Ugh, not working, need help

Aug 06, 2013 20:14

Ok, I've got my people appliqued on and I'm happy with them, but I wanted to add some water over top of them. I thought that having a shimmery reflection underneath would be nice, but this is like stacking them on top of a rocket. FML. I don't think I can get this stuff to work in this way. Maybe I need Angelina film. Any thoughts? I know I need ( Read more... )

request, question, help!, quilting, merlin

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rocknvaughn August 7 2013, 00:27:17 UTC
Yeah, the water beneath them is way too shiny compared to the rest of the "water". Have you thought of...a "rippled" mirror image of a color that is a combination of the person's color and blue? to make it look like them as a reflection?


jelazakazone August 7 2013, 00:29:41 UTC
Hm, I was thinking of doing something with a reflection of the shapes, but I hadn't thought of using the colors. There is this other stuff, Angelina film that I might be able to make work, but I don't have any, so I would need to get it asap.

When I saw that you had replied, I was hoping you were volunteering to write me a little fic to explain this scene:D *glomps you* Good to see you. <3


rocknvaughn August 7 2013, 00:44:54 UTC
Man, if I didn't have three PL's left to beta, I would take you up on that. I finished the first one today and now I have 12 days to get the next one done. Tis gonna be a busy month, I tell ya....



jelazakazone August 7 2013, 00:48:59 UTC
Wow. *blinks* 3? *blinks some more* Damn. That's a LOT of beta'ing.

Heh. I know all about the busy month problem, but mine is more like, busy and away from the internet. I wondered where you'd disappeared to. Now I know! <3


rocknvaughn August 7 2013, 00:54:17 UTC
Well it *was* four, but I finished the first one today. They are all sort of spread out, so it's not *too* horrible.

But yes, I am a bit of a masochist!


jelazakazone August 7 2013, 00:55:21 UTC
*thud* 4? Hot damn. That's just.. I think you deserve a medal!


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