Grab a cuppa and sit back with me and chat...

Aug 10, 2006 11:36

okey day... ewwww channelling that stupid animated thing in Star Wars...start again.

In the last week or so, having been forced from my computer chair where the Homerised arse groove is embedded into it, I have been watching movies and reading BOOKS that are not HP. OMG I am dying, here. Anyway, perhaps I am getting jaded in my old age, but I worry for the state of the entertainment industry at times.

Brokeback Mountain. Now, I'd heard so much about this movie and am soooo far behind the times that every man and his dog has probably seen it already, but, well, you're getting my opinion whether you like it or not. I didn't like it much. I had trouble getting past the way Heath Ledger spoke through his teeth and ruined a perfectly good voice. Plus, I know that it's 'traditional' that men do not express their feelings....BUT for crying out loud did these two ever actually like each other???? There were hints of the slam-up-against-the-wall-fucking-hot-kiss...and the mumbled 'this thing...' comments, and the break down at the ending, but that was not enough to satisfy my little romantic heart that there was anything but a physical reaction between them. The story was disjointed and confusing and for a woman, disappointing in the emotional department. The other guy, whatever his name was, was better in that he has such expressive eyes, but mostly their characters seemed pastede on. The scenery was gorgeous BUT the potential for this movie was lost amongst playing to a stereotype of masculine behaviour. I mean, for fucks sake, men write the most beautiful expressive poetry, song lyrics, movie scripts in the world. They are capable of deep intense emotion, why not allow us to fucking see that and get more out of it than a cheap shot at titillating us because OMGbeing GAY is so norty!!!

For all that, I cried at the end, because I went behind what they showed and imagined my own little place for them and how it would never be. Wimp, yeah.

Blade Runner, the book. Do androids dream of electric sheep? All I can say is thank god for the movie. It was a very weird book, deep in many places and philosophies, however, basically strangely distant and very hard to engage with the characters. JMHO in answer to the question...who cares what they dream of?

Tomorrow when the war began...the John Marsden series. OMG I loved this a few years ago when my oldest had to read the first one for school and I went and got all the other ones and read them as well. Now my youngest has discovered them. What brilliant books about love and war and growing up and dehumanisation and grief and fear! All written with intense delicacy and an emotional depth that is not often seen in 16 yr old girls. It's not too much as it uses everyday metaphors for expressing some deep emotion. AND take note - it is written by a MAN!!! OMG one that uses them... sorry on the soapbox here, I was THAT disappointed by the lack of it in BBM.

Hmmm now....Donnie Darko. Some people have told me how good this was. Is there something wrong with me that I found it totally without merit? It was an intersting premise, I will say that, but found it unsympathetic to just about all of the characters, and was really annoyed that the producer spent so much time in setting the atmosphere with spooky music that was WAY TOO LOUD, that it overcame the conversations and blanked out any meaning. If you're going to use tricks like music and the way the film is shot to produce meaning, then you need more than blank stares from the characters and too much conversation. Again, JMHO.

And of course I've been reading and even writing fanfic. And had an interesting discussion on who we see as Harry and Draco in our heads when we write them - for those of us who do - or even when we read them. I'd be really interested in your opinions, actually.

I only ever see Dan as Harry - age him up a bit of course. But Draco is rather more enigmatic. I have a few of him in my head, depending on what I am doing. When playing with my Harry's Draco, I don't use any particular picture of anyone, just a vision of how I see him in my head. Naadi's art of Draco comes close, though not quite. When I write Draco in anything but a sex scene, I see Tom, mostly because I can use his facial expressions, but in a sex scene, he's my Harry's Draco. When I read him, it depends on how he is written. For exapmple, when I read 'Left my Heart', I see Boyd. When I read 'A thousand beautiful things," I see Jesse Spencer from House. Funny that.

Who do you see?
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