In The Dark Of The Night

Jul 08, 2009 22:47

Mogo, the planet Green Lantern. Besides being a useful member and training facility for the revived Corps, Mogo has served as something of a mascot. "Look!" the Green Lanterns say, "We have a planet! Aren't we boss ( Read more... )

green lantern boodikka, mongul, amon sur, green lantern corps, alex nero, green lantern sodam yat, green lantern hal jordan, sinestro corps, green lantern kyle rayner, green lantern guy gardner, green lantern kilowog, arkillo, green lantern john stewart, sinestro

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Comments 105

jla_sinestro July 9 2009, 04:16:47 UTC
Leading the charge from the frontlines is the hulking form of Arkillo. Teeth and ambitions bared, he knows the score, and is just as eager to tear the ridiculous Lantern planet apart as his cohorts.

What he's really hoping for, though, is a glimpse of a certain Lantern he has unfinished business with...


jla_villains July 9 2009, 17:14:13 UTC
Also at the front of the wave, Mongul smiles as his ring carries him towards Mogo - after all, it's not every day one get to destroy a planet.


jla_glcorps July 9 2009, 17:16:32 UTC
A green shield of energy materializes around Mogo the instant Ranx appears, Mogo's ring reaching out to Oa to communicate the danger.

'Green Lantern Mogo under attack by the Sinestro Corps.'


jla_sinestro July 9 2009, 20:01:31 UTC
Amon Sur sneers to himself, forming a web of amber protection around him with his fully charged yellow ring. He keeps a long distance between himself and Arkillo though; after abandoning the hulking brute in that other battle, it would not do to antagonise he of the powerful jaws.

"Nero... What say you to carving this planet up like a Okaaran livvle cake? You take the crust, and I'll take the juicy insides..." He cocks his head at the insane artist floating next to him.


last_lantern July 10 2009, 14:48:21 UTC
A brilliant flash of emerald light heralds the arrival of a verdant strike force, the starfield behind the expanding flare of light distorting and wavering as hundreds of officers of the Green Lantern Corps pour through a warp tunnel bridging the lightyears between Oa and Mogo.

"Lanterns - form up!" Kyle Rayner, Green Lantern Officer of Sector 2814, transmits to his fellow officers as they quickly assemble over Mogo. "Stay with your squad leaders unless ordered to break off and engage. Squad leaders, maintain formation until we're within four radii of Mogo."

Rayner looks over his shoulder, watching as rookies and veterans alike move to their assigned groups, with the most senior Lanterns quickly organizing their individual teams. "Stay with your squads! If you get lost, don't panic - find another team! Keep your heads and hold the line!" Kyle yells, lifting his ring-bearing hand over his head.

"Lanterns - engage!"


beware_my_power July 10 2009, 15:04:13 UTC
The attack wasn't particularly surprising - they couldn't know the timing, of course, but Mogo was one of the linchpins of the Green Lantern Corps - the Sinestros would have to go after him sooner or later if they really wanted to conduct this as a war. So the Corps had been watchful, and prepared plans for this moment.

But as the old adage goes, no plan ever survives contact with the enemy.

"I've got Amon Sur."

Hal shifts his position in the emerald phalanx, going after the deadliest target.


elfinlantern July 10 2009, 17:49:02 UTC
Arisia and her group flash through the sky. They're going to be supporting Mogo and his shields from the worst of direct assualts. The longer Mogo can hold out with his own will, the better off this fight will go. And, of course, by adding to Mogo's defenses, they make themselves prime targets.

Which is just fine with Arisia.

"All focus on support and re-direction. If we can get them coming after us, it means they're not going after Mogo."


napoleondaxmite July 10 2009, 18:33:35 UTC
Flying in formation in Guy Gardner's squad, Sodam Yat's jaw is set as the enemy comes into view.

The last time he fought the Sinestro Corps, Arkillo broke his arm and left him for dead. This time it's gonna be different.

Gardner told him to stick close to the main squad, so he's doing just that. But he's also keeping Arisia in his sights.

There's no way he's going to let her get ganged up on by these yellow psychopaths.


jla_sinestro July 10 2009, 18:41:32 UTC
Amon Sur is quite right to avoid Arkillo. The fanged fighter's still nursing a grudge, and in fact only the implant of Parallax has stayed his hand.

But then, something far more important than the Ungarite coward catches Arkillo's eyes.

It's the Lantern boy. Rayner. In their last battle, Arkillo swore he'd make Rayner kneel before his better.

Arkillo's gonna enjoy keeping that promise.

With hand gestures, Arkillo directs his team to fan out and engage Rayner's men. The idea is to cut Kyle off from his team, leaving him alone and without support.

