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Comments 35

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janissa11 April 19 2006, 10:12:58 UTC
Supernatural. *whimpers*


brynwulf April 19 2006, 09:52:09 UTC
I think sometime around November I began making noises about Sam and Dean only being half brothers, but nobody took the bait so I figured I was off my rocker...but it's always been there nagging at me for many of the very reasons you have named above.

It will be extremely interesting to see how it plays out. I think I'll have to shoot someone if they don't renew it next year.


maygra April 19 2006, 10:08:25 UTC
I made the same prediction in my review of Home...it makes sense but it would totally suck at this point.


janissa11 April 19 2006, 10:14:24 UTC
It does make sense, and I think it really would suck. *sigh* So many ways it could play out, and I'm DYING HERE. *tears at hair some more*


ann_tara April 19 2006, 10:51:53 UTC
It does make sense, and I think it really would suck. *sigh* So many ways it could play out, and I'm DYING HERE. *tears at hair some more*

On the heels of the episode that I've come to loathe, known as Home, I got the step-bro or half-bro vibe; but still feel like Sam, being the chosen and preferred one (quite canonically if the on screen behaviors of Misery!psychic, dead!Mary, and SW-past!John are any indication), is the real son of both Mary and John. If they're going the half-bro route, then Sam is Mary's son, and John knows that; but because Sam is all that's left of Mary, it still puts Sam as #1 in John's heart even though Dean may be his natural son.

However, I'd be very surprised if Kripke & Co. went in this direction because 1) it immediately screws with their brotherly premise on which the entire series has been based and advertised; 2) it doesn't make dead!Mary look good; and 3) the writing on this show is simply not that deep or intricate. Veronica Mars this show ain't ( ... )


zora_sourit April 19 2006, 10:32:45 UTC
Aaah! So this is where you hide your theories... nice. I think a very important clue is that all important women in Sam´s life have died the same, supernatural way.
Another important clue, as you said, is the amulet/eye-bleeding. Question is, why does Dean have such an amulet and Sam doesn´t? Maybe it has something to do with the four years they were apart. Maybe something happened then that explaines both the amulet and the bleeding eyes.
Whatever plays out, I´ll be leaning back and enjoy the show, I´m sure the´ll come up with something good. I try not to spoil myself too much, since GD taught me that there can be such thing as being over-spoiled.


janissa11 April 19 2006, 10:45:36 UTC
My theories will probably turn out to be 100% wrong. And I'm like you -- I was over-spoiled for GD, and I don't want to be for this one, but it's like I'm really having to fight the temptation. Gahhhh. I keep hearing Evie in "The Mummy," going "Patience is a virtue." *g*

I sometimes think the amulet is something Dean acquired in the separated-time, yeah, and that it's all tied together. But hell, there could be so MANY reasons for it, and my theories are just sorta part wishful thinking and part maybe-sorta based on canon, and ugh.

Is it May yet?


innie_darling April 19 2006, 10:52:30 UTC
*ducks in quickly and tries not to look around at all*

I don't want to read any spec, but I wanted to pop in to say I'm glad you and Sophie are a little more relaxed today.


janissa11 April 19 2006, 10:56:11 UTC
Thank you, honey. *HUGS*


wifeofpinko April 19 2006, 11:20:24 UTC
I'm not spoiler phobic but I don't actively seek out info either. I lean a bit away from 1-3 and towards 4-5 as being more likely. I wish I felt more confident in the writing skills of the staff but haven't seen a ton to make me think they have a complicated, coherent masterplan. Maybe they lurk on some of the boards and what was an accidental, incidental throw away becomes something significant. I still don't think we'll get that sex scene though. : )

One thing I've noticed is ppl commenting on how Mary seemed to brush off Dean in favor of Sam in the episode Home (either in discussion of the ep or fic based on or after the ep). However, it was a very short scene, very difficult to balance between the two sons so I didn't quite get that vibe. Also, both Mary and Missouri telling Sam they're sorry seemed to me to be about his powers, not Jess.

Just my two cents.

PS My kitty is also 16 and has been on the Kidney formula for almost 2 yrs. It really stabilized his blood work. I hope it is as successful for Sophie. Best wishes.


janissa11 April 19 2006, 11:35:34 UTC
Damn it, I sure think you're right about that sex, which -- DAMN! *g*

I dunno. I really DO think the amulet will come into play before the finale ends, and maybe the bleeding eyes. Maybe. But I dunno about Sam and his parentage and all that. *gnaws nails* I can see...a lot of possibilities here.

I'm actually wondering if I should even bother with this special food (which she won't eat), when the idea is to keep her eating WELL because the cancer is making her lose weight. I'm going to be putting medication in her regular food and see if she'll eat that, and keeping her on the kidney-formula dry stuff (which she WILL eat), and go from there. *sigh*


wynterwolf47 April 19 2006, 15:59:53 UTC
I'm actually wondering if I should even bother with this special food (which she won't eat), when the idea is to keep her eating WELL because the cancer is making her lose weight.

I went through a similar situation with my Alex, who was diagnosed with CRF at age 16, and it did end up being far more important that he ate at all rather than exactly what he ate. He was also quite picky and decided on one particular food and I indulged him completely. I also still really miss him and I know what you are going through.

As for the spoilers, I am pretty spoiled and... I have no hair left. I share nearly all of your stated concerns and even with what I have seen, there is still much left to speculate about and while I think my fingernails will probably go next... it will all depend on the execution and that is still very much a big, scary unknown. And at this point I'm not sure whether I love or hate being this invested in a silly TV show but all I know for sure is, I can't help it.


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