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Comments 129

ibn_al_xuff February 23 2006, 10:40:58 UTC
"Please Grandfather! No! I'm sorry I broke my vow!"

The knife nicked his ear. It startled him. Terrified, he screamed. And in doing so, he failed.

The guards lifted him from his post and threw him into the pit. The desert sand was cool. Almost naked, he was already shivering. He tried to clam his nerves. The more he resisted, the longer Grandfather would be angry.


doctor_destiny February 23 2006, 10:46:07 UTC
Doctor Dee wanders into the dream. He stands behind the guards slowly burying the lad. He smiles and nods approving. "Such love from a Grandfather is good..."

This dream is almost perfect. Dee glances around, wondering what he should do. He can see the lad shivering. Some of it is from fear. Some of it is the cold. Dee concentrates just a bit and the sand turns to ice.

The guards continue to shovel, but it is ice that falls upon the boy. Each grain of ice burns.

His work done, Dee leaves the dream...



femme_du_chat February 23 2006, 11:00:39 UTC
The laughter... It was driving her crazy. She could almost feel it like a physical thing, driving a nail through her head to meet up with another nail on the other side.

Selina crouches, back in Silent Hill, or some version of it, being hunted. These dreams get so mixed up, so many images that she just wakes up feeling hunted and alone. The laughter is accompanied by objects in the shadows half seen, flashes of light from all sides illuminating what is truly there. Nothing at all.

Suddenly she's walking down a hallway toward a bathroom. She knows what she'll see there. She tries to look away but she can't, the rose colored water in the tub becoming apparent. Don't look, don't look, don't look.


doctor_destiny February 23 2006, 11:26:01 UTC
Dee steps into the dream, curious.

"Dee...Dee...Dee. Go ahead and look, little girl. Isn't it better to look and get it over with? Is there someone you don't want to see in there?"


femme_du_chat February 23 2006, 11:36:24 UTC
"No, no, no, no...." Selina doesn't want to see her mother in the water. She doesn't want to have to do it again.


doctor_destiny February 23 2006, 11:57:11 UTC
"Dee..Dee..Dee..she left you all alone, didn't she? Out in the cold where anyone could find you. Hurt you..."


reducing_ray February 23 2006, 11:18:28 UTC
Nodding off at his desk, Ray Palmer dreams of his wedding day, all of his friends assembled in the audience, each half in and half out of costume...


doctor_destiny February 23 2006, 11:26:29 UTC
Dee peeks in curious. "I love weddings. Don't you. Where is your wife?"


reducing_ray February 23 2006, 12:46:08 UTC
"She's right there," he says pointing to Jean, who is busily strangling Superman. "Isn't she lovely?"


doctor_destiny February 23 2006, 12:47:55 UTC
"Dee...Dee...Dee...she is beautiful."

Dee isn't sure who this woman is, but anyone choking Superman is bound to be attractive. "Too bad you aren't man enough for her. She looks like she needs someone strong. Big."


fleet_feet February 23 2006, 11:38:40 UTC
The Flash is asleep next to his girlfriend, who's been staying with him for months now, and she's technically 'looking for a new place' so it hasn't dawned on either of them that they're essentially living together.

He's face down, buried in the pillow, arm draped over Jesse.

Not yet noticing the vines snaking up his legs.


doctor_destiny February 23 2006, 11:58:59 UTC
This is new.

The vines start growing, becoming monsterously huge.

"I see shame. Dee..Dee..Dee. Why are the vines coming between you and this woman?"


fleet_feet February 23 2006, 13:07:30 UTC
"Rrmmmfpf," he mumbles, sleepily.

"No vines." They start to wrap around his waist. "No Ivy. Loved Ivy."

The girl next to him isn't Jesse anymore. The leafy green covers her body... and her hair is black.


doctor_destiny February 23 2006, 13:10:05 UTC
This is very interesting. Dee claps his hands like a child.

"Ivy seems to love you, but that's not Ivy. Who has black hair? Dee..Dee..Dee. Who is she?"


_kip_ February 23 2006, 12:57:50 UTC
In a chair in front of his computer, rosaries dangling fron his fingers, Kip Blackwell dreams of a peaceful evening with in Gotham with friends. He can hear their voices...he can SEE them.

A piercing, maniacal laugh cuts through the dream, and a clown from nightmares is in front of him, throwing acid at the young athlete's face. The clown's face is the last thing he can see. Pain and darkness follow...along with a woman's shriek of terror. Roxanne.


doctor_destiny February 23 2006, 13:12:58 UTC
In the darkness, there is a happy sounding voice. Joyful even. It is not Dee's voice. It belongs to the Joker. Dee hopes the Joker won't mind. After all, it is being used how he would want it.

"This is a pretty girl. I like her. Dee...Dee...Dee. Such beautiful eyes. I want them in a jar with me always. Too bad you can't see this. The fun is just getting started."


_kip_ February 23 2006, 13:19:06 UTC
Kip isn't a man given to panic at all; the entirity of his life and being is calm and inner peace. Very Zen. But the lunatic leering...

"Leave her alone!" he growls, flailing around in the darkness. Anger that is not normally his boils within. "You want to mess with someone, mess with me!"


doctor_destiny February 23 2006, 13:27:11 UTC
Roxanne screams. The Joker laughs. "Don't worry, even I wouldn't hit a blind man. Maybe a blind bat! HA-HA-HA-hA-hA-Ha!"

Roxanne screams stop suddenly. It is almost worse than than the screams. "Do you know the worst part about killing your girlfriend? Washing her blood stains out of my suit. HA-HA-HA-hA-hA-Ha! Buck up, son! Don't get even, get MAD, MAD, MAD!"


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