Ugh, not working, need help

Aug 06, 2013 20:14

Ok, I've got my people appliqued on and I'm happy with them, but I wanted to add some water over top of them. I thought that having a shimmery reflection underneath would be nice, but this is like stacking them on top of a rocket. FML. I don't think I can get this stuff to work in this way. Maybe I need Angelina film. Any thoughts? I know I need to add details to the people. I think I will be drawing most of those on given the small scale:)

Anyone want to write me fic based on this gifset I found on Tumblr?  Please?  *bats eyelashes*

ETA: I have ordered some Angelina film and am hoping it will be the solution I need. Cross your fingers for me!

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

request, question, help!, quilting, merlin

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