2008 fic year in review

Dec 23, 2008 15:42

I wasn't actually going to do this, but we are not leaving until tomorrow morning, and when I checked my fic tag thinking there would be only a single story, hey, I guess I wrote more than I remembered. Even if I finish my current projects soon I am not going to get the chance to post them before the end of the year, so I might as well do this one now.

I did not write a whole lot this year. Neither did I vid (although I made some steps toward finishing my Richard (S&A) vid) nor produce podfic. [ETA: duh, I did make a Darren (S&A) vidlet! And I made due South art! Somehow both of these slipped my mind!] I mostly didn't feel very fannish at all until just a few weeks ago!

Ordinarily I would make a nice month-by-month list with links, but I am on a borrowed laptop with no Semagic or aux mouse or my bookmarks, so I will just point you to my "fic" tag which should do until I can fix up this entry sometime in March.

Month-by-month list, with links:

Undressed to Kill | The Devil Wears Prada, Miranda/Andy, R, 718 words
Low Stakes | 3:10 to Yuma/Tombstone crossover, Ben Wade/Doc Holliday, NC17, 767 words
The Morning After | Hornblower, Archie/Horatio, R, 752 words
Alive | Northern Exposure, Chris/Maggie, NC17, 789 words
Calypso Dreams | Pirates of the Caribbean/Stargate Atlantis crossover, Tia Dalma/Elizabeth Weir, R, 755 words
Snowmobile Parts | due South, Fraser/Vecchio/Kowalski, NC17, 650 words
De gustibus | HP, Gabrielle Delacour/Giant Squid, PG13, 100 words

Stranger Than Fiction | due South, Fraser/RayK, PG, 3500 words
Sharp Dressed Man | Slings & Arrows, Darren gen, G, vidlet

Space and Time (The Two Axes Remix) | due South, Fraser/RayK, PG, 200 words
Lifeline (The Louder Than Words Remix) | Wilby Wonderful, Buddy gen, PG, 100 words
Temptation (The Iambic Remix) | due South, Fraser/RayK, PG, 112 words (sonnet)
Iced (The Competitive Remix) | SGA, John and Rodney gen, G, 200 words
Fowl Balls (The Ain't Nobody Here But Us Remix) | Firefly, Jayne gen, PG, 200 words (and my favorite title of the year!)

Unexpected Hazards of Global Warming | due South, Fraser and RayK gen, G, artwork

Totals sliced in various ways:

13 very short stories = no great total wordcount. Around 8650 words, which is fewer than many stories I've written in previous years!

All stories were written for challenges.

Due South wins the fandom award (for the third year running :-) with 4 stories and greatest total wordcount; 1 (and a half, i.e. plus a crossover) were in SGA, and there was one each in Wilby Wonderful, Harry Potter, Northern Exposure, Firefly, Hornblower, The Devil Wears Prada, and crossovers between SGA/Pirates of the Caribbean and 3:10 to Yuma/Tombstone. The final six fandoms (not including SGA) I had not written in before.

6 slash (including 1 threesome), 3 gen, 2 het (including 1 cross-species :-), and 2 femslash. A nice balance, I'd say. In Due South, 3 Fraser/RayK and 1 F/K/V.

3 NC17, 3 R, 6 PG/13, 1 G. Um, yeah, half of my porn battle ficlets weren't all that porny.

Unsurprisingly for those who know my reading and writing preferences, the vast majority (9) were single 3d person POV, past tense. There was also one each 3rd person present, multple 3rd person past, multiple 3rd person present, and omniscient present.

And now, two sets of meme questions, with minimal formatting because of this darn computer, sorry:

My favorite story this year: Stranger than Fiction, 'cause it's got ME in it. :-)

My best story this year: Space and Time (the Two Axes remix), I think.

Story most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion: Calypso Dreams. Not much of a market for crossover femslash that's not really that porny.

Most fun story to write: Space and Time (the Two Axes remix), because I love structural constraints.

Hardest story to write: Temptation (the Iambic remix), because I love structural constraints, but sometimes they drive me nuts!

Most sexy story: Hmm, I don't know. Perhaps Undressed to Kill, even though it's just R-rated, because it is written in such a close POV and has that murky consent thing going on, which I am a sucker for.

Story with single sexiest moment: maybe Snowmobile Parts, at the end where the Rays are having desperate sex in front of blindfolded Fraser?

"Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story: La la la De Gustibus la la la. Squidfic FTW!

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: Every new fandom I wrote in.

Biggest disappointment: Not finishing the damn sequel to Clarke's Law, which hangeth over my head like a sword.

Biggest surprise: That writing in fandoms I was kind of excited about (3:10 to Yuma, Hornblower, Firefly) didn't lead to me getting more excited about them. That kind of files under biggest disappointment, too.

Most unintentionally telling story: Well, the one with me as a character isn't unintentional, I guess, so I would have to say maybe Undressed to Kill, or The Morning After, because they speak directly to my kinks.

Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted? Haha, I wrote more than I thought I had, but less than I thought I would.

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January 2008? Well, since I wrote it IN January, it's not quite accurate to say it, but I never would have thought I'd write The Devil Wears Prada.

Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? Not really. I approached the remixthedrabble stories as writing exercises, and so they are a bit more experimental than my norm, but I wouldn't call that a risk.

Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year? Oh, yes. Finish the damn sequel to Clarke's Law. Write this Aragorn/Boromir epic AU that I have been scribbling bits of. Write more.

navel-gazing, meme, year in review, fic, writing

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