In The Dark Of The Night

Jul 08, 2009 22:47

Mogo, the planet Green Lantern. Besides being a useful member and training facility for the revived Corps, Mogo has served as something of a mascot. "Look!" the Green Lanterns say, "We have a planet! Aren't we boss ( Read more... )

green lantern boodikka, mongul, amon sur, green lantern corps, alex nero, green lantern sodam yat, green lantern hal jordan, sinestro corps, green lantern kyle rayner, green lantern guy gardner, green lantern kilowog, arkillo, green lantern john stewart, sinestro

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last_lantern July 10 2009, 14:48:21 UTC
A brilliant flash of emerald light heralds the arrival of a verdant strike force, the starfield behind the expanding flare of light distorting and wavering as hundreds of officers of the Green Lantern Corps pour through a warp tunnel bridging the lightyears between Oa and Mogo.

"Lanterns - form up!" Kyle Rayner, Green Lantern Officer of Sector 2814, transmits to his fellow officers as they quickly assemble over Mogo. "Stay with your squad leaders unless ordered to break off and engage. Squad leaders, maintain formation until we're within four radii of Mogo."

Rayner looks over his shoulder, watching as rookies and veterans alike move to their assigned groups, with the most senior Lanterns quickly organizing their individual teams. "Stay with your squads! If you get lost, don't panic - find another team! Keep your heads and hold the line!" Kyle yells, lifting his ring-bearing hand over his head.

"Lanterns - engage!"


beware_my_power July 10 2009, 15:04:13 UTC
The attack wasn't particularly surprising - they couldn't know the timing, of course, but Mogo was one of the linchpins of the Green Lantern Corps - the Sinestros would have to go after him sooner or later if they really wanted to conduct this as a war. So the Corps had been watchful, and prepared plans for this moment.

But as the old adage goes, no plan ever survives contact with the enemy.

"I've got Amon Sur."

Hal shifts his position in the emerald phalanx, going after the deadliest target.


elfinlantern July 10 2009, 17:49:02 UTC
Arisia and her group flash through the sky. They're going to be supporting Mogo and his shields from the worst of direct assualts. The longer Mogo can hold out with his own will, the better off this fight will go. And, of course, by adding to Mogo's defenses, they make themselves prime targets.

Which is just fine with Arisia.

"All focus on support and re-direction. If we can get them coming after us, it means they're not going after Mogo."


napoleondaxmite July 10 2009, 18:33:35 UTC
Flying in formation in Guy Gardner's squad, Sodam Yat's jaw is set as the enemy comes into view.

The last time he fought the Sinestro Corps, Arkillo broke his arm and left him for dead. This time it's gonna be different.

Gardner told him to stick close to the main squad, so he's doing just that. But he's also keeping Arisia in his sights.

There's no way he's going to let her get ganged up on by these yellow psychopaths.


theotherlantern July 10 2009, 18:34:11 UTC
"Pick your shots and make 'em count!" John barks to his sharpshooter squad, who are fanning out and using the louder noisemakers for shields while they get into place for surgical strikes against key members of this Sinestro squad.

John himself draws a bead on Alex Nero and waits for his precise moment of weakened focus to snake a beam of energy at the back of his head to wrap it up and force his way into his nostrils, hoping to put his lights out quick and easy.


jla_sinestro July 10 2009, 22:40:22 UTC
"Unff-" the attack is quick, and painful, but Nero is accomplished enough with the yellow power to resist the pure willpower forcing itself into his face.

With the flick of his finger, a pair of scissors manifest behind him in extravagant golden colour, and the blades slide together to cut off John Stewart's beam. "Cowardly cowardly cowardly, attacking from behind!"

A coating of amber armour begins to envelop Nero's body, and a spear of the same colour saps from his hand.


jla_glcorps July 12 2009, 00:46:49 UTC
And opposite Nero, a broad battle axe and shield spring to life as Boodikka and her melee squad begin their charge.

"We strike hard and fast, Lanterns! Incapacitate your target and choose the next! Now move!"


jla_glcorps July 12 2009, 04:22:39 UTC
Of course, not every Green Lantern is on a team. But then, not every Green Lantern is the F-Sharp Bell, either.

Energy of a much different wavelength radiates across the surface of Mogo's shield, one the Sinestro Corps members will have a much harder time passing through. Rot Lop may not truly comprehend light, but he has learned how to combat it with sound.


bewaresinestro July 12 2009, 22:36:34 UTC
"HWOOOOOORRRRRGH!" Hear that, Rot Lop? Moose rips through the void, aided by the glowing yellow manifestation of a gigantic, twisted drill, aiming to slam into Boodikka's melee squad, cutting off the Green Lanterns's charge before it can impact Nero and Amon Sur's artillery team!

"Kill the traitor!" Glowing yellow wolves charge at Arisia and her irregulars, beckoned to war by the feral summons of Karu-Sil! The savage woman snarls a war cry at the elfin lantern, hurtling towards her prey...!


elfinlantern July 12 2009, 23:07:57 UTC
Arisia flings up her shields, looking to turn the yellow wolves away from her and hers. "This dance again? I took you on my own last time, Karu-Sil. You stand no better chance this time."


jla_glcorps July 13 2009, 04:23:36 UTC
Of course, melee is not all Boodikka excels at. On her command, each member of her squadron crafts a gigantic green gun and opens fire on the drill, hoping to tear through it and into Moose.


napoleondaxmite July 13 2009, 06:02:11 UTC
To one side, Arisia outmatched four to one. To the other, Moose on a collision course for Boodikka.

Faced with the challenge, Sodam Yat grins.

Clenching his fist, Sodam generates three emerald counterparts of Tessog, his childhood friend to even the odds for Arisia. Never one to be accused of not multitasking, the rookie Lantern encases himself in an ornate verdant battle armor and slams into Moose head on!


jla_sinestro July 13 2009, 14:32:14 UTC
"Foolish foolish foolish." Clad in his amber armour, Nero weaves a net of gold barbed wire and flings it towards Sodam, trying to ensnare the mighty Lantern.

"Reel in the fishy. Maybe use your oil to paint with..." A small yellow knife and fork manifest in Nero's left hand.


napoleondaxmite July 13 2009, 16:01:52 UTC
Nero's enormous yellow net closes around Sodam, but his emerald battle armor protects his flesh. Unfortunately, he's still dragged away from Moose, but that's fine. He'll just have to handle Nero first.

"You want me all to yourself, ugly? Come on!"

From the gauntlets of Sodam's armor erupt twin blades that he uses to cut himself free. Still wielding the blades, Sodam closes the distance between himself and Nero, the blades remolding into verdant boxing gloves the moment he gets within punching distance.

New rules or no, he's not going to try to kill Nero unless he absolutely has to.


jla_sinestro July 14 2009, 19:50:14 UTC
Nero rolls his eyes at Yat and his emerald boxing gloves, as his knife and fork morph into a long, many-tailed barbed amber whip. "Bring it on, Daxamite."

The visor on his yellow armour shuts down over his face, and he lashes out with the whip, which seems to lengthen to tangle around the Green Lantern.


bewaresinestro July 15 2009, 02:41:18 UTC
Moose roars at the impact, the behemoth taking several direct hits...which seem to only enrage the beast. Flitting through space is the saurian form of Belophasaurus, the ancient sea predator who has adapted to hunting in space.

Light gleams as the villain appears for a second, reaching out to snap the neck of one of Boodika's squadmates and fade away, while Moose plays distraction.

"Raaargh!" Karu-Sil howls, enraged by Arisia's taunting. She rips at the air, sending flying skeletal claw-hands at her scourge, viciously trying to overpower the elf.


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