And ripe for the beating.


jla_sinestro July 10 2009, 22:43:57 UTC
Amon is unaware of Jordan's aiming at him. He's quite happy cocooned in his yellow web, generating small flechettes that go flying through space towards anything coloured green.

Spying Arkillo out of the corner of his eye, he rolls over to take on the other flank of the Lantern army. Let them come. Nobody can withstand the Sinestro Corps. Everybody will fear Amon Sur.


bewaresinestro July 11 2009, 03:14:36 UTC
"Arkillo." Enkafos's dustier than death voice intones into the savage's ear. "Remember the plan. Despoitellis is nearly ready to directly manifest on Mogo. Do not allow the Green Lantern Corps to intercept the Children of the White Lobe."


jla_sinestro July 11 2009, 05:36:19 UTC
Enkafos. Arkillo has to literally stop himself from gnashing his teeth. The ancient Sinestro Corpsman is the mastermind behind this attack, but Arkillo has nothing but disdain for him just the same. He sits safe in the heart of Ranx and sends the rest of the army to put his plan into action. It would almost satisfy Arkillo if one of the Lanterns were to get past their defenses and force the old one to fight for his life.

"I have not forgotten the plan." Arkillo growls, directing more of his troops ahead of Rayner's squad just the same. As much as he wants to break Kyle in two with his bare hands, he's too professional to risk jeopardizing the whole plan for the sake of a grudge.

For the time being, Rayner will have to keep.


guy_lantern July 13 2009, 16:18:26 UTC
A massive squad of emerald seagulls preform a messy diving run over Ranx. Their unsightly payloads explode on contact, causing further splatter and insult to the malevolent city.

"Hey! ya miserable slum! R'member me?"


jla_sinestro July 14 2009, 21:23:44 UTC
A long way away, in at least another space sector, Bedovian hunches in his shell with a scoped raw fear-fuelled Dragono rifle in his scaly arms. And finally, after days and nights or sitting in one position, a Green Lantern enters his sights.

"One of the Greens of Sector... 2814." He crosses a talley in his head, and fires on Guy Gardner with his high velocity round.


guy_lantern July 15 2009, 14:57:41 UTC
A space sector is a very large place, and in order to traverse such a distance in an instant (or at least fast enough to make a fired round matter) requires velocities far faster than the speed of light. In the face of such an impossible requirement, shortcuts are used. Spatial warps, boom tubes, hyperspace, dimensional folding, they all have telltale hallmarks when they occur. It's more than enough for the veteran Lantern to have plenty of warning.

Batman takes it between the eyes. The green facsimile goes head over heels backward, carried by the momentum of the shot as it takes the golden bullet meant for Guy. It lands in an awkward heap before dissolving into nothing.

"Nuh-uh! That sniper crap might've worked on a buncha green rookies, but now yer playin in tha deep end of tha pool."

The trajectory and spatial signatures of Bedovian's shot are rapidly being calculated by Guy's ring while he snarks.

Target acquired

"So think fast!"
Guy winds up and in classic form lobs a pitch.
The baseball leaving his hand picks up speed and ( ... )


jla_sinestro July 15 2009, 19:52:27 UTC
And that target would happen to be Bedovian's rifle, arms and face. Bedovian tries to pull the goo away from his carapace, and exclaims angrily as he thrashes about. "By Argan's shell!"


theotherlantern July 15 2009, 05:26:17 UTC
John Stewart is picking his shots, just like his troops are doing, not directly engaging, feeling free to snipe despite Nero's admonitions. They're practically begging for an all-out brawl, and John, at least, refuses to take their bait.

His eyes are roving over every flank, glowing green as he's analyzing formations and looking for key players. And Arkillo not taking the frontal charge at Rayner sticks out like a sore thumb.

"There's something else. Something we're missing. Something that monster knows."


kilowog July 15 2009, 05:27:36 UTC
"Then lemme beat it outta that poozer," growls Kilowog, streaking with a sound that somehow travels through space toward the big monster's back, along with a slew of rookies paving his way.


jla_villains July 15 2009, 13:13:17 UTC
Meanwhile, another member of the Sinestro Corps seizes an opportunity. Using his ring to accelerate to high speed, Mongul aims his own body at John Stewart like a torpedo.


theotherlantern July 16 2009, 19:31:36 UTC
Oh shit. Last time they tangled with Mongul, he barely drove him off even with Hal and Arisia's help.

But he's got a lot more ringslingers than that now.

"Incoming! Shift and freeze!" John barks to his 12-Lantern squad, and a massive spray of green light explodes toward that big torpedo, while John himself waits until the last possible second to drop down out of his path and add his ring to the chorus...


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