Life's a Witch and then you Die: Part 5 of ?

Aug 26, 2010 22:59

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Title: Life's a Witch and then you Die
Author: AdventureLucky7
Fandom: The Hollows
Pairing: Rachel/Ivy (Seriously I will get there, it's just going to take a bit…)
Rating: Mature, for language so far
Disclaimer: The Hollows characters and universe belong to Kim Harrison, I am just borrowing them for the story. Finding Nemo belongs Disney, or Pixar, or however that works when they merged.

Summary: What happens when Rynn Cormel forces Rachel to find answers, and she discovers answers to questions she wasn't even asking? Rachel/Ivy, Ivy/Rachel, Ravy

I heard the doorbell chime and I glanced at the clock, almost 7 o'clock. Damn.

Two months ago I had asked David about my alpha bitch responsibilities. When I had originally agreed to be David's alpha it was only for the insurance benefits. Later, when David had agreed to take the demon focus to save my life, and had unintentionally turned two of his girlfriends into Weres, things became more complicated. I found myself the alpha of a Were pack. I had not a clue what I could do to help two humans, turned Were, when I myself was a witch.

When I approached David, and asked about increasing my responsibilities, his smile reached to both his ears and he grabbed me in a bear (Were?) hug. So began a rather exhaustive tutoring session on Were history, instincts, and pack behavior. What I found out is that were packs act as a mixture of a wolf pack and big human family. From what David explained the ladies just needed time and acceptance from me, and judging from David's expression as he found a way to gently explain it to me, my absence from the pack had been felt. The guilt led to an impromptu suggestion of a girls' night out every two weeks. I may not be able to teach Serena and Kally anything about being a Were, but I could be a friend.

Our dinners had been awkward and stilted at first but as we got to know one another they warmed to dinner between friends. Personality wise the Weres were strikingly different. Kally had patience that could rival Ivy's, and was warm and personable enough to make people feel comfortable instantly. Serena was a tomboy, confident Were abilities, and impulsive; you had to spend some time with her though before she allowed you to see her disarmingly sweet side. I enjoyed spending time with both of them, and even with the impromptu demon visit last night, and lessons tomorrow, I had been determined not to cancel.

Looking at my reflection in the mirror I finished applying my lip gloss. Tonight was casual so I was wearing my favorite pair of dark wash jeans tucked into a pair of brown, leather riding boots Ivy had given me for Solstice. Finishing off my evening's ensemble was an emerald, silk blouse that enhanced my green eyes. I made my way to the door, stopping to grab my knife, and tucking it into my right boot.

Ivy was answering the front door as I was walked out my bedroom trying to roll my neck to get rid of a cramp. At sunrise this morning Al had disappeared back into the ever-after without a sound. I shooed Ivy off to sleep and cleaned up the blood that had made Al's protective circle. Falling into bed, I had gone into a comatose sleep, the night of adrenaline and pudding cleaning had completely worn me out. I had woken up with 45 minutes to get ready, and a crick in my neck.

"Rachel?" Ivy called, "Serena and Kally are here." Hearing me approach Serena and Kally turned to me, smiles on their faces. Both ladies were wearing jeans, Serena was sporting a black button down and Kally a baby blue blouse with a thick brown belt to accentuate here waist. They were both muscular, and athletic, and both had dark, curly hair, or at least they used to. Two weeks ago Serena cut her auburn curls down to a pixie cut, while Kally had declared her crazy and kept her locks past her shoulders. It made them infinitely easier to tell apart, David really did have a very specific type when it came to women.

Grabbing my purse, I grinned at Ivy, "We are off to dinner, try to stay out trouble tonight vamp."

Ivy snorted her disbelief at me and turned to the Weres, "Give me a call when it's time to bail the three of you out of jail." Both ladies laughed, I had a penchant for trouble and they knew it, David had told them all my stories.

"Jariath!" I called, and one of Jenk's sons buzzed in front of me, grinning. Jariath and I were sympathetic souls, mostly because were both T-R-O-U-B-L-E. "Jariath, Ivy just agreed to watch a movie with you guys tonight. I rented Finding Nemo, I know that's a favorite."

Ivy's eyes widened at that comment, we both hated Finding Nemo, when the seagulls start chanting, "Mine!" so do all the Pixie children, at a frequency sometimes so high the dog next door howls.

I made my escape, but not before I heard Ivy growl something about a dead witch. Opening the car door I saw both Kally and Serena laughing at the exchange.

"Let's go ladies!" I called.

Once we were all buckled in I headed to a restaurant that Glenn had suggested. Glenn had become my go to person for restaurant suggestions. I hadn't realized how many restaurants in Cincy were run by witches until I had been shunned. Tonight we were headed to an Asian Fusion restaurant, Glenn had raved about their Thai Curry.

Serena leaned through the opening between the front seats, "You know Alpha, it's okay to invite your partner with us to dinner, we don't mind."

"I would, but I think Ivy secretly loves watching Disney movies with the Pixie hoard. I would hate to cut into that time." I joked.

Serena's lips thinned a little bit, and I could tell she was debating her next remark, "Rachel, we don't want to make her jealous, we really don't mind if she joins us."

"Jealous?" I heard the confusion in my voice. "Why would Ivy be jealous about not coming to dinner?" Ivy and I usually had a separate girls' night out, though maybe the Weres were right, it had been awhile since we had hung out just the two of us. Maybe then you would talk to one another about what happened in the kitchen muttered the voice in head. I ignored the voice and focused on the Weres.

"Well," Kally said slowly, "if it were me, I might be irritated my partner keeps going out to dinner with her friends, and never bothers to invite me. Especially if it's just a casual dinner, we like Ivy, we don't mind."

Ever feel like you are missing something important in a conversation? Then I suddenly caught a clue, and came to a jerking halt at a stop sign that caught me by surprise.

Kally put a hand on the dash to keep herself from face planting, and Serena yelped when the seatbelt jerked her back to the seat. Looking at both them incredulously, I said, "Ivy is my business partner, not my lover." Neither Were made a comment about my voice going up an octave.

Rubbing her shoulder where the seatbelt had no doubt left a mark, Serena looked at me again, confusion furrowing her brow. "I thought…well, I mean…but she smells like your mate."

"Ivy smells like my mate?" I asked, and both Weres nodded at me. I sighed, "I know our scents mingle but we live together and that is nearly impossible to avoid."

A horn startled us out of conversation; the car behind me was tired of waiting. Waving my hand in apology, I turned left at the stop sign. Checking the directions to the restaurant, I saw Kally frown out of the corner of my eye.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

Kally turned to me, and cocked her head, "Your scents are mingled, but that's not what Serena means when she says Ivy smells like your mate." Did I really want to hear this I wondered?

Shit, does that mean Ivy can smell it too?

"The restaurant is coming up, keep an eye out." I told the Weres, my palms were beginning to sweat. Can't run forever the voice in my head mocked.

"It's on the right," Serena said, and I pulled into the parking lot. Taking my car key off my ring I handed it to the valet. Kally linked her arm through mine on the right, and Serena on the left as we made our way to the restaurant. The second thing I learned about Weres is their need for physical touch among pack members. David explained that it's very different from humans or witches where usually touch in a social setting implies physical attraction. For Weres it's more about confirmation of the pack bond. This didn't stop the very human valet from leering at us as we made our way to the restaurant.

The hostess seated us at a window table as soon as we stepped inside the restaurant. Once drinks and appetizers were ordered, I placed my napkin in my lap, and jumped feet first "How in the turn does Ivy smell like my mate?"
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