Ugh, not working, need help

Aug 06, 2013 20:14

Ok, I've got my people appliqued on and I'm happy with them, but I wanted to add some water over top of them. I thought that having a shimmery reflection underneath would be nice, but this is like stacking them on top of a rocket. FML. I don't think I can get this stuff to work in this way. Maybe I need Angelina film. Any thoughts? I know I need ( Read more... )

request, question, help!, quilting, merlin

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Comments 22

rocknvaughn August 7 2013, 00:27:17 UTC
Yeah, the water beneath them is way too shiny compared to the rest of the "water". Have you thought of...a "rippled" mirror image of a color that is a combination of the person's color and blue? to make it look like them as a reflection?


jelazakazone August 7 2013, 00:29:41 UTC
Hm, I was thinking of doing something with a reflection of the shapes, but I hadn't thought of using the colors. There is this other stuff, Angelina film that I might be able to make work, but I don't have any, so I would need to get it asap.

When I saw that you had replied, I was hoping you were volunteering to write me a little fic to explain this scene:D *glomps you* Good to see you. <3


rocknvaughn August 7 2013, 00:44:54 UTC
Man, if I didn't have three PL's left to beta, I would take you up on that. I finished the first one today and now I have 12 days to get the next one done. Tis gonna be a busy month, I tell ya....



jelazakazone August 7 2013, 00:48:59 UTC
Wow. *blinks* 3? *blinks some more* Damn. That's a LOT of beta'ing.

Heh. I know all about the busy month problem, but mine is more like, busy and away from the internet. I wondered where you'd disappeared to. Now I know! <3


archaeologist_d August 7 2013, 00:33:30 UTC
A shimmery effect can be done using the same fabric as you have on top (the red and the yellow cutouts mirroring the positions) and then overlay the lower pieces with shiny translucent material on top, maybe fine netting or see-through material (sorry I can't think of the name of it - crystal chiffon?).


jelazakazone August 7 2013, 00:38:34 UTC
Angelina film would do the trick too, I think. What is crystal chiffon? That sounds promising too.


archaeologist_d August 7 2013, 00:54:34 UTC
Shiny traslucent material but i am not sure of the name.


47eleven August 7 2013, 02:41:24 UTC

Crosses fingers, toes and mermaids' tails for you.


jelazakazone August 7 2013, 02:52:18 UTC
::hugs:: Thanks bb! I wish I had more time to work on it, but it will be what it will be. <3 You're a love.


47eleven August 7 2013, 02:41:53 UTC
PS Luv ya sweetie


kitsuneyujji August 7 2013, 09:28:26 UTC
That gifset makes me think Dark!Merlin for some reason....


jelazakazone August 8 2013, 17:00:33 UTC
Hunh. Funny how perspective is everything! I see something light and fluffy here. Flirty, almost playful!


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