Life's a Witch and then you Die: Part 6 of ?

Aug 31, 2010 21:38

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Title: Life's a Witch and then you Die
Author: AdventureLucky7
Fandom: The Hollows
Pairing: Rachel/Ivy (Seriously I will get there, it's just going to take a bit…)
Rating: Mature, for language so far
Disclaimer: The Hollows characters and universe belong to Kim Harrison, I am just borrowing them for the story.

Summary: What happens when Rynn Cormel forces Rachel to find answers, and she discovers answers to questions she wasn't even asking? Rachel/Ivy, Ivy/Rachel, Ravy

Kally and Serena looked up at one another and both looked slightly uncomfortable. Kally motioned to Serena and said, "You started it, you explain."

Wrinkling her nose at the comment, Serena turned back to me, "I can smell that your scents are mingled, but, well, there aren't really words to describe it." Gesturing with her hands in an effort to explain, Serena continued, "Ivy smells like love, protectiveness, and well, something I can't put a name to."

Looking at Kally, Serena silently begged for help.

Drumming her fingers on the table and looking up, Kally said in a softer voice, "It's just that it smells sweeter, and more…primal?" Kally's brow furrowed in frustration. "It reminds me a little of the scent of the hunt."

"Fantastic, Ivy smells like she is hunting me. That's not anything surprising" I muttered.

Serena looked at Kally and made a frustrated noise, "David would be better explaining it to you; this is like babies trying to explain a rainbow to a blind person."

Kally sighed and tried again, "I guess a better way to explain it is that hunting is deeply instinctual for us, the emotion exists on a very basic, very primal level. When your mate is near you it's the dominant scent we smell."

My eyebrows nearly reached my hairline, "Ivy is not my mate."

Both Weres began to fidget, Serena found the menu suddenly fascinating and Kally looked like she was trying to commit the light fixture to memory.

I cleared my throat, "You two thinks she sees me as her mate though, don't you?" Shouldn't I be more upset about this, at the very least freaked out?

Kally was the braver of the two, and made eye contact first, "I don't know enough about vampires to tell you for sure. It could be that on a subconscious level she does, or it's somehow instinctual."

Vampires were territorial by nature, maybe this was part of how Ivy kept the other vamps in Cincy away from me. My face scrunched up at thought that this scent was akin to Ivy "marking her territory." Was my life ever normal, or had it just recently taken a turn for the crazy?

We had a brief respite from the conversation when the server arrived and delivered seaweed salad, and chicken skewers with cups of peanut sauce.

Reaching for the salad and chopsticks I asked, "Okay, then I will ask the obvious question, what do I smell like? You said she smells like my mate, but you haven't said anything about my scent."

Serena shrugged one shoulder at my question while she reached for a chicken skewer. "Until now I just assumed you were her mate, I haven't really taken time to analyze your scent. Right now you are wearing perfume so I can't tell what's you, what's perfume, and what's lingering from Ivy." Just my luck that the super Were senses were only helpful in confusing me further.

Taking a bite of the salad in front of me I made a decision, I had never had girlfriends, in the platonic or the romantic sense. Now I had two willing sets ears across the table from me and I needed girl talk.

Sighing, I said, "I do have some sort of feelings for Ivy, but I am confused as hell about the whole thing."

Kally looked up from her salad and asked, "Have you ever dated women before?" I shook my head no, and she looked at me thoughtfully, "but you now find yourself having romantic feelings for Ivy?"

My heart did double time at her inquiry, "That's the question isn't it? I don't know. I admire the hell out of her, and I care about her deeply as a friend." I paused, trying to figure out how to put my feelings into words.

"When I was trapped in the ever-after the thought of the church wasn't enough to get me back here. I had to think of Ivy, of her voice, the way she smelled, and how safe I feel with her."

"Plus, she's hot as hell." Serena added with a smile on her face. Kally shot her an amused glare and back handed her on the arm. I groaned and put my face in my hands. She's right agreed my internal voice.

"Serena," Kally said breaking into my thoughts, "why don't you go find our server whose butt you have been admiring all evening. Give him our orders and for turn's sake get his phone number already and be done with it." Serena grinned in response and left the table to find her target.

Turning back to me Kally asked, "Are you physically attracted to Ivy?"

I blushed at Kally's question, my mind rushing over the time I wondered what it would be like to slip into Ivy's bed, and the half awake sound she would make in welcome. My stomach clenched in response, and it wasn't clenching in panic.

Kally took one look at my blush, and raised an eyebrow, "What are you afraid of Rachel? Being attracted to women, or being committed and tied down?" Kally's question made me hiss in surprise and I felt myself becoming defensive.

