AWDT - Amazing Weekly Drabble Thingy

Aug 14, 2006 00:18

Where are you all this week? Very quiet, I see. Hmmm, well Ali has a porny prompt for us this week, so perhaps you can all get out your porny pens and write some delicious smut, or dirty talking at least.

Just a quick note. After all the talk and discussion - I am loathe to say wank, as I ignore that and only take note of the rational discussion and lumping that in with wank is not nice at all - over the reviews of the fics being recced in hd_prophet, it was decided by the editors that if you do not want your fic recced in the hd_prophet, then please make mention of that in your header. Neither the prophet staff, nor the reviewers of those fics recced in that newsletter are out to deliberately hurt anyone. My only comment on the whole situation is that everyone has the right to say whatever they like in their journal, and the fact that they choose the prophet's recs to review is beyond our control, and also their right. I had my fic for this week's AWDT reviewed and so I am not immune to it either.

And that was a longer note than I intended. On to this week's links.


a place where we are not known by shikishi Seamus/Dean


Post Proelia Praemia by smoo-001 H/D
I loved you best by jamie2109 H/D
Happenings in a Muggle Pub; The Game Begins. by siriusmoonlite Thomas, Winston, assorted people in the pub, and Sirius
Reason to Smile by enchanted-jae H/D
Passion by dm-p Harry/Draco, Ron/Hermione
No Goodbyes by original-lie H/D


From nocturnali

"I want to fuck you like an animal." From the song "Closer" by NIN.


This is a weekly drabble challenge, posted each week Sunday midnight or thereabouts, my time (Australian time).
Open to anyone interested in writing.
Try to keep under 500 words, but not many do, it's all up to you.
Any fandom, genre, pairing or orig fic.
Post a link here for me so I don't miss your post.

Most important...have fun.

nocturnali and jamie2109
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