★ [ Buddy, Duck | PG | 100 words ]
It rained the morning Duck McDonald left home.
Original story:
Quiet in Drowning by
nos4a2no9, 8,500 words.
Remix author:
isiscolo Lifeline (The Louder Than Words Remix)
It rained the morning Duck McDonald left home. Despite the gray pre-dawn drizzle, Buddy recognized the slim figure hurrying past his house toward the ferry terminal. Pulling on a slicker, he slipped out the door.
Duck’s face was bruised. Duck wouldn’t meet his eyes.
Buddy pretended to believe it had been Duck’s dad who’d worked him over. But he’d seen Tommy swaggering, bragging, calling Duck a faggot, a pervert. He’d seen Tommy’s bloody knuckles.
This is why I want to be a cop, he thought fiercely, waving as the ferry dissolved into mist. When Duck returned, Wilby would be different.