Reaching over Kally patted me on the hand, "I don't mean to be blunt, or to ask questions you aren't ready to answer. It's okay if you aren't attracted to Ivy, but if you are at least give yourself the option to explore those feelings."

"Am I gay?" I asked Kally, and she tightened her grip on my hand, in understanding of my confused question.

"Maybe. Though you might be bisexual, you may choose no label, or you might simply say that you are attracted to the person and are not necessarily concerned with the body they inhabit." Kally answered.

I felt a little offended on Ivy's behalf on the last one, "Ivy inhabits a very nice body." I muttered, and blushed once I realized what I had said.

Chuckling, Kally picked up her water to take a drink. "Oh, I agree completely Rachel."

Taking a deep breath I figured I might as well tell her the rest. "I am scared about hurting Ivy. What if this relationship doesn't work out, or I realize it isn't for me. Losing her friendship, having her leave the church, that terrifies me."

Kally took my hand again and turned it palm up, she placed her other hand on top of mine. Considering our joined hands for a moment, Kally looked back up at me, "Ivy is a grown woman, don't you think she has the right to make the decision for herself? Besides, no relationship, platonic or romantic, ever has guarantees."

"Why do you think I am afraid of commitment?" I asked while I digested Kally's words.

"David has told me about the men you have dated in the past. They're fun, they're exciting, full of energy, and very attractive. They aren't, however, the settling down kind. I think on some level you knew that at the time."

"Jenks told me once that I had no desire for the white picket fence, and 2.5 kids. That living a sedate life would slowly kill me." I am so confused; did I want to settle down or not?

"I agree with Jenks." Kally said, "When I said the men you pick aren't the settling down kind, I didn't mean white picket fence kind of settling down. I meant more the life mate kind of settling down."

"Kisten could have been that person." I said trying to defend at least one of my romantic partners; I didn't even bother with Nick or Pierce.

"Maybe," Kally conceded, "I don't mean to lessen his memory in any way."

Kally tilted her head, weighing her next words and saying them slowly, "Kisten was the ex-scion to a Master Vamp that wanted you dead and Kisten wanted his scion status back desperately. If things had gone differently, if Piscary had taken Kisten back into the fold, it would have torn his loyalties."

Nothing like having your romantic past ripped into tiny little pieces I thought wryly. Is this what girls did during slumber parties? Maybe I hadn't missed out on as much as I thought I had.

I felt a tug on our joined hands and I looked back to a very worried looking Kally. Only then, reading her body language, did I realize how much saying those words had cost her. I had asked for help, and in good faith she had answered as best she could as my friend and pack member.

I tightened my hand in hers, and smiled at her to let her know everything was okay. "You think Ivy is different?"

Kally relaxed at my question and laughed, "Ivy isn't perfect, she has her faults like we all do. What I am saying is that if you decide to go down this path, she is looking for a forever kind of person, and I think that scares you."

Serena slid back into her chair interrupting our conversation and wearing a very satisfied smile.

"So, your mission was a success?" I asked.

Holding up a slip of paper in triumph Serena said, "It was! But I think the more important question is: do you plan on banging Ivy?"

Kally started choking on the water she was drinking. I balled up my napkin and threw it at Serena's head when she started laughing at my now crimson face. "Sorry, sorry, I couldn't resist." Serena apologized, holding up her hands in surrender she didn't look sorry at all. Damn, so much for my attempt at changing the subject.

I picked up my chopsticks again, "To catch you up on the conversation, we have confirmed that I am interested in Ivy as more than friends, terrified of losing her in the process, possibly commitment phobic and only now, marginally aware of my slightly less than straight sexuality."

"Ask her out." Serena said immediately, "You're our alpha bitch, man up already." I rolled my eyes trying to figure out all the contradictions in Serena's statement.

"Actually, that is a surprisingly good idea." Kally said and both Serena and I looked at her in shock.

"Hear me out Rachel," Kally held up her hands to forestall my protest, "you're worried about hurting Ivy? If you ask her out, it switches the dynamic of your relationship. From what you told me it is always Ivy initiating, facing the prospect of rejection." I nodded.

Putting her napkin back into her lap, Kally finished, "This way Ivy makes the choice to move forward or not. It eases some of the burden you are putting on yourself to protect her."

"I have the perfect place for us to go out after dinner to help your hunt." Serena said, her voice smug.

I was hunting Ivy?

When in the turn had I made that decision?


Where is Serena taking them after dinner, will Rachel ever grow a pair, and how long will it take at least one man in the story to suggest a foursome?

All these questions answered next week!

Whew! Hope you guys enjoyed the conversation between the ladies and Rachel. I think I re-wrote this part at least 8 times trying to get it right.
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