make me some coffee. Not sex. I wouldn't say no to sex, but I'm sure you meant coffee on this occasion. Did you mean coffee or sex?”

“Predominately coffee.” Ianto moved closer and put his hands on the lapels of Jack's coat. “Does that present a problem, Jack?”


Ianto pulled Jack a little closer and kissed him softly, he had planned on pulling away, but the gentle hand on the back of his neck willed his lips back. Jack wrapped his arms around him and pulled him towards him, deepening the kiss a little and holding him firmly. The Welshman's hands stayed lightly gripped on Jack's lapels until he pulled away and ducked out of his arms. He smirked a little, but bit it back before he continued to walk leisurely down the street; he left Jack behind, dazed. After a moment, Jack eventually opened his eyes and jogged to catch up with the Welshman.

“It's just around here.” Ianto said

Jack said nothing, but followed him around the corner and into the entrance of his building. Ianto walked up to the post boxes on the wall and took out a key; he unlocked one of the lockers and started to fetch out his mail. Jack walked up behind him and leaned up against him as he closed it.

“What was that for?” he asked softly, resting his lips against the Welshman's ear.

“What?” Ianto smiled but Jack couldn't see it.

“You kissed me.”

“I know I did.”

“Why?” Jack wrapped his arm around Ianto and pressed himself up against his back.

“I wanted to see what you would do. To see if you would kiss me back.”

“And what if I hadn't, what would you have done then?”

Ianto turned around and found himself dangerously close to Jack's lips as he pinned him gently against the locked doors. “Exactly the same.”

“So it wasn't just because you wanted to kiss me?”

The Welshman licked his lips a little and bit the corner of his mouth to stop his smile; he looked at him directly in the eyes an he could feel the heat. Jack's hand brushed his stomach and Ianto could sense the warmth of his caressing hands through the material of his shirt. “Not just because of that, but partially.”

“Partially?” Jack asked.

Ianto dropped his head, but looked up. “Mainly because I wanted to.”

Jack moved his lips towards Ianto's mouth, but felt the Welshman push him away a little.

“You know, just because I kissed you it doesn't mean that my offer for coffee was cryptic. I didn't bring you here for sex.”

“I wouldn't have come if i thought you had.”

They locked eyes for a moment before Ianto smiled a little. “You're a terrible liar.” He moved away from Jack and walked towards the lift and pressed the button. He looked over at him and waited for him to follow. Ianto stood at the opposite side of the lift and went through his post as he waited for his floor.

“Why is it that whenever you're waiting for something, all you get is bills?” he asked.

Jack stared across the space and looked at the younger man as he watched him over his letters. “Sod's law. Like, how is it that all I want to do is drink and you won't give me coffee.”

Ianto smirked. “Now who's being cryptic?”

“I'm thirsty,” Jack spoke deliberately slow and moved across the lift.

“You're always thirsty.”

He continued walking towards him, but moved away when the doors opened and a woman walked in. She looked over at Ianto and smiled and he returned it, giving her a polite nod of acknowledgement.

All three of them stood in the lift in silence. The woman looked directly at the door, whilst Jack and Ianto stared at each other; neither of them dropped their eyes until the lift doors opened on the fifth floor. They stepped out and walked towards Ianto's front door.

Ianto put his key into the lock and opened it a little before turning to face Jack. “Behave,” he warned, “or there will be no coffee for you.”

Jack pushed him forward gently and followed him in, shutting the door behind him. Ianto threw his keys onto the table beside the door and removed his coat, hanging it up on the hook, then took off his shoes and lined them up neatly beside a pair of trainers in the hallway. “Hang your coat up and take off your shoes,” Ianto instructed, removing his jacket and laying it over a chair, “I don't like marks on my floor.”

He continued into the room and took off his tie, then threw it over the chair with the jacket and unfastened a few buttons. He took off his cufflinks and put them beside a lamp as he switched it on and sighed a long sigh as he slumped himself down in a chair. Jack chuckled as he walked into the room and looked around.

“Comfortable enough?” he asked.

Ianto lay his head back and smiled. “Very. Thank you.”

“Is it like this every time you walk in the door?”

“Like what?”

“A striptease.” Jack chuckled as he walked behind Ianto's chair.

“I like to relax when I get home.” Ianto focussed his eyes on Jack as he hovered above him and put his hands underneath the neck of his shirt. The older man's fingers soothed the skin on his shoulders and he chuckled when Ianto closed his eyes and let out a contented sigh.”

“You're liking this aren't you?”

“I think you should move in,” Ianto joked. “I'd ask you if only I had more than one bed.”

Jack lowered his lips to the Welshman's ear. “Is that a problem.”

“Did I not tell you to behave?”

cryptic coffee

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