In Which Jim Whines

Jun 08, 2011 09:30

Two weeks ago, I took time off of the day job so I could be with my wife during a surgical procedure and the first part of her recovery. Everything went smoothly, and I brought her home on day two.

For the next week and a half, I played stay-at-home Dad. I got up with the kids, fed them breakfast, and got them off to school. I took care of dishes, ( Read more... )


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Comments 110

ruthless1 June 8 2011, 16:07:14 UTC
Like everyone else - I don't think it's whining. It's more a statement of fact. How do we live in this world where the jobs that feed us leave our souls dry and the jobs that feed our souls leave our pockets a bit low or in most cases, dry ( ... )


jimhines June 8 2011, 17:45:05 UTC
Interesting. I have thought about trying to cut back on my hours, but hadn't considered the possibility of a half-time job that would still provide benefits.

There are days I miss fixing computers. At least then it was a pretty straightforward thing: it was either fixed or it wasn't, and if it was broke too bad we could wipe it or replace it. But the department fell apart, and the environment kept getting more and more toxic.


(The comment has been removed)

jimhines June 8 2011, 17:52:45 UTC
Heh. My family appreciates it up to the point where I misjudge and end up imbalanced, cranky, and snarly at the world. Fortunately, I don't think this happens very often. (It's not something I tend to blog about ;-)


d_c_m June 8 2011, 16:33:13 UTC
And this, sir, is why I believe in Universal Health Care. :)

I hope your dream happens for you soon. :)


mt_yvr June 8 2011, 17:07:01 UTC
I think you've seen me do my own ramble through whine and rant with this subject. I loathe my job, I hate what it's done to me and I'd leave in a second if I could (and I've been looking for years) but... I can't ( ... )


jimhines June 8 2011, 17:51:39 UTC
I have seen you talking about your job, and I can feel the stress and soul-squashing effects right through the screen.

I know there's a philosophy that you'd be crazy to do a job you don't love, and gosh, it would be great if life worked that way. For some people it does, and that's wonderful. But there's a reason things like food and shelter come lower on the hierarchy of needs than all that self-actualization stuff.

Yes on the hidden stress, too. There's the idea that because others have it worse off, you're not allowed to complain or feel frustrated with your lot. And I definitely think it's good to be aware of what you have, and to keep some perspective, but the idea that other people's pain somehow means mine doesn't count or shouldn't be talked about? That's just silly.

If I ever establish my multimillion-dollar goblin empire, I'm so hiring you to come do computer stuff for me. Working for goblins can't be any worse than where you are now, right? At least goblins understand if you occasionally snap and toss one into oncoming


mt_yvr June 8 2011, 17:55:13 UTC
.... I'm stuck in that lovely parting image...

I could SO work for goblins if that were true.


I believe in perspective. And not living in those moments of wailing. But I don't, also, deny they exist. I have never liked the whole culture of comparing pain. Let people have their pain, no matter what you think of it. To a teenager, that phone call is the entire world while to the parent next to them it's just one of many to come. Does it make it any less Important? No. So why any of this?


deborahblakehps June 8 2011, 17:31:54 UTC
You get a day to wallow. Hell--take two. And the cat is adorable.

I have friends who get to write full time because they have a husband who can work the "real" job. I'm single (shocking, I know), so I find it hard to envision any scenerio where my writing career feels secure enough to give up my day job. (Which doesn't include health benefits.)

Oh, well. So, yeah, I get it. Maybe a nice group wallow?


jimhines June 8 2011, 17:46:03 UTC
::Blink:: You know, I really like the idea of a group wallow. I may need to do a follow-up post for that :-)


deborahblakehps June 8 2011, 17:49:46 UTC
I'll bring the booze.


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