Fic: Post Proelia Praemia

Aug 08, 2006 04:54

Title: Post Proelia Praemia

Author: smoo_001

Rating: NC-17

Summary: In which Draco refuses to surrender, and Harry makes him anyway. Written for
jamie2109 and
nocturnali's AWDT prompt: ‘Make me smile’.


Draco bit his lip. Hard, till he tasted blood. He wouldn’t scream, he thought desperately, as he fought the inevitable. He was a Malfoy. Malfoys didn’t scream like overeager whores, and he would - not - make - a sound. Despite his resolve, every nerve ending cried out in unison, and he begged with every cell of his over-stimulated body for it to just, please, stop.

But it didn’t.

Wave after wave of harsh, raw sensation flowed up and down, over and over and over. Draco’s eyes were closed as tightly as they could be, and his head rolled back, exposing the long column of his pale throat. Another wave fell upon him, and he arched almost impossibly upward, a mewling sound betraying his weakness.

“Tsk,” Potter teased, “had enough already?”

“I - In your d - dreams,” Draco gritted out between clenched teeth, willing his exposed, shivering body back under his own control. Sweat trickled down his face and onto his chest.

Potter sighed, “I didn’t think so. No, I think we’re just getting started.”

Draco opened his eyes to squint up at Potter, struggling once more against the binds that held his arms almost painfully stretched above his head. It began again, worse than before. Draco arched again, trying to get as far away from Potter’s … toy… as possible. This was an impossibility of course, and if anything, it made the sadistic bastard come at him even harder.

“Come on Malfoy,” Potter said again, slightly breathless from his own exertion. Torture, as Draco himself knew, was exhausting in itself. “Let this end already. It’s all up to you, you can stop this anytime you want. Just say the word and I promise, I’ll make it all go away.”

“Fuck. You. Potter.” Draco could barely breathe, but he couldn’t surrender. He knew he couldn’t, he wouldn’t. He just needed to hold on, he could do this.

And then Potter moved onto his front. Merciless and brutal, he struck over and over again, Draco’s chest, neck, nipples, stomach, and thighs were assaulted until he couldn’t draw breath. He was sure he had bitten clean through his lip with the effort not to cry out, and the insides of his cheeks felt torn.

Draco knew it was coming. He could feel Potter circling, predator like, even coming close to it before retreating to his chest or thighs. His upper lip and forehead beaded with sweat, and he was so, so close to going absolutely insane. Part of him wished Potter would just get it over with, the wait was more painful than the torture itself.

Potter finally zeroed in. He moved across Draco’s slick chest, down between his straining abdominal muscles and circled his prick, once, twice, three times before drawing back again. Draco thought he was going to die. Between the dim light of the room, the stench of his own fear, and his sweat mingling with Potter’s, his brain felt like it would explode in his head. Surely nothing was worth this agony.

“Aaa-aah!” he yelled. He didn’t care if he was a coward, he thought wildly, there was only so much a man can take. “S- Stop! Please, stop! Potter!”

But Potter didn’t listen. Perhaps he was too caught up in this moment, or he enjoyed the suffering, or he simply chose to ignore Draco, but he kept going. Long, agonizing strokes across Draco’s cock, repeating until Draco was a crippled, howling mess.

Potter finally caught on that Draco’d had enough and was begging between rough, gasping breaths for him to stop.

“Do you surrender, Malfoy.” He asked even as his hand moved without reprieve.

“Yes! I surrender! I- I’ll do anything you want! Just stop!” Draco looked like he was going to faint.

“Fine,” Potter grinned and within a second, Draco’s binds had vanished and he collapsed, tears streaming down his red, puffy face.

He flopped down beside Draco and gathered the curled up lump into his arms, stroking his hair, laughing to himself. He waited for Draco to calm down and then tilted his chin up, gently wiping away the tears of laughter that were still running down his face.

“Honestly Malfoy,” Potter said to his still shaking boyfriend, “the lengths I have to go to just to make you smile.”


A/N #1: He was tickling him, you see.

A/N #2: Okay, I’ll admit. This started off as a genuine torture fic, I had it all planned out in my head. But then I started listening to the Cookie Monster singing ‘Manamanah’ and the whole thing got shot to shit. Sorry for the utter and complete crack.

fanfic, h/d

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