Oh, update, ta da list and a quilt in progress pic

Aug 07, 2013 20:52

This morning I had to get the kids to the dentist by 9:30 am. I failed. We were 10 minutes late, but that didn't seem to be a problem. I listened to fifteenish minutes of the new Dorian Grey installment (swoon) and did some beading. After the dentist, we went to the Big Box store for school supplies and a few sundry things. Then we hit Wendy's for lunch and I asked at the local quilting store if they had Angelina film (they did not, so I did not feel guilty for ordering it online). Then we dropped Mim off at
lizcommotion 's house, but missed visiting with her. When we got home, I unloaded the dishwasher and then decided I was going to just sew. I made these borders and then I sewed them on after dinner. Not sure if I should try to do something with my swimming dancers tonight or let it sit another day. *ponders*

The pieces around the edge were extra and I don't want to throw them away (although I won't be able to use them all), so I'm incorporating them into the quilt.  I think this quilt is a little "weird" in that it's not conforming to traditional standards, but I'm really starting to like it. I hope fleete does too!

And that's it for me. Been busy:D

j00j did this amazing awesome astounding survey of sex for Night Vale. Just trust me that you have to go check this out. It's AWESOME.

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/742175.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

quilting, night vale, update, fanworks, recs, ta da list

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