Shipping meme day 15

Mar 07, 2014 12:03

Yeah, I'm now two episodes behind on TVD and haven't watched TO either, I think it's safe to say my passion for this verse if fading away; I'm kind of surprised it took so long in a lot of ways. But now how about some older bitterness?

Day 15: A ship canon really messed with

The problem with these 30 days memes is I feel like I end up repeating myself a lot. Because I see a lot of similarity between this and ships that disappointed me or even just the previous question. Which is a lot of why this question had me stalled out.

I really think I end up back with Kara/Less on BSG. Canon just massively frakked that ship up. And it was exceedingly annoying since it was pretty obvious canon wanted me to care about it from basically day 1, but never actually wanted to develop in a way that mattered. Now some of that was in character, it was always established that they had issues that would make things complicated for them, both each of their own issues and those that existed between them. But somewhere along the way in the writing of this show, the issues went from being ‘part of who they are’ to BEING who they are and no room to grow together or apart was allowed any more.

It seems like there would have been any number of ways to handle this ship, whether the writers wanted them to actually get together or not, but the one we got certainly wasn’t one that worked for me. There was a lot of ‘shit or get off the pot’ attitude towards the “development” we did get because it was just drawn out, included a large amount of character assassination to everyone involved in the drama, and was clearly never going anywhere. And then Kara died and s4 Kara was just even more of a writing mess than she had been before, including the writing of the L/K relationship.

And while I could never entirely stop thinking I wanted them to be together, and not just in a get over yourselves and stop dragging this out way, I kind of hated the part of me that still cared in the end, because they didn’t deserve me still holding out hope for them. And the fact that they didn’t end up together only pisses me off because I don’t get who either of the characters were in the finale, not because I feel bad that they weren’t together.

Basically, my feelings for this ship kind of parallel my attitudes towards the show; liked it at first, got frustrating somewhere in the back half of s2 and stayed that way until it got just kind of dumb in the end but with me always thinking it ought to be better than it was.

Day 1: Your first ship ever
Day 2: A ship you've just discovered
Day 3: Your OTP
Day 4: Favorite crack pairing
Day 5: A crossover pairing you think would work
Day 6: Series that you have many ships in
Day 7: A pairing that disappointed you
Day 8: A pairing only you seem to like
Day 9: Your least favorite couple
Day 10: Ship that became canon even though you didn’t expect it to
Day 11: Character you like with several others
Day 12: Character you don’t like seeing paired with anyone else
Day 13: Couple you ship that causes intense feelings in its fandom (read: flamewars and the like)
Day 14: Couple you liked even though you knew it would end up badly
Day 15: A ship canon really messed with
Day 16: Favorite villain pairing
Day 17: Ship you talk(ed) about with people in real life
Day 18: Most annoying character that tried to come between a ship
Day 19: Favorite Hero/Villain pairing
Day 20: Favorite couple played for laughs
Day 21: Favorite opposites attract couple
Day 22: Saddest unrequited love
Day 23: Couple you only shipped after a long time
Day 24: Couple you like, but is overshadowed by another couple in a fandom
Day 25: Most popular couple in your favorite fandom (do you ship it too?)
Day 26: Best historical couple
Day 27: Another couple you shipped a long time ago
Day 28: A couple you shipped not nearly as long as you thought you would
Day 29: Favorite ‘birds of a feather flock together’ couple
Day 30: Couple you will still ship a few years from now

30 days shipping, bsg, tvd: the new thing i often mention